ABC World News Tonight With David Muir : KGO : July 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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that would go and buy very expensive pre-wrapped charcuterie boards or precut vegetables, and then you try to split that up. the price that you are actually saving isn't that much relative to you just going and purchasing the vegetables or the meat on your own. i'm elizabeth schulze, abc news, washington. >> something to think about though. thank you for joining us today. world news tonight with david muir starts now. i'll see you back here at four. tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. vice president kamala harris before the cameras just moments ago. president joe biden calling in and his message for his vice president. kamala harris now the likely nominee for the democrats. president biden calling in, telling her, i'm right here, you've had my back, i'll have yours, and says he's determined to campaign for his vice

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president. you'll hear the moment he calls into campaign headquarters. tonight, harris calling biden's legacy unmatched in modern history. telling those who gathered, we all love joe. tonight, the key endorsem*nts now mounting. $81 million raised for kamala harris in 24 hours. and tonight, speculation about a possible running mate. we'll go down the list here, including the popular governor of pennsylvania. what he said today when asked about the possibility of being her running mate. mary bruce and jonathan karl both standing by with what they're learning at this hour. tonight, just days after the republican national convention, former president donald trump vebting after president biden dropped out. trump with multiple posts on social media. messages late last night and early this morning, saying, quote, now we have to start owl over again. also tonight, the blistering hearing on capitol hill. secret service director kim cheatle grilled. the gunman spotted on the roof a full 18 minutes before trump took the stage. how she answered on the hill.

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tonight, the extreme heat and wildfires in the west. a fast-moving fire east of long angeles destroying homes. more than 60 large fires burning. disturbing new body camera video released. the deadly shooting of a mother in her own kitchen. the scare onboard a passenger plane descending to within just 100 feet of water near tampa. air traffic control alerting the pilots. and tonight, remembering the last surviving member of an e iconic motown group. good evening on this monday night. we started the week with all of you at home last night here, as the news broke, the political earthquake. president biden dropping out of the race for president. tonight, 24 hours later, vice president kamala harris now the likely democratic presidential nominee. harris, in fact, speaking just moments ago, and president biden

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calling in. what he just told his vice president for all to hear. earlier today, the vice president in her first public appearance since the president stepped aside in this campaign. welcoming college athletes to the white house. praising president biden for a legacy she called, quote, unmatched in modern history. but no mention of her own campaign until just before we came on the air tonight. traveling to meet with campaign staff in delaware. we just learned $81 million has been raised for kamala harris in just the first 24 hours. this is a new one-day campaign donation record for a presidential race. just a short time ago, president biden calling in to speak to campaign staffers, telling vice president harris, you've always had my back, i'll have yours. and telling her, he will be out on the campaign trail now fighting for her. and tonight, new reporting here on the list of potential running mates. some have already been asked about speculation that they could get the call. we'll take you down the list. jon karl is here, and abc's chief white house correspondent mary bruce leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, after a

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dizzying, history-making 24 hours, vice president kamala harris walking into the former biden campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware, now transformed into ground zero of her own campaign for the white house. and tonight, president biden -- who is home recovering from covid -- joining on the phone. >> the name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. and by the way, i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to be out there on the campaign with her, with kamala. i'm going to be working like hell, both as a sitting president getting legislation passed, as well as campaigning. i'm hoping you'll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to kamala. and i want you to know, i wont be on the ticket but i'm still going to be fully, fully engaged. >> reporter: harris then taking the mic, biden still on the line. >> we love joe and jill. we really do. they truly are like family to us. >> so do we.

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it's mutual. i knew you were still there. you're not going anywhere, joe. >> i'm watching you, kid. i love you. >> i love you, joe. oh. >> reporter: harris then adding this -- >> joe is not done, far from it. he knows there is still more work to do, and our nation will continue to praise his bold and visionary leadership as president. thank you, joe. >> thank you. >> and it is my great honor to have joe's endorsem*nt in this race. >> you sure do. >> and it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. >> reporter: sources tell us biden began to reach his decision to drop out on saturday night with his family and closest advisers. sunday morning, he called his

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vice president to share the news. soon after, he told his senior staff, and just one minute later, he made the announcement. in his letter to the american people biden called choosing harris as his running mate the "best decision i've ever made," giving her his "full support and endorsem*nt" and telling democrats "it's time to come together and beat trump." and within minutes, top democrats began to rally around harris as their nominee. sources tell us the vice president furiously working the phones, reaching out to democrats across the country. and by this morning, a groundswell. donations pouring in. a record $81 million. the vice president's leading potential rivals for the nomination falling in line behind her. from governor gretchen whitmer of battleground michigan -- >> today, i'm fired up to endorse kamala harris for president of the united states. >> reporter: to governor andy beshear of kentucky -- >> the vice president is smart and strong, which will make her a good president. but she's also kind, and has empathy, which can make her a

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great president. >> reporter: to governor josh shapiro of must-win pennsylvania -- >> president biden yesterday endorsed vice president harris, as did i, as did many across this country, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past, but how absolutely ready she is to be president and to be the standard bearer for our party. >> reporter: and late today, once all the major potential rivals had made their endorsem*nts, former house speaker nancy pelosi -- who was instrumental in pressuring biden to drop out of the race -- made hers. pelosi saying, "with immense pride and limitless optimism for our country's future, i endoers vice president kamala harris." adding, "i will full confidence that she will lead us to victory." the two top democrats in congress -- senator chuck schumer and congressman hakeem jeffries -- plan to meet with harris before making a final call, but jeffries leaving little doubt. >> i'm excited for that meeting, and let me say this, that vice

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president kamala harris has excited the community. she's excited the house democratic caucus. and she's exciting the country. >> reporter: and tonight, the president with this message to harris. >> we're still fighting in this fight together, i'm not going anywhere, and i want you to know, you've always had my backing and i promise you, i will always have your back. >> david: all of this playing out moments ago. let's get to mary bruce. and vice president harris with that exchange with president biden, and then she went on to lay the case that she plans to make against donald trump, apparently she's not wasting any time here, either, headed to wisconsin, the battleground, first thing tomorrow? >> reporter: she is. and david, tonight, the former california attorney general is making it very clear that she is ready to prosecute the case against trump. and i want to read this quote. harris just now saying she has taken on, quote, perpetrators of all kinds, predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.

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harris saying, so, i know donald trump's type. but david, tonight, harris is making it clear, she wants this race to be about more than just her and trump, saying that this will be about their two very different visions for the future of this country, david. >> david: mary bruce, thank you. tonight, just days after the republican national convention, former president donald trump venting clear frustration after president biden dropped out. trump with multiple posts on social media, messages late last night, then early this morning, saying, quote, now we have to start all over again. a clear indication they had hoped it would be president biden he was up against. rachel scott on the hill. >> reporter: 24 hours after the political earthquake transformed the race for president, donald trump remaining out of sight. venting on social media, still attacking joe biden, though biden is no longer his opponent. trump's promise for a unifying message after the attempt on his life seems to have gone out the window. the overwhelming message today -- frustration. the former president posting, "we are forced to spend time and money on fighting crooked

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joe biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. now we have to start all over again." trump posting a flurry of messages, unloading on biden until 10:46 p.m. last night. and picking up where he left off at 6:0 a.m. this morning with more attacks on biden, even though by then harris was his likely opponent. democrats meanwhile, flipping the script. making an issue of trump's age, just as trump had done for biden. >> the other side has a nominee that can barely get a sentence out. he's approaching 80. he brings us back to the past. >> if you want a nominee who can put trump's age and fitness at the forefront, kamala harris is the person. >> reporter: at 78, trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in history. if he is elected, he'll be biden's current age three years into his term. in ohio today, trump's running mate senator j.d. vance lashing out. >> a couple of elite democrats got in a smoke-filled room and

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decided to throw joe biden overboard. that is not how it works. that is a threat to democracy. my message to democrats who are disgusted by this process, disgusted by how anti-democratic it is. you are welcome in the republican party. >> reporter: vance then taking this shot at vice president kamala harris. >> if you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it. you should feel a sense of gratitude, and i never hear that gratitude come through when i listen to kamala harris. >> reporter: but it turns out that trump himself was once a supporter of kamala harris. he donated $6,000 to her 2014 campaign for re-election as california attorney general, including this check. >> david: rachel scott with us tonight. rachel, what are you learning? what concerns the trump campaign most with this switch, with the democratic ticket? and how is the trump campaign responding to what appears to be a message from a growing number of democrats, there in the piece, that's it's now donald trump the oldest in this race, and he alone will face that scrutiny over age and mental fitness moving forward? >> reporter: david, tonight, donald trump's senior advisers

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and his aides are aware this is something they are now going to have to grapple with. they wanted to run against president biden, especially given all the questions about president biden's age and his mental fitness. but now, it is donald trump at 78 years old who is the oldest candidate in this race, david. >> david: rachel scott right up there on the hill tonight. rachel, thank you. tonight, the speculation over who might be tapped to be kamala harris's running mate. tonight, jon karl with the names getting a lot of attention already, and what they're saying so far. >> reporter: as vice president kamala harris edges closer to getting the pledged delegates she needs to clinch the democratic presidential nomination, her team is already focusing on the process for choosing a running mate -- tapping former u.s. attorney general eric holder and his law firm to prepare to begin vetting potential candidates. and speculation among democrats close to harris has focused on several elected officials, including -- north carolina governor roy cooper, who has been elected governor twice in a state democrats hope to win this year. democrats hope to win this year.

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popular first-term governor josh shapiro of pennsylvania, a state harris needs to win. kentucky governor andy beshear, a moderate and rare democratic governor in a red state. and former astronaut and arizona senator mark kelly, husband of gabby giffords. in pennsylvania today, shapiro was asked about speculation he could be chosen as her running mate. >> this is a deeply personal decision the vice president will make. she will make it on her own timetable and on her own timeline. >> reporter: he also pointed out that he's known harris for 20 years. >> we have both been prosecutors. >> reporter: governor shapiro was one of the first calls the vice president made after president biden announced he was bowing out. >> our conversation was all about how we beat donald trump to protect our freedoms in this commonwealth. >> reporter: governor cooper has also known harris for some 20 years, going back to when they were both state attorneys general. today, he talked about harris's recent visit to north carolina to mark the anniversary of the

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supreme court overturning roe v. wade. >> how dare they? how dare they? >> she's going to bring that excitement to the people that we need to bring to the polls -- young people, women, suburban women who can vote, either republican or democratic. >> reporter: governor beshear today was asked what he would be bring to the table if he were tapped asvice president running mate. >> we've shown that we know how to win. we know how to reach across the divide, and how to campaign in a way where we talk to people and not at them. >> david: jon karl, we know the republican ticket, hard to believe we were just at the convention a few days ago. obviously donald trump, j.d. vance, now everyone going to be reading the tea leaves on the democratic side, every phone call the vice president makes, every question answered by these potential v.p. contenders. one of the first calls you reported there, that was made public, the vice president calling popular pennsylvania

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governor josh shapiro. what do we know, and who else has she talked with? >> reporter: well, if you are reading tea leaves, there's a lot of leaves in the bottom of that cup. she called yesterday, she talked to roy cooper, governor of north carolina, andy beshear, governor of kentucky. and in terms of the timeline, you know, right now, the democrats are scheduled to have a virtual roll call, which could be nominating the presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate, a roll call that would begin in just ten days, david. >> david: ten days from now. jon karl with us right here again tonight. thank you, jon. >> i we tur we turn to the os tonight. kim cheatle grilled over the attempted assassination of donald trump. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, facing bipartisan calls to resign, secret service director kim cheatle grilled in a blistering hearing on capitol hill -- >> get down, get down, get down. >> reporter: -- nine days after the attempted assassination of donald trump.

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>> it is my firm belief, director cheadle, that you should resign. >> reporter: cheatle calling the attack the "most significant operational failure" in decades. >> on july 13th, we failed. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. >> reporter: lawmakers angry as the director refused to answer specific questions about what went wrong. >> have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee, as we asked on july 15th? yes or no? >> i would have to get back to you. >> that is a no. you're full of [ bleep ] today. >> reporter: today revealing a local s.w.a.t. team spotted thomas matthew crooks on the roof of that warehouse approximately 18 minutes before trump took the stage. >> he's on the roof, he's got a gun. >> reporter: adding the secret service was alerted between two to five times about a suspicious person, before the first shot was fired. >> why was he allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the crowd? >> if the detail had been passed information that there was a threat, the detail would never have brought the former president out onto stage.

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>> reporter: cheatle saying crooks wasn't considered a threat until seconds before the shooting. >> we got someone shot! >> if donald trump had been killed, you would have looked culpable. >> reporter: tonight, the director vowing not to resign, saying she's the best person to lead the secret service at this time. but david, she's facing incredible pressure. >> david: pierre thomas up on the hill for us, as well, thank you. now, this evening, the disturbing new body camera video released in springfield, illinois, late today. the deadly police shooting of a mother shot in the head in her own kitchen after she had called 911. alex perez tonight with the video, and a warning here, it is disturbing. >> sheriff's office! >> reporter: the just-released body camera video shows deputy sean grayson and his partner responding to sonya massey's house in springfield, illinois, after she reported a prowler. massey, at times, struggling to answer questions. >> what is your last name?

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>> uh -- >> you shouldn't have to think about your last name. >> reporter: then, when deputies say she can remove a pot of boiling water from the stove, the situation changes in an instant. >> where are you going? >> away from your hot steaming water. >> aww, away from my hot steaming water? aww, i rebuke you in the name of jesus. >> you better [ bleep ] not. i swear to [ bleep ] god i'll shoot you right in your [ bleep ] face. >> okay! i'm sorry! >> drop the [ bleep ] pot! >> shots fired, shots fired. >> reporter: grayson, who did not turn on his body cam until after shooting massey, explaining the situation to responding officers, who ask where's the gun. >> house is clear. she was the only one. >> where's the gun? >> no, she had boiling water and she came at me with boiling water. >> you shot her? >> yeah. she said she was going to rebuke me in the name of jesus and came at me with boiling water. >> reporter: grayson charged with murder. and david, grayson has pleaded

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not guilty, he remains in custody and could face life in prison if convicted. david? >> david: alex perez tonight. thank you. when we come back here, a fast-moving fire east of los angeles, destroying homes. also, the passenger plane descending to within about 100 feet of the water near tampa. air traffic controllers warning the pilots. and tonight, we remember a motown favorite. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions.

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♪ can't help myself ♪ >> david: the group part of motown loyalty. so many songs. he was touring until just last year. low was 88. i'm david muir. thanks for being >> the name has changed the top of the ticket. but the mission hasn't changed at all. and i know it's been a roller coaster. and by the way, i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to be out there in the campaign with her. >> we have 106 days until election day. are we fired up? >> fired up? indeed a whirlwind 24 hours for now. presidential candidate kamala harris. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil and i'm

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kristen z. >> today we are hearing from both vice president harris and president biden for the first time since the president took himself out of the race. >> it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. yes so in the days and weeks ahead, i, together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party, to unite our nation, to win this election. >> notice, she said, earn this nomination. vice president harris, speaking here at an event today in delaware, she thanked president biden for his endorsem*nt, and the president called in to the event as well. >> the name has changed the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. and by the way, i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to be out there in the campaign with her, with kamala. i'm going to be working like

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ABC World News Tonight With David Muir : KGO : July 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.