Elk application information (2025)

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Elk application information

  • First, you must choose your application type. There are threeoptions:

    • Bull or Antlerless; you are willing to accept a license that allows you to harvest a bull or antlerless elk. This option will enter you into the drawing for any of the 260 available licenses. If selected, you will be issued one of these licenses:
      • Any-elk – valid for taking either a bull or an antlerless elk.
      • Antlerless-only – valid for taking antlerless elk only.
    • Bull only; you are only willing to accept a license that allows you to harvest a bull elk. This option will only enter you into the drawing for one of the 80 any-elk licenses available. If selected for this license you will be issued an any-elk license, valid for taking either a bull or an antlerless elk.
    • Chance only; you will not be entered in this year’s drawing but will still be awarded one additional chance toward future drawings.

    Then, purchase your application for $5 at a license agent oronline at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses. When applying, makesure your mailing address is up to date. If selected for a license,we will use this address to mail you information regarding yourhunt. Finally, make sure to check your receipt for accuracy andretain it as proof of your application.

  • Currently, only information to apply for this year's elk hunt are included. The remainder of the Elk Regulations Summary will be available in the near future.

  • Table of elk hunt information.

    Hunt period 1 2
    Season dates* Aug. 27–30
    Sept. 13–16
    Sept. 27–30
    Elk Management Unit (public and private land) X H and X or I and X
    Any-elk license quota 30

    20 (H and X)

    30 (I and X)

    Antlerless-only license quota 70

    40 (H and X)

    70 (I and X)

    Elk application information (1)

  • The application period runs from May 1 through June 1.

  • Drawing results will be available online June 24 at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses.

  • Hunters are selected using a weighted drawing systemthat began in 2003. In each drawing, an applicant’s totalnumber of entries is equal to the number of chances earnedin past drawings plus one chance for his or her currentapplication. For more information on the elk lottery system,watch the “Elk Weighted Lottery System Explained.”

  • There is no set number of chances to be selected for a license,and there’s no guarantee that an applicant will eventuallyreceive a license, even with a large number of chances. Theweighted drawing system provides some advantage to hunterswho apply consistently year after year while still offering anopportunity to all applicants, including those applying for thefirst time. The number of elk licenses available this year (260) isvery small compared to the number of license applicants (over 39,000).

  • You will be awarded an elk license! Your chances will be resetto zero, even if you choose not to purchase your license. Thoseissued an antlerless-only elk license are ineligible to apply for,obtain, or purchase an elk license or chance for 10 years. Thoseissued an any-elk license are ineligible to apply for, obtain orpurchase a future elk license for the remainder of their life.

  • You will be issued one chance for future drawings.

  • Check your chances at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses. Chancesare tracked by customer ID. To ensure that all your chancesare considered in the drawing, you should apply with the sameID used to apply in previous years. If your ID changes, call517-284-WILD (9453) before the application deadline to ensureyour chances are combined under your current ID.

  • You must apply at least once every five years to retain yourchances. Chances are reset to zero for applicants who do notapply for five consecutive years.

  • No. Elk licenses are issued to Michigan residents only.

  • From May 1 – June 1, you can purchase one elk applicationor one chance-only application. You may only purchase oneapplication per year.

  • Applications are $5 and can be purchased at any license agentor online at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses.

  • You are eligible to apply if you are a Michigan resident andare 1) hunter safety-certified or 2) licensed as an apprenticehunter or 3) 9 years old or younger and are licensed under theMentored Youth Hunting Program.

  • You will need to have a valid Michigan driver’s license ORa State of Michigan ID card (issued by the Secretary ofState) OR a DNR Sportcard (issued by license agents or atMichigan.gov/DNRLicenses.

  • Yes. If you are licensed under the Mentored Youth HuntingProgram, you can purchase an application for an elk licenseor apply for a chance-only. You may purchase an elk license ifselected for a license. See the Mentored Youth Hunting Programsection in the Michigan Hunting Regulations Summary for more information.

  • Yes. If selected for a license, your accompanying hunter mustalso have a 2023 elk hunting license. Their license doesnot have to be the same management unit or season datesas yours. See the Apprentice Hunting License section in theMichigan Hunting Digest for more information.

  • No. You may only apply for a bull or antlerless, bull-only, orchance-only application.

  • You may call 517-284-WILD (9453) for assistance.

  • You are responsible for obtaining a DNR application receiptthat accurately states your customer ID and hunt choice. Donot accept a receipt that is not legible. Check this receipt foraccuracy and retain as proof that you applied. Ensure anyapplication errors are corrected prior to the application deadline.Applicants who submit an invalid application will be ineligible forthe drawing.

  • Results will be available at Michigan.gov/DNRLicensesJune 24, and successful applicants will receive notification in the mail as well.

  • There are a total of 260 licenses available.

  • You will be mailed a packet of information regarding yourhunt, including your assigned hunt period, elk managementunit, type of license, a 2024 Elk Regulations Summary, and instructions forhow to take the mandatory elk hunt orientation. Additionally,the elk receipt will be available for you to purchase for $100when drawing results are available on June 24. However,you will not be mailed your elk license until after you havecompleted the mandatory elk hunt orientation. See additionalinformation in the 2024 Elk Regulations Summary.

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Elk application information (2025)
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