Project Director
Gradziel, T.

Recipient Organization
DAVIS,CA 95616-8671

Performing Department
Plant Sciences

Non Technical Summary
Almond and processing peach are major agricultural industries in California with a combined farm-gate value of over $2 billion. Continued viability of these California commodities is crucial to the economic survival of the mostly family farms producing these commodities, as well as the associated rural communities built around these farming and processing enterprises. Almond and peach growers and processors are facing increasing threats from diseases and pests, combined with increasing market demands for food quality and variety during a period where traditional insect pollinators, pesticides, fungicides and other agrochemicals are being lost and good agricultural land is becoming scarce. This project is developing improved varieties of processing peach and almond which incorporate genetic solutions to production problems such as diseases and pests, while enhancing fruit and nut quality and phytonutrient content.


Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent

Knowledge Area
202 - Plant Genetic Resources; 215 - Biological Control of Pests Affecting Plants; 125 - Agroforestry; 203 - Plant Biological Efficiency and Abiotic Stresses Affecting Plants; 212 - Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants; 201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1212 - Almond; 1114 - Peach;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics; 1081 - Breeding;


genetic improvement


variety development



pest resistance


disease resistance

mechanical harvest


national plant germplasm system (npgs)

Goals / Objectives
The program objective is to breed improved commercial varieties of processing peach and almond possessing disease and pest resistance, high yields, and good product quality, including improved postharvest phytonutrient content and fruit textural quality in peach, and self-compatibility and aflatoxin resistance in almond. Improved varieties should be free of epigenetic disorders such as Noninfectious Bud-Failure which plague current extensively planted, vegetatively propagated tree crops. Because of the absence of needed resistance and production traits in current germplasm, required genes often must be transferred from related species. Improved molecular and biochemical/structural markers for these resistance and horticultural traits, thus need to be concurrently developed to allow efficient gene transfer to commercially acceptable varietal types. Improved genotypes conferring high market quality to fruit and nuts yet able to withstand the rigors of harvest and post-harvest handling are essential for continued viability of these industries. New varieties with improved harvest and post-harvest quality result in greater production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer, more nutritious product to the consumer.

Project Methods
Genetic improvement strategies employed include both molecular marker assisted analysis as well as more traditional controlled hybridizations. Exotic gene introgression, which involves the transfer of useful genes from other Prunus species to improved breeding lines utilizing improvements in both wide-hybridizations as well as molecular techniques, is being increasingly employed. Gene introgression/recombination will be achieved largely through traditional breeding techniques. Parents will be selected based on the desired traits. Following controlled hybridizations, progeny will be analyzed and selected using established quantitative (statistical analysis, etc.) and qualitative (molecular, biochemical analysis, etc.) methods. Elite progeny will be used as parents in the next reiteration of this process until desired level of quality, productivity and environmental stability is achieved to warrant their release as new varieties. Molecular markers will be increasingly employed to improve selection efficiency for more difficult traits including self-compatibility in almond and flesh textural quality in peach.

Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: Research scientists, growers, processors, consultants, consumers. Changes/Problems: Reduction in Hatch support. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Trained one postdoc, two PhD students and one master students in the last year How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Multiple publications, multiple professional presentations and multiple consumer/grower presentations. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Because of the requirements for longer orchard productivity and production efficiency for processed compared to fresh-market fruit, new varieties need to be thoroughly tested in the different production regions and under the range of environment/cultural conditions anticipated for commercial production. This is necessary to identify the most promising selections for release to growers as well as to detect any deficiencies prior to large-scale commercial plantings. During the last several years, over 5,500 trees of UCD processing peach selections have been planted in regional evaluation blocks to accelerate the evaluation and release of improved varieties to the California industry. Regional testing data has expedited the release of Extra-Early #1 in 2014 as the variety Kader which provides California growers with a productive, high processing-quality and improved brown rot resistant variety with the desired harvest time between Carson and Andross. Other UCD Experimentals currently in extended regional trials include Extra-Early #2, Early#4, Early#5, Late#2, Extra-Late#1, Extra-Late#2 and Extra-Late#3, with a smaller number of trees of Ultra-Early #2, Ultra-Early #3, Ultra-Early #4, Late#3, Late#4, and Extra-Late#3. [Regional selection designations are based on the Maturity period -followed by a number indicating sequence of release for grower testing]. More recently, we initiated regional test plantings of Ultra-Early #1, Early#6, Extra-Late#4, Extra-Late#5, Extra-Late#6, and Extra-Late#7 which represent genetically novel selections developed to facilitate mechanical harvest. A genetically controlled more compact tree architecture (resulting in final tree sizes of ½ to 2/3 of standard) for facilitating mechanical orchard management (thin/prune/harvest) is also now in production at Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley grower trials. Over 1,200 additional Early to Extra-Late selections have been planted since 2010-14, including Early#5 & Early#6 which show promise as high processing quality, firm and productive cultivars in the Dixon-Andross time period, Late#4 which shows promise as a mid-season mechanically harvestable cultivar and Ultra-Early #1 which, because of its very early harvest and improved fruit brown rot resistance, is being tested under both organic and commercial conditions. A large number of the earlier UCD experimental plantings were lost when growers removed their cling peach orchards with the recent economic downturn. While performance data was often collected prior to orchard removal, the loss puts greater importance on evaluations of remaining test plantings. In addition, the next generation of advanced processing peach breeding selections combining high productivity, improve disease resistance and improved harvest ability from multiple genetic sources is now being selected for a new round of regional testing. For previous years, see previous reports.


  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2014Citation:Limane, A. S. Noria and T. Gradziel. Root architecture of Atlas pistachio in relation to underlying soil properties under arid conditions. 2014. African Journal of Agricultural Research. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR20, ISSN 1991-637XMartinez Garcia, P.J. Dan E. Parfitt; Richard M. Bostock; Jonathan Fresnedo-Ramirez; Alejandra Vazquez-Lobo; Ebenezer Ogundiwin; Thomas M. Gradziel; Carlos H. Crisosto. (2014). Application of Genomic and Quantitative Genetic Tools to Identify Candidate Resistance Genes for Brown Rot Resistance in Peach. PLOS ONE.Gradziel, T.M. & Mart�nez-G�mez, P. 2013, Almond Breeding. Plant Breeding Reviews 37:207-258.Font i Forcada, C; T.M. Gradziel; C.Y. Gogorcena; M.A. Moreno. 2014. Phenotypic diversity among local Spanish and foreign peach and nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] accessions. Euphytica 197:261 -277. DOI 10.1007/s10681-014-1065-9.Hanada, T; A. Watari, T. Kibe, H. Yamane, A. W�nsch, T.M. Gradziel, Y. Sasabe, H. Yaegaki, M. Yamaguchi and R. Tao. 2014. Two Novel Self-compatible S Haplotypes in Peach (Prunus persica). J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. doi: 10.2503/jjshs1.CH-099.

Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Research scientists, growers, processors, consultants, consumers. Changes/Problems: Reduction in Hatch support. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Provided direct training to for graduate students and indirect training to six additional graduate students How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated through publications and annual reports as well as regional meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Maintain current progress and procedures

What was accomplished under these goals? Generated over 20,000 new breeding seedlings. Identified elite almond selection now undergoing the patenting process. Identified elite peach selection now undergoing the patent and release process.


  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Prabhu Dhanapal, A., Pedro J Mart�nez-Garc�a, Thomas M Gradziel, and Carlos H Crisosto. 2012. First genetic linkage map of chilling injury susceptibility in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit with SSR and SNP markers. Journal of Plant Science & Molecular Breeding Pg1-12.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2012Citation:Mart�nez-Garc�a P., Peace C., Parfitt D., Ogundiwin E., Fresnedo-Ram�rez J., Dandekar A., Gradziel T., Crisosto C. 2012. Influence of year and genetic factors on chilling injury susceptibility in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Euphytica: 185:267-280. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-011-0572-1
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Gradziel, T.M. & Mart�nez-G�mez, P. 2013, Almond Breeding. Plant Breeding Reviews 37:207-258.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Mart�nez-Garc�a P., Fresnedo-Ram�rez J., Parfitt D., Gradziel T., Crisosto C. 2013. Effect prediction of identified SNPs linked to fruit quality and chilling injury in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. Plant Molecular Biology: 81:161174. DOI 10.1007/s11103-012-9989-8.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2012Citation:Rahemi, A., Fatahi, R., Ebadi, A., Taghavi, T., Hassani, D., Gradziel, T., Folta, K. & Chaparro, J. 2012. Genetic diversity of some wild almonds and related Prunus species revealed by SSR and EST-SSR molecular markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 298: 173-192.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Gradziel, T., B. Lampinen, F. Niederholzer, and M. Viveros. 2013. Sweetheart Almond: A Fully Cross-compatible Pollenizer for the Early Nonpareil Bloom that Exhibits Very High Marcona-type Kernel Quality. HORTSCIENCE 48:13201322.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Mart�nez-Garc�a, P.J. D.E. Parfitt, E.A. Ogundiwin, J. Fass, H.M. Chan, R. Ahmad, S. Lurie, A. Dandekar,T.M. Gradziel, and C. H. Crisosto. 2013. High Density SNP Mapping and QTL analysis for fruit quality characteristics in peach (Prunus persica L.) Tree Genetics and Genomes. 9:19-36 DOI 10.1007/s11295-012-0522-7.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Fresnedo-Ram�rez J., Mart�nez-Garc�a P., Parfitt D., Crisosto C. Gradziel T. 2013. Heterogeneity in the entire genome for three genotypes of Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] as distinguished from sequence analysis of genomic variants. BMC Genomics. 2013 Nov 1;14(1):750.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Martinez Garcia, P.J., Dan E. Parfitt; Richard M. Bostock; Jonathan Fresnedo-Ramirez; Alejandra Vazquez-Lobo; Ebenezer Ogundiwin; Thomas M. Gradziel; Carlos H. Crisosto. (2013). Application of Genomic and Quantitative Genetic Tools to Identify Candidate Resistance Genes for Brown Rot Resistance in Peach. PLOS ONE.
  • Type:Journal ArticlesStatus:PublishedYear Published:2013Citation:Frett, T., K. Kasic, J. Clark, D. Byrne, T. Gradziel and C. Crisosto. 2013. Standardized phenotyping for fruit quality in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. J. American Pomological Society. 66:214-219

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: Detailed information on fruit and tree characteristics for over 350 UCD breeding parents and progeny were collected in collaboration with Dr. Crisosto's lab to complement the high-resolution genetic mapping of these individuals to be completed in 2013 as part of the RosBreed project. Correlations between specific fruit/tree traits and specific DNA-based molecular markers continue to be determined using specialized software to facilitate a more efficient marker-assisted-selection of these traits in the future. An additional 200 peach breeding selections were evaluated at the UCD Cruise Hall Fruit/Vegetable Processing Pilot Plant Facility. Over 700 almond selections were also evaluated during this period. Three processing peach and one almond advanced selection are now being prepared for patenting and release. Over 12,000 progeny trees from peach and almond breeding program crosses were planted in 2012. Irrigation and fertilizer management continues to be used to maintain desired tree size/structure and to interpret fruit production potential based on different fruit-thinning levels. Because most of our processing peach breeding lines, including those derived from more exotic European, Brazilian, South African and interspecies (almond, etc.) germplasm, have now progressed to more traditional, California-adapted peach fruit/tree types, field evaluations have been more efficiently focused on specific commercial traits such as fruit size, quality, disease resistance and productivity. In addition, a greater use of self-pollinations versus the more tedious and costly cross-pollinations, are being employed to more rapidly sort out the best individuals within these advanced breeding lines. Hybridization, however, continues to be the major approach to new cultivar breeding. PARTICIPANTS: A multi-institution collaboration is ongoing with the following plant geneticist/plant breeders: Peace, C.1, Nahla, B.2, Bink, M.3, Brown, S.4, Byrne, D.5, Clark, J.6, Crisosto, C.7, Davis, T.8, Evans, K.9, Finn, C.10, Gallardo, K.9, and Gasic, K.11 [1 - Washington State University, Po Box 646414, 99164, Pullman, Wa, United States, 10 - USDA-ARS, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 11 - Clemson Univ., Clemson, Sc 29634, United States, 2 - USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 3 - Plant Research International, 6700aa, Wageningen, Netherlands, 4 - Cornell Univ., NSAES, Geneva, Ny 14456, United States, 5 - Texas A&m Univ., College Station, Tx 77843, United States, 6 - Univ. Of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ar 72701, United States, 7 - Univ. Of California-davis, Davis, Ca 95616, United States, 8 - Univ. Of New Hampshire, Durham, Nh 03824, United States, 9 - Washington State Univ., Wenatchee, Wa 98801, United States] as part of the RosBREED project headed by A. Iazzoni and funded by the 2009-11 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI). The main objective is to create a national, dynamic, sustained effort in research, infrastructure establishment, training, and extension for applying marker-assisted breeding (MAB) to deliver improved peach as well as apple, cherry, and strawberry more efficiently and rapidly. Integral to the project is opportunities for graduate student training in genomics and plant breeding. Additional Collaborators include: (Spain): C. M. Cantin, A. Torrents, J. Moreno, P. Martinez-Gomez, Pedro J. Martınez-Garcıa (Iran) M. A. Gogorcena, Y. Sorkheh K., B. Shiran, M. Khodambashi, H. Moradi, M., Zeinalabedini, M. Khayam-Nekoui, M. Grigorian, P, Rahemi A., R. Fatahi, A. Ebadi, T. Taghavi, D. Hassani, (USA) Dan E. Parfitt, E.Ogundiwin, J. Chaparro, J. Fresnedo-Ramırez, A.M. Dandekar, M.A. Thorpe, K. L.W. Hamby, B. Lampinen, and F. Zalom, and (China): B. Gao. TARGET AUDIENCES: New germplasm is being developed as sustainable, genetic solutions to emerging fruit and nut production problems. An injection of novel germplasm into peach and almond breeding lines greatly also increased opportunities to genetically improve production efficiency, disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for growers, processers, consumer, farm worker and nearby ecosystems, and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies will improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. For example, resulting molecular markers will also allow us to screen breeding progeny at the seedling stage for specific traits, thus reducing the increasingly labor and related field expenses for multi-year tree evaluations. The new germplasm presently being incorporated into advanced peach and almond breeding lines also allows unique opportunities for the genetic analysis of novel traits contributing to improve fruit quality and production which, in addition to allowing continued breeding progress also provides opportunities for a more thorough dissection basic genetic components controlling crop quality and yields. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Because the bulk of Hatch funds continue to be diverted toward more administrative rather then applied research use, the project has had to seek out alternative funding, drastically reduce field labor by increased mechanization, and accelerate the implementation of molecular breeding techniques as greater outside funding is available to pursue these biotechnologies. Molecular breeding techniques, however, primarily target genes showing primarily additive effects with little apparent capacity for identifying and selecting the positive genetic and genomic interactions required for highly productive commercial quality fruit and nut cultivars. Consequently, molecular markers are increasingly being used to estimate parent quality, while large-scale hybridizations and automated field rouging and selections are becoming more important to applied cultivar breeding.

Continued commercial production or processing peaches and almonds in California will require sizable increases in production efficiency while at the same time maintaining and improving the high quality of the product. Breeding commercial peach and almond varieties with genetic disease resistance will reduce the use of pesticides and so reduce grower cost and increase market safety. Breeding commercial processing peach and almond varieties which are more amenable to mechanical orchard management, including thinning and harvesting, will reduce overall grower costs and so reduce cost to the consumer. Better orchard management will also result in higher quality product to the processor and consumer. Over 32 advanced UCD processing peach breeding selections and 41 almond breeding selections are in early to mid stages of regional grower trials with plantings in approximately 60 locations in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley. The most promising of the Advanced Regional peach selections which have been canned and evaluated to date include Ultra Early #1, Extra-Early #1, Early #6, Late #4, and Extra Late #4, 5,6, & 7. All selections continue to show the long-keeper trait which allows fruit to be held on the tree until 1 to 3 weeks after full-ripe. While allowing once-over harvesting (either by hand or machine), this trait also confers improved levels of fruit firmness as well as improved resistance to fruit brown rot and flesh bruising/browning. Very promising almond selections include UCD2-19E, UCD4,8-160, UCD4,18-20 and UCD1-26. Advanced selections showing self-fertility and/or improved productivity/disease resistance are beig prepared for large scale regional grower testing.


  • Prabhu Dhanapal, Pedro J Martinez-Garcia, Thomas M Gradziel, and Carlos H Crisosto. 2012. First genetic linkage map of chilling injury susceptibility in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit with SSR and SNP markers. Journal of Plant Science & Molecular Breeding.
  • Martinez-Garcia Pedro J, Jonathan Fresnedo-Ramirez, Dan E Parfitt, Thomas M Gradziel, Carlos H Crisosto. 2012. Effect prediction of identified SNPs linked to fruit quality and chilling injury in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. Plant molecular biology. 11/2012
  • Socias i Company , R., J.M. Alonso, O. Kodad and T.M. Gradziel. 2011. Almonds. In: M.L. Badenes and D.H. Byrne (eds.), Fruit Breeding, Handbook of Plant Breeding 8. Springer N.Y. pg. 697-728.
  • Gradziel. T.M. 2012. Classical genetics and traditional breeding. In: A. G. Abbott & C. Kole (eds.). Genetics, Genoics and Breeding of Stone Fruits. Science Publishers, Inc., Plymouth. pg. 1-50.
  • Riaz Ahmad, Dan E. Parfitt, Joseph Fass, Ebenezer Ogundiwin, Amit Dhingra, Thomas M. Gradziel, Dawei Lin, Nikhil A. Joshi, Pedro J. Martinez-Garcia, Carlos H. Crisosto. 2012. Whole genome sequencing of peach (Prunus persica L.) for SNP identification and selection. BMC Genomics 2011, 12:569 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-569

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: Over 18,000 progeny trees from peach and almond breeding program crosses were planted in 2011. Irrigation and fertilizer management continues to be used to maintain desired tree size/structure and to interpret fruit production potential based on different fruit-thinning levels. Because most of our processing peach breeding lines, including those derived from more exotic European, Brazilian, South African and interspecies (almond, etc.) germplasm, have now progressed to more traditional, California-adapted peach fruit/tree types, field evaluations have been more efficiently focused on specific commercial traits such as fruit size, quality, disease resistance and productivity. In addition, a greater use of self-pollinations versus the more tedious and costly cross-pollinations, are being employed to more rapidly sort out the best individuals within these advanced breeding lines. Detailed information on fruit and tree characteristics for over 330 UCD breeding parents and progeny were collected in collaboration with Dr. Crisosto's lab to complement the high-resolution genetic mapping of these individuals to be completed in 2012 as part of the RosBreed project. Correlations between specific fruit/tree traits and specific DNA-based molecular markers continue to be determined using specialized software to facilitate a more efficient marker-assisted-selection of these traits in the future. An additional 220 peach breeding selections were evaluated at the UCD Cruise Hall Fruit/Vegetable Processing Pilot Plant Facility. Over 600 almond selections were also evaluated during this period. Three processing peach and one almond advanced selection are now being prepared for patenting and release. PARTICIPANTS: A multi-institution collaboration is ongoing with the following plant geneticist/plant breeders: Peace, C.1, Nahla, B.2, Bink, M.3, Brown, S.4, Byrne, D.5, Clark, J.6, Crisosto, C.7, Davis, T.8, Evans, K.9, Finn, C.10, Gallardo, K.9, and Gasic, K.11 [1 - Washington State University, Po Box 646414, 99164, Pullman, Wa, United States, 10 - USDA-ARS, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 11 - Clemson Univ., Clemson, Sc 29634, United States, 2 - USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 3 - Plant Research International, 6700aa, Wageningen, Netherlands, 4 - Cornell Univ., NSAES, Geneva, Ny 14456, United States, 5 - Texas A&m Univ., College Station, Tx 77843, United States, 6 - Univ. Of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ar 72701, United States, 7 - Univ. Of California-davis, Davis, Ca 95616, United States, 8 - Univ. Of New Hampshire, Durham, Nh 03824, United States, 9 - Washington State Univ., Wenatchee, Wa 98801, United States] as part of the RosBREED project headed by A. Iazzoni and funded by the 2009-11 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI). The main objective is to create a national, dynamic, sustained effort in research, infrastructure establishment, training, and extension for applying marker-assisted breeding (MAB) to deliver improved peach as well as apple, cherry, and strawberry more efficiently and rapidly. Integral to the project is opportunities for graduate student training in genomics and plant breeding. Additional Collaborators include: (Spain): C. M. Cantin, A. Torrents, J. Moreno, P. Martinez-Gomez, Pedro J. Martınez-Garcıa (Iran) M. A. Gogorcena, Y. Sorkheh K., B. Shiran, M. Khodambashi, H. Moradi, M., Zeinalabedini, M. Khayam-Nekoui, M. Grigorian, P, Rahemi A., R. Fatahi, A. Ebadi, T. Taghavi, D. Hassani, (USA) Dan E. Parfitt, E.Ogundiwin, J. Chaparro, J. Fresnedo-Ramırez, A.M. Dandekar, M.A. Thorpe, K. L.W. Hamby, B. Lampinen, and F. Zalom, and (China): B. Gao. TARGET AUDIENCES: New germplasm is being developed as sustainable, genetic solutions to emerging fruit and nut production problems. An injection of novel germplasm into peach and almond breeding lines greatly also increased opportunities to genetically improve production efficiency, disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for growers, processers, consumer, farm worker and nearby ecosystems, and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies will improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. For example, resulting molecular markers will also allow us to screen breeding progeny at the seedling stage for specific traits, thus reducing the increasingly labor and related field expenses for multi-year tree evaluations. The new germplasm presently being incorporated into advanced peach and almond breeding lines also allows unique opportunities for the genetic analysis of novel traits contributing to improve fruit quality and production which, in addition to allowing continued breeding progress also provides opportunities for a more thorough dissection basic genetic components controlling crop quality and yields. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Because the bulk of Hatch funds continue to be diverted toward administrative rather then applied research use, the project has had to seek out alternative funding, drastically reduce field labor by increased mechanization, and accelerate the implementation of molecular breeding techniques as greater outside funding is available to pursue these biotechnologies. Molecular breeding techniques, however, primarily target genes showing primarily additive effects with little apparent capacity for identifying and selecting the positive genetic and genomic interactions required for highly productive commercial quality fruit and nut cultivars.

Continued commercial production or processing peaches in California will require sizable increases in production efficiency while at the same time maintaining and improving the high quality of the fruit. Breeding commercial peach and almond varieties with genetic disease resistance will reduce the use of pesticides and so reduce grower cost and increase market safety. Breeding commercial processing peach varieties which are more amenable to mechanical orchard management, including thinning and harvesting, will reduce overall grower costs and so reduce cost to the consumer. Better orchard management will also result in higher quality fruit to the processor and consumer. Over 28 advanced UCD processing peach breeding selections and 35 almond breeding selections are in early to mid stages of regional grower trials with plantings in approximately 60 locations in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley. The most promising of the Advanced Regional peach selections which have been canned and evaluated to date include Ultra Early #1, Extra-Early #1, Early #6, Late #4, and Extra Late #4, 5,6, & 7. All selections continue to show the long-keeper trait which allows fruit to be held on the tree until 1 to 3 weeks after full-ripe. While allowing once-over harvesting (either by hand or machine), this trait also confers improved levels of fruit firmness as well as improved resistance to fruit brown rot and flesh bruising/browning. Very promising almond selections include UCD2-19E, UCD4,8-160, UCD4,18-20 and UCD1-26. Advanced selections show self-fertility and improved disease resistance.


  • Gradziel, T.M. 2011. Almond origin and domestication. In J. Janick (ed.) Horticultural Reviews. 38:23-82. Gradziel, T.M. And M.A. Thorpe. 2010. Goodwin Peach: a Processing Clingstone Peach Ripening in the Dixon - Andross Maturity Season. HortScience 45: 1901-1903
  • Hamby, K. L.W. Gao, B. Lampinen, T. Gradziel and F. Zalom. 2011. , Hull Split Date and Shell Seal in Relation to Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Infestation of Almonds. Hort. Entom.: 104-965-969
  • Martınez-Garcıa Pedro J. , Cameron P. Peace, Dan E. Parfitt, Ebenezer A. Ogundiwin, Jonathan Fresnedo-Ramırez, Abhaya M. Dandekar, Thomas M. Gradziel, Carlos H. Crisosto. 2011. Influence of year and genetic factors on chilling injury susceptibility in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Euphytica, DOI 10.1007/s10681-011-0572-1.

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: Over 20,000 progeny trees from peach and almond breeding program crosses were planted in 2010. The DeJong Peach Development Model has been used extensively to maintain desired tree size/structure and to interpret fruit production potential based on different fruit-thinning levels. Because most of our processing peach breeding lines, including those derived from more exotic European, Brazilian, South African and interspecies (almond, etc.) germplasm, have now progressed to more traditional, California-adapted peach fruit/tree types, field evaluations have been more efficiently focused on specific commercial traits such as fruit size, quality, disease resistance and productivity. In addition, a greater use of self-pollinations versus the more tedious and costly cross-pollinations, are being employed to more rapidly sort out the best individuals within these advanced breeding lines. Starting in 2010, detailed information on fruit and tree characteristics for over 330 UCD breeding parents and progeny were collected in collaboration with Dr. Crisosto's lab to complement the high-resolution genetic mapping of these individuals to be completed in 2011 as part of the RosBreed project. Correlations between specific fruit/tree traits and specific DNA-based molecular markers are now being determined using specialized software to facilitate a more efficient marker-assisted-selection of these traits in the future. An additional 260 breeding selections were evaluated at the UCD Cruise Hall Fruit/Vegetable Processing Pilot Plant Facility. Over 400 almond selections were also evaluated during this period. PARTICIPANTS: A multi-institution collaboration is ongoing with the following plant geneticist/plant breeders: Peace, C.1, Nahla, B.2, Bink, M.3, Brown, S.4, Byrne, D.5, Clark, J.6, Crisosto, C.7, Davis, T.8, Evans, K.9, Finn, C.10, Gallardo, K.9, and Gasic, K.11 [1 - Washington State University, Po Box 646414, 99164, Pullman, Wa, United States, 10 - USDA-ARS, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 11 - Clemson Univ., Clemson, Sc 29634, United States, 2 - USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 3 - Plant Research International, 6700aa, Wageningen, Netherlands, 4 - Cornell Univ., NSAES, Geneva, Ny 14456, United States, 5 - Texas A&m Univ., College Station, Tx 77843, United States, 6 - Univ. Of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ar 72701, United States, 7 - Univ. Of California-davis, Davis, Ca 95616, United States, 8 - Univ. Of New Hampshire, Durham, Nh 03824, United States, 9 - Washington State Univ., Wenatchee, Wa 98801, United States] as part of the RosBREED project headed by A. Iazzoni and funded by the 2009-11 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI). The main objective is to create a national, dynamic, sustained effort in research, infrastructure establishment, training, and extension for applying marker-assisted breeding (MAB) to deliver improved peach as well as apple, cherry, and strawberry more efficiently and rapidly. Integral to the project is opportunities for graduate student training in genomics and plant breeding. TARGET AUDIENCES: New germplasm is being developed as sustainable, genetic solutions to emerging fruit and nut production problems. An injection of novel germplasm into peach and almond breeding lines greatly also increased opportunities to genetically improve production efficiency, disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for growers, processers, consumer, farm worker and nearby ecosystems, and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies will improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. For example, resulting molecular markers will also allow us to screen breeding progeny at the seedling stage for specific traits, thus reducing the increasingly labor and related field expenses for multi-year tree evaluations. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Because the bulk of Hatch funds have been diverted toward administrative rather then applied research use, the project has had to seek out alternative funding, drastically reduce field labor by increased mechanization, and accelerate the implementation of molecular breeding techniques as greater outside funding is available to pursue these biotechnologies.

Continued commercial production or processing peaches in California will require sizable increases in production efficiency while at the same time maintaining and improving the high quality of the fruit. Breeding commercial peach and almond varieties with genetic disease resistance will reduce the use of pesticides and so reduce grower cost and increase market safety. Breeding commercial varieties which are more amenable to mechanical orchard management, including thinning and harvesting, will reduce overall grower costs and so reduce cost to the consumer. Better orchard management will also result in higher quality fruit to the processor and consumer. Over 20 advanced UCD processing peach breeding selections and almons 30 almond breeding selections are in early to mid stages of regional grower trials with plantings in approximately 60 locations in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley. The most promising of the Advanced Regional peach selections which have been canned and evaluated to date include Ultra Early #1, Extra-Early #1, Early #6, Late #4, and Extra Late #4, 5,6, & 7. All selections continue to show the long-keeper trait which allows fruit to be held on the tree until 1 to 3 weeks after full-ripe. While allowing once-over harvesting (either by hand or machine), this trait also confers improved levels of fruit firmness as well as improved resistance to fruit brown rot and flesh bruising/browning. Very promising almond selections include UCD2-19E, UCD4,8-160, UCD4,18-20 and UCD1-26. All selections show self-fertility and improved disease resistance.


  • Rahemi A., R. Fatahi, A. Ebadi, T. Taghavi, D. Hassani, T. Gradziel and J. Chaparro. 2010. Genetic variation of S-alleles in wild almonds and their related Prunus species. Australian Journal of Crop Science 4:648-659.
  • Gradziel, T.M. and M.A. Thorpe. 2010. 'Goodwin' Peach: a Processing Clingstone Peach Ripening in the 'Dixon' - 'Andross' Maturity Season. HortScience 45: 1901-1903
  • Arus, Pere, Thomas Gradziel, M. Margarida Oliveira, and Ryutaro Tao. 2009. Genomics of Almond. In K.M. Folta, S.E. Gardiner (eds.), Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae, Springer Science. NY pp. 187-219.
  • Sorkheh, K. Shiran, B. Rouhi, V. Asadi, E. Jahanbazi, H. Moradi, H. Gradziel, T. M. Martinez-Gomez, P. 2009. Phenotypic diversity within native Iranian almond (Prunus spp.) species and their breeding potential. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 56:947-961.
  • Ogundiwin, Ebenezer A , Cameron P Peace, Thomas M Gradziel, Dan E Parfitt, Fredrick A Bliss, C. Crisosto. 2009. A fruit quality gene map of Prunus. BMC Genomics, 10:587 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-587.
  • Sorkheh K, Shiran B, Kiani S, Amirbakhtiar N, Mousavi S, Rouhi V, Mohammady S, Gradziel TM, Malysheva-Otto LV, Martinez- Gomez P. 2009. Discriminating ability of molecular markers and morphological characterization in the establishment of genetic relationships in cultivated genotypes of almond and related wild species. Journal of Forestry Research 20:183-194.
  • Hanada, T. f*ckuta, K. Yamane, H. Esumi, T. Tao, R. Gradziel, T. M. Dandekar, A. M. Fernandez i Marti, A. Alonso, J. M. Socias i Company, R. 2009. Cloning and characterization of a self-compatible Sf haplotype in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb. syn. P. amygdalus Batsch] to resolve previous confusion in its Sf-RNase sequence. HortScience 44:609-613.
  • Cantin, C. M. Crisosto, C. H. Ogundiwin, E. A. Gradziel, T. Torrents, J. Moreno, M. A. Gogorcena, Y. 2010. Chilling injury susceptibility in an intra-specific peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] progeny. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 58:79-87.
  • Sorkheh K., B. Shiran, M. Khodambashi, H. Moradi, T.M. Gradziel, P. Martinez-Gomez. 2010. Correlations between quantitative tree and fruit almond traits and their implications for breeding. Scientia Horticulturae 125:323-331.
  • Zeinalabedini, M. Khayam-Nekoui, M. Grigorian, V. Gradziel, T. M. Martinez-Gomez, P. 2010. The origin and dissemination of the cultivated almond as determined by nuclear and chloroplast SSR marker analysis. Scientia Horticulturae 125: 593-601.

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: In 2009, we initiated regional grower test plantings of promising processing peach breeding lines ripening in the Extra- Early, Early, Late, and Extra-Late harvest season and including selections having resistance to the fruit Brown-rot disease.. These selections represent novel germplasm developed to reduce pesticide use and facilitate mechanical harvest. In addition, an experimental selection having a more compact tree habit for facilitating mechanical orchard management (thin/prune/harvest) was planted with cooperating grower evaluators. A total of over 1,200 experimental peach trees have been propagated in 2009 for 2010 grower plantings, including selections which shows promise as a firm, productive cultivar with freedom from red-pit staining in the Dixon time period. Fresh and processed fruit from both grower and University test blocks have been evaluated for fruit quality, nutrient composition, and consumer preference. PARTICIPANTS: A multi-institution collaboration has been initiated with the following plant geneticist/plant breeders: Peace, C.1, Nahla, B.2, Bink, M.3, Brown, S.4, Byrne, D.5, Clark, J.6, Crisosto, C.7, Davis, T.8, Evans, K.9, Finn, C.10, Gallardo, K.9, and Gasic, K.11 [1 - Washington State University, Po Box 646414, 99164, Pullman, Wa, United States, 10 - Usda-ars Hcrl, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 11 - Clemson Univ., Clemson, Sc 29634, United States, 2 - Usda-ars National Clonal Germplasm, Corvallis, Or 97333, United States, 3 - Plant Research International, 6700aa, Wageningen, Netherlands, 4 - Cornell Univ., Nysaes, Geneva, Ny 14456, United States, 5 - Texas A&m Univ., College Station, Tx 77843, United States, 6 - Univ. Of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ar 72701, United States, 7 - Univ. Of California-davis, Davis, Ca 95616, United States, 8 - Univ. Of New Hampshire, Durham, Nh 03824, United States, 9 - Washington State Univ., Wenatchee, Wa 98801, United States] as part of the RosBREED project headed by A. Iazzoni and funded by the 2009 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI). The main objective is to create a national, dynamic, sustained effort in research, infrastructure establishment, training, and extension for applying marker-assisted breeding (MAB) to deliver improved peach as well as apple, cherry, and strawberry more efficiently and rapidly. Integral to the project is opportunities for graduate student training in genomics and plant breeding. TARGET AUDIENCES: The incorporation of distinctly new germplasm into the peach and almond breeding lines greatly increases opportunities to genetically improve production efficiency, disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for growers, processers, consumer, farm worker and nearby ecosystems, and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies will improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. For example, resulting molecular markers will also allow us to screen breeding progeny at the seedling stage for specific traits, thus reducing the increasingly labor and related field expenses for multi-year tree evaluations. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Because the bulk of Hatch funds have been diverted toward administrative rather then applied research use, the project has had to seek out alternative funding, drastically reduce field labor by increased mechanization, and accelerate the implementation of molecular breeding techniques as greater outside funding is available to pursue these biotechnologies.

Continued commercial production or processing peaches in California will require sizable increases in production efficiency while at the same time maintaining and improving the high quality of the fruit. Breeding commercial varieties with genetic disease resistance will reduce the use of pesticides and so reduce grower cost and increase market safety. Breeding commercial varieties which are more amenable to mechanical orchard management, including thinning and harvesting, will reduce overall grower costs and so reduce cost to the consumer. Better orchard management will also result in higher quality fruit to the processor and consumer.


  • Gradziel, T.M. 2009. Almond (Prunus dulcis) Breeding. In: S.M. Jain and M. Priyadarshan (eds). Breeding of Plantation Tree Crops. Springer Science, New York. pg. 1-31.
  • Sorkheh K, Shiran B, Kiani S, Amirbakhtiar N, Mousavi S, Rouhi V, Mohammady S, Gradziel TM, Malysheva-Otto LV, Martinez- Gomez P. 2009. Discriminating ability of molecular markers and morphological characterization in the establishment of genetic relationships in cultivated genotypes of almond and related wild species. Journal of Forestry Research 20 (3):183-194
  • Dangl, Gerald S., Judy Yang, Thomas Gradziel, Deborah A. Golino. 2009. A practical method for almond cultivar identification and parental analysis using simple sequence repeat markers. Euphytica 168 (1): 41-48.
  • K. Sorkheh, B. Shiran, V. Rouhi1, E. Asadi, H. Jahanbazi, H. Moradi, T.M. Gradziel, P. Martinez-Gomez. 2009. Phenotypic diversity within native Iranian almond species and their breeding potential. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. (in-press).
  • Pere Arus, Thomas Gradziel, M. Margarida Oliveira, and Ryutaro Tao. 2009. Almond. In; K.M. Folta, S.E. Gardiner (eds.), Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae, Springer Science (in-press).

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: Higher fruit and nut phytonutrient contents have been achieved in both peach and almond breeding selections, primarily through the introgression of genes from related species. In addition to nutritional benefit to the consumer, these primarily antioxidants and essential vitamins also promote improved plant resistance to disease and in some cases, postharvest breakdown. Phytonutrient content was found to be heritable with some progeny showing levels exceeding those of both parents. Epigenetic factors also appeared to effect inheritance, particularly in early progeny of interspecific crosses. The 'Sweetheart' almond variety has been released which combines premium nut quality with very high oleic acid content and postharvest storage potential exceeding 2 years. A 10-year evaluation of the previously released 'Winters' almond variety has demonstrated full cross-compatibility and high bloom overlap with the 'Nonpareil' variety for which it is used as a pollenizer. Cumulative yields of the 'Winters' variety often surpassed those of 'Nonpareil' despite it's significantly smaller tree size. A 5-year evaluation of the recently released processing peach varieties 'Goodwin' and 'Lilleland' documented high fruit quality, good commercial yields and a very high processor case-yield recovery. Some pit-splitting was observed in the 'Goodwin' variety, but at levels comparable to the 'Andross' variety for which it was bred to replace. Postharvest storage potential of both new varieties exceeded that of ' Andross'. Molecular markers identifying specific genes responsible for postharvest storage potential in peach have been developed. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Higher fruit quality will encourage greater consumption of these beneficial food groups while improved phytonutrient levels will enhance both short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The integration of molecular marker-based breeding strategies increases breeding efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. The incorporation of new germplasm into the almond and peach breeding lines greatly increased opportunities to develop genetically improved disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for consumer, farm worker and environmental health and lower food production costs. . The full integration of field and molecular-based approaches allows the development of superior genetic varieties of peach and almond which provide greater profit to growers by reducing environmentally harmful agrochemicals and simultaneously increasing eating and phytonutrient quality to the consumer.


  • Gradziel, T., B. Lampinen, J. Connell, and M. Viveros. 2007. Winters Almond: an Early-Blooming, Productive and High Quality Pollenizer for "Nonpareil". HortScience 42(7):1725 through 1727.
  • Gradziel, T.M. 2007. "Sweetheart" Almond: Disclosure and Declaration of Plant Patent/ Record of Invention/United States Application for Letters Plant Patent. Attorney Docket No. 514112901700. 30pg.
  • Gradziel, T.M. 2008. Almond (Prunus dulcis). In: M. Priyadarshan and S.M. Jain (eds).Breeding of Plantation crops. Springer Science publishers. pg. 1-33
  • Socias i Company R., O. Kodad, and J.M. Alonso and J.T.M. Gradziel. 2008. Almond Quality: A Breeding Perspective. In J. Janick (ed.) Horticultural Reviews. 34:197-238
  • Gradziel, T.M. and M.A. Thorpe. 2008. Goodwin Peach: a Processing Clingstone Peach Ripening in the Dixon - Andross Maturity Season. HortScience 43: 1-33.
  • Gradziel, T.M. 2008. Almonds. In J. Janick and R E Paull (eds.) Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 19 pg.
  • Gradziel, T.M. and J.P. McCaa. 2008. Processing Peach Cultivar Development. In D.R. Layne and D. Bassi (eds.). The Peach. CABI London. Pg. 175-193.
  • Gradziel, T.M., M.A. Thorpe and D. M. Barrett. 2008. Lilleland Peach: a High Case-yield Processing Clingstone Peach for the Halford Maturity Period. HortScience 43: 1-33.
  • E.A. Ogundiwin, Marti, C., Forment, J., Pons, C., Granell, A., Gradziel, T.M., C.P. Peace, and C.H. Crisosto. 2008. Development of ChillPeach genomic tools and identification of cold-responsive genes in peach fruit. Plant Molecular Biology .
  • E.A. Ogundiwin, C.P. Peace, C.M. Nicolet, V.K. Rashbrook, T.M. Gradziel, F.A. Bliss, D. Parfitt and C.H. Crisosto. 2008. Leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase gene (PpLDOX): a potential functional marker for cold storage browning in peach. Tree Genetics and Genomes 4(3):543-554

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

The three critical phases of the almond and processing peach variety development program continue to be advanced. The variety evaluation phase is represented by the ongoing, and thus far positive, evaluations of recently released UCD selections such as the Winters almond and the Lilliland and Goodwin peaches. The Sweetheart almond, released in 2007, represents the next generation of selections with improved quality and pest/disease resistance derived from interspecific hybridizations and so possessing a much wider genetic base that has been traditionally available. Advanced selections, such as UCD2-240 almond and Extra-Late#4 through 7 processing peach, exhibit very high quality and phytonutrient content and improved pest resistance. Disease/pest resistant peach and almond selections, as well as several almond selections possessing full self-compatibility, have now been moved to regional grower testing. The final, or genetic recombination phase, involves concurrentbreeding efforts to concentrate the most desirable new traits into future varieties combining improved postharvest quality and yield with higher phytonutrient content and lower grower costs. To identify genes controlling key quality and resistance traits, we are currently collaborating with Dr. Crisosto with an initial objective to develop molecular tools for understanding the basis of postharvest texture and keeping quality. Genetic map positions as well as efficient molecular markers for key traits have been identified and published.

The incorporation of new germplasm into the almond and peach breeding lines has greatly increased opportunities to develop genetically improved disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for consumer, farm worker and environmental health and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. Self-compatible almonds will increase cropping consistency and decrease dependency on the increasingly precarious honeybee supply. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies continues to improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. The full integration of these complementary approaches was allowing the development of superiorgenetic varieties of peach and almond which provide greater profit to growers by reducing environmentally harmful agrochemicals and simultaneously increasing eating and phytonutrient quality to the consumer.


  • Ogundiwin EA, Peace CP, Gradziel TM, Dandekar AM, Bliss FA, Crisosto CH. 2007. Molecular genetic dissection of chilling injury in peach fruit. Acta Horticulturae 738:633-638
  • Peace CP, Callahan AM, Ogundiwin EA, Potter D, Gradziel TM, Bliss FA, Crisosto CH. 2007. Endopolygalacturonase genotypic variation in Prunus. Acta Horticulturae 738:639-646
  • Martinez-Gomez P, K Majourhat,M Zeinalabedini, D. Erogu, M Khayam-Nekoui, V. Grigorian, A Hafidi, A Piqueras1 and TM Gradziel. 2007. Use of Biotechnology for Preserving Rare Fruit Germplasm. Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability 31-40.
  • Granell, A., C. Pons, C. Marti, T.M. Gradziel, C.P. Peace, J. Forment and C. Royo E. Ogundiwin and C.H. Crisosto. 2007. Genomic Approaches - Innovative Tools to Improve Quality of Fresh Cut Produce. Acta Horticulturae 746:203-211.
  • Sorkheh, K., B. Shiran, T. M. Gradziel, B. K. Epperson, P. Martinez Gomez, and E. Asadi. 2007. Amplified fragment length polymorphism as a tool for molecular characterization of almond germplasm: genetic diversity among cultivated genotypes and related wild species of almond, and its relationships with agronomic traits. Euphytica 135:1-18.

Progress 01/01/06 to 12/31/06

The three critical phases of the almond and processing peach variety development program are concurrently in place. The variety evaluation phase is represented by the ongoing, and thus far positive, evaluations of recently released UCD selections such as the 'Winters' almond and the 'Lilliland' and 'Goodwin' peaches. The selection of new variety candidates phase is represented by the next generation of selections with improved quality and pest/disease resistance derived from interspecific hybridizations, and so a much wider genetic base that has been traditionally available. Advanced selections, such as UCD 36-52 almond and Extra-Late#7 peach exhibit very high quality and phytonutrient content and improved pest resistance. These and related selections are now being prepared for release to growers as new varieties or as promising selections for regional testing. The final, or genetic recombination phase, involves concurrent breeding efforts to concentrate the mostdesirable new traits into future varieties combining improved postharvest quality and yield with higher phytonutrient content and lower grower costs. To identify genes controlling key quality and resistance traits, we are currently collaborating with Dr. Crisosto with an initial objective to develop molecular tools for understanding the basis of postharvest texture and keeping quality. Molecular, physiological and field evaluations are presently underway to elucidate the various roles of the endoPG and related genes.

The incorporation of distinctly new germplasm into the almond and peach breeding lines greatly increases opportunities to genetically improve disease and pest resistance, product quality and phytonutrient value. Increased resistance will reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide sprays with direct benefits for consumer, farm worker and environmental health and lower food production costs. Improved food quality will encourage greater consumption of these healthful food groups while higher phytonutrient value will contribute to improved short-term and long-term health of the consumer. The use of molecular marker-based breeding strategies will improve both selection effectiveness and cost efficiency at all phases of the breeding program. For example, resulting molecular markers will also allow us to screen breeding progeny at the seedling stage for specific traits, thus reducing the increasingly labor and related field expenses for multi-year tree evaluations.


  • Martinez-Gomez, P., Sanchez-Perez, F., Dicenta, W. Howard, P. Arus, T.M., Gradziel. 2006. Almond. In: Kole C (ed) Genome Mapping & Molecular Breeding. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, Tokyo. pp. 333-366.
  • Barckley, K.K., S.L. Uratsu, T.M. Gradziel and A.M. Dandekar. 2006. Multidimensional analysis of S-alleles from cross-incompatible groups of California almond cultivars. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 131:632-636.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., Sanchez-Perez, R., Rubio, M., Gradziel, T. M.,Sozi, G.O. 2005. Application of Recent Biotechnologies to PrunusTree Crop Genetic Improvement. Ciencia Investigacion Agraria. 32 (2) 2-22.

Progress 01/01/05 to 12/31/05

Endopolygalacturonase genotype has been shown to be strongly associated with final fruit texture in fresh market and processing peach. Three major functional alleles, F, f, and f1, have now been characterized in peach with a DNA marker assay that allows the prediction of melting/nonmelting and freestone/clingstone phenotype in breeding populations. A number of related and often unique alleles have also been identified in closely related peach and almond species as well as the more distantly related fruit species apricot, plum, and cherry. Interspecific hybridization and subsequent gene introgression have resulted in peach breeding lines showing a range of endopolygalacturonase genotypes and fruit phenotypes. Novel fruit phenotypes, including freestone-nonmelting fruit, and fruit in which the typical softening associated with overripe fruit mesocarp is suppressed, have also been characterized. The endopolygalacturonase DNA marker test has proven an effective predictorof fruit phenotype in a majority of breeding lines and has become an important tool for improving breeding efficiency. In breeding efforts to develop novel peach fruit types, knowledge of endopolygalacturonase genotype has been crucial for the dissection and characterization of other components of the endocarp-mesocarp interface and mesocarp texture. Vascular bundle ontogeny and ramification within the developing endocarp-mesocarp tissue appear to be an important determinant of endopolygalacturonase- associated phenotypes though control on the molecular and anatomical levels remain poorly understood.

Improved genotypes conferring high market quality to fruit and nuts yet able to withstand the rigors of harvest and post-harvest handling are essential for continued viability of these industries. New varieties with improved harvest and post-harvest quality result in greater production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer, more nutritious product to the consumer.


  • Peace, C.P., Crisosto, C.H. and Gradziel T.M. 2005. Endopolygalacturonase: a candidate gene for Freestone and Melting flesh in peach. Mol. Breeding 16:21-31.
  • Peace, C.P., Crisosto, C.H., Garner, D.T., Dandekar, A.M., Gradziel T.M. and Bliss, F.A. 2005. Genetic control of internal breakdown in peach. Acta Hort. (in press).

Progress 01/01/04 to 12/31/04

Almond and peach are major agricultural industries in California with a combined farm-gate value of over $1.6 billion. Continued viability of these commodities is crucial to the economic survival of the mostly family farms involved, as well as the rural communities built around these farming and processing enterprises. Sharka, (plum pox virus), the most serious disease of tree crops in Europe, has recently been found in Canada and Pennsylvania. No resistance has previously been reported for peach, while almond has long been assumed to be a symptomless host. We have now demonstrated immunity for major California almond varieties. Resistance has been identified in several interspecies almond x peach hybrids and in a related advanced peach breeding line. The confirmation of immunity in almond varieties would remove this dominant Central Valley tree crop from possible future quarantine restrictions and would dramatically reduce current mandatory virus testing ofCalifornia orchards. A candidate for the pollen-specific S-allele function in almond has been identified, representing a breakthrough in efforts to understand self-recognition systems in plants. Knowledge of this pollen-expressed F-box gene is required for understanding its mode of action, including capacity for generating the required polymorphism for haplotype-specific S-allele identity, and for developing self-fertile almond varieties.

Genetic solutions to problems resulting from the rapid losses in traditional agro-chemicals and honeybee cross-pollinators are essential for continued viability of these industries. New varieties with improved resistance and productivity result in improved production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer product to the consumer.


  • Koichiro Ushijima, K., H. Sassa, A.M. Dandekar, T.M. Gradziel, R. Tao, and H. Hirano. 2003 Structural and transcriptional analysis of self-incompatibility (S) locus of almond (Prunus dulcis): identification of a pollen-expressed F-box gene with haplotype-specific polymorphism. Plant Cell 15(3):771-81.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., R. Sanchez-Perez, F. Dicenta, and T.M. Gradziel. 2004. Rescue of multiple embryos in almond through in vivo micrografts. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2(2):273-275.
  • Kester, D.E., K.A. Shackel, W.C. Micke, M, Viveros and T. M. Gradziel. 2004. Noninfectious bud failure in 'Carmel' almond: I. Pattern of development in vegetative progeny trees. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127:244-249.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., M. Rubio, F. Dicenta, and T.M. Gradziel. 2004. Resistance to Plum Pox Virus (Dideron isolate RB3.30) in a group of California almonds and transfer of resistance to peach. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science. 129(4):544-548.

Progress 01/01/03 to 12/31/03

Processing peach and almond are major agricultural industries in California with a combined farm-gate value of over $1.2 billion. Continued viability of these California commodities is crucial to the economic survival of the mostly family farms producing these commodities, as well as the associated rural communities built around these farming and processing enterprises. A major limitation to the genetic improvement of peach is the genetic uniformity of present cultivars and breeding lines. Almond is readily crossed with peach and interspecific hybrids provide important rootstocks such as the recently released 'Nickels' rootstock. Considerable trait variability exists in the cultivated almond and wild almond-like species which are found wild from North Africa to China. The transfer of these traits to peach by interspecies hybridization followed by several generations to backcrossing to peach, has led to the recovery of a range of potentially useful traits. Theseinclude modified tree shape, size, and structure; modified fruit bearing habit including spur-bearing peaches; and low bruising, long-hanging peaches which facilitate once-over and mechanical harvesting. Field resistance has been observed for the diseases brown rot, powdery mildew, peach leaf curl, and Phytopthora rots. Certain traits, such as brown rot resistance and spur-bearing habit were recovered in locally adapted peach breeding lines using recurrent selection strategies. Several traits occurred as novel variants and are not easily predicted from parent phenotypes. These preliminary observations, based on the transfer of only a very small proportion of the available germplasm, suggests a previously under recognized value of almond germplasm to peach cultivar and rootstock improvement.

Genetic solutions to problems resulting from the rapid losses in traditional agro-chemicals, productive land, and skilled labor for California processing peach and almond is essential for continued viability of these industries. New rootstocks and scion varieties with improved resistance and productivity result in improved production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer product to the consumer.


  • Boskovic, R., Tobutt, K.R., Batlle, I., Duval, H., Martinez-Gomez, P., and Gradziel, T.M. 2003. Stylar ribonucleases in almond: correlation with and prediction of self-incompatibility genotypes. Plant Breeding 122:70-76.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., Arulsekar, S., Potter, D., and Gradziel T.M. 2003. Relationships among peach and almond and related species as detected by SSR markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 128:667-671.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P. and Gradziel, T.M. 2003. Sexual polyembryony in almond. Sex. Plant Reprod. 16:135-139.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., Arulsekar, S., Potter, D., and Gradziel T.M. 2003. An extended interspecific gene pool available to peach and almond breeding as characterized using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Euphytica 131:313-320.
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., Sozi, G.O., Sanchez-Perez, R., Rubio, M., Gradziel, T.M. 2003. New approach to Prunus tree crop breeding. Food, Agriculture & Environment 1:52-63.
  • Dicenta, F., Martinez-Gomez, P., Martinez-Pato, E., and Gradziel, T. 2003. Screening for Aspergillus flavus resistance in almond. HortScience 38:1-8.

Progress 01/01/02 to 12/31/02

Almond and processing peach are major agricultural industries in California with a combined Farm-gate value of well over $1billion. Continued viability of these California commodities is crucial to the economic survival of both the mostly family farms producing these commodities, as well as the associated rural communities built around these farming and processing enterprises. The development of new rootstocks possessing disease and pest resistance will reduce and can even eliminate currently used fungicides and insecticides which have been shown to be hazardous to both the consumer and the environment. Nickels is a vegetatively propagated rootstock clone originating as a hybrid seedling PA1-82 from the cross of almond to Nemaguard peach. Vegetative progeny are uniform, vigorous, highly compatible with almond cultivars, and relatively easy to propagate. Compared with the commercially important Hansen 536 rootstock, Nickels is better adapted to current nurserypropagation and storage practices as well as to a wider range of California almond production environments, possibly related to its greater winter chilling requirement. Nickels also has a similar range of resistance to nematode species as does the parental Nemaguard, which is a widely used rootstock for Prunus tree crops in California. The hybrid vigor of this interspecific rootstock confers greater vigor to the almond scion, making it particularly useful for replant situations where adjacent trees are typically larger and so more competitive. In addition, an almond scion variety named Winters and 2 processing peach varieties named Goodwin and Lilleland, repectively, have recently been released and virus-free budwood has now been made available to nurseries and growers for commercial propagation.

It is clear that modification of the expression of proteins responsible for tomato fruit ripening-related cell wall digestion can lead to improved consistency in products made from tomato juice concentrates. The research on PD is trying to identify ways to limit damage caused by PD. Our data will provide a clear picture of the way that the disease develops and, therefore, is likely to reveal places where prevention of PD or reduction of its impact might be feasible.


  • Camara Hurtado, M., L.C. Greve and J.M. Labavitch. 2002. Changes in cell wall pectins accompanying tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) paste manufacture. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:273-278.

Progress 01/01/01 to 12/31/01

The objectives of the cling-peach and almond breeding programs are the development of new varieties which reduce grower and processor costs while improving quality and yields. Immediate needs for processing peach were the replacement of the 'Dixon', 'Andross', 'Halford' and 'Starn' varieties because of their tendency for red-staining of the pit cavity with associated pit fragmentation. 'Hesse' has been previously released as a replacement for 'Starn' and presently has substantial plantings. 'Rizzi', a 'Dr. Davis' period selection was released at the same time, primarily for the southern San Joaquin Valley regions where its capacity for prolonged cold storage prior to processing is crucial to that industry. In 2001, 'Goodwin' and 'Lilleland' have been released as replacements for the now abandoned 'Dixon' variety, and the 'Halford' variety, respectively. New varieties have good processing quality and freedom from pit deterioration. The breeding priority for almond hasbeen the development of pollinizers for 'Nonpareil'. The release of the 'Winters' almond in 2001 provides a high quality and productive pollinizer for the early 'Nonpareil' bloom, while the continued selection of low-Bud-Failure clones of 'Carmel' have allowed the continued plantings of this important mid-bloom pollinator which was being abandoned in the early 1990s because of high Bud-Failure losses. The almond x peach hybrid 'Nickels' was previously released as a root-rot and nematode resistant rootstock for almond replant situations, though current research has demonstrated good tree structure and productivity under a range of production systems.

Genetic solutions to problems resulting from the rapid losses in traditional agro-chemicals, productive land, and skilled labor for California processing peach and almond is essential for continued viability of these industries. New varieties with improved resistance and productivity result in improved production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer product to the consumer.


  • Tamura, M.K., K. Ushijima, H. Sassa, H. Hirano, R. Tao, T.M. Gradziel and A.M. Dandekar. 2000. Identification of self-incompatibility genotypes of almond by allele specific PCR analysis. Theor. Appl. Genet.101: 344-349.
  • Gradziel, T.M. 2001. Almond Plant 13-1 'Winters': Disclosure and Record of Invention/United States Application for Letters Plant Patent. Attorney Docket No. 028723-302.
  • Sathe, Shridhar K., Suzanne S. Teuber, Thomas M. Gradziel, and Kenneth H. Roux. 2001. Electrophoretic and immunological analyses of almond (Prunus dulcis L.) genotypes and interspecies hybrids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49(4):2043-2052.
  • Martinez-Gomez P. and T.M. Gradziel. 2001. In-vivo Micrograft in Almond and Their Applications in Breeding Programs. HortTechnology 11 (2): 181-183.
  • Gradziel T.M., Martinez-Gomez P., Dicenta F. and Kester D.E., 2001. The utilization of related almond species for almond variety improvement. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 55:100- 108.
  • Ushijima, K, Sassa H., Tamura, K. Kusaba, Tao R., Gradziel T.M., A.M. Dandekar and Hirano H. 2002. Characterization of the S-locus region of almond (Prunus dulcis): analysis of a somaclonal mutant and a cosmid contig for an S haplotype. Genetics. (in press)
  • Kester, D.E., R. N. Asay and T. M. Gradziel. 2002. `Nickels' almond x peach hybrid clonal rootstock. HortScience. (in press)
  • Tourjee, K. and T. M. Gradziel. 2001. Establishing an Eastern Black Walnut Breeding Program. Outlook on Agriculture 30:155-163.
  • Dandekar, A.M., H.J. Fisk, G.H. McGranahan, S.L. Uratsu, H. Bains, C.A. Leslie, M. Tamura, M. Escobar, J. Labavitch, C. Greve, T. Gradziel, P.V. Vail, S.J. Tebbets, H. Sassa, R. Tao, W. Viss, J. Driver, D. James, A. Passey and G. Teo. 2002. Different genes for different folks in tree crops: What works and what does not. HortScience. (in press)
  • Gradziel, T.M. and P. Martinez-Gomez. 2002. Shell seal breakdown in almond is associated with the site of secondary ovule abortion. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. (in press)
  • Martinez-Gomez, P., E. Ortega, F. Dicenta, and T.M. Gradziel. 2002. In-vitro germination of pollen of four almond cultivars after 12 months storage at four temperatures. HortScience. (in press)
  • Gradziel, T.M., D.E. Kester, and P. Martinez-Gomez. 2002. A development based classification for shoot form in almond. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. (in press)

Progress 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

The objectives of the cling-peach and almond breeding programs are the development of new varieties which reduce grower and processor costs while improving quality and yields, differentiate California product from foreign competition, and facilitate the expansion into new markets. The California processing peach and almond industries are based largely on production from selections developed at UC Davis. An accelerated approach for field testing promising breeding selections has been developed and is now being implemented which provides growers and processors early access to the promising new breeding selections by directly involving them in the field evaluation process. Promising processing peach breeding selections in the Dixon-Andross (Early#3) and Halford (Late#1) maturity period are presently being prepared for patenting and release. Promising selections in the Extra-Early and Extra-Late periods are being advanced to large-scale grower testing in 2001. Brown-rotresistant lines with good horticultural quality are also becoming available for grower testing. A productive and high quality almond pollinizer for the critical early Nonpareil bloom is also being released for 2001.

Genetic solutions to problems resulting from the rapid losses in traditional agro-chemicals, productive land, and skilled labor for California processing peach and almond is essential for continued viability of these industries. New varieties with improved resistance and productivity result in improved production efficiency, reduced agro-chemical contamination of California ecosystems, and provide a safer product to the consumer.


  • Martinez-Gomez, P., T. M. Gradziel, E. Ortega, and F. Dicenta. 2000. Short-term storage of almond pollen. HortScience 35:1151-52.

Progress 01/01/99 to 12/31/99

Genetic solutions to current California almond production problems will help California farming families continue to profitably grow almonds while, at the same time, reducing both agrochemicals and energy inputs in farming operations. Progress towards these goals has been made in four important areas. Molecular markers have been developed which allow a rapid identification of the appropriate almond variety combinations conferring good pollen cross-compatibility, which in turn, allows the grower to optimize the required cross-pollination and so productivity of his new almond plantings. These markers are also leading to an improved understanding of the self-incompatibility mechanism in almond and so represents an important step towards the future development of self-compatible and self-pollinating almond varieties with their improved year-to-year cropping consistency. Research in 1999 has also resulted in a better understanding of flower architectures which wouldencourage self pollination and so improved cropping efficiency while reducing vulnerability to the presently serious blossom-blight diseases. The immediate need for effective pollenizers for the principal almond variety 'Nonpareil' has led to the selection of 'Carmel' clones demonstrating low incidence of the Bud-failure disease even under conducive test environments, and with the planned naming and release in 2000 of the advanced almond breeding line UCD, 13-1 with its high productivity and cross-compatibility, and good bloom overlap with 'Nonpareil'. Finally, an improved almond rootstock is currently being patented and released. This inter-species almond x peach rootstock, to be named 'Nickels', conferred both good vigor to the California almond varieties tested as well as improved resistance to soil born diseases.

The development of new almond and peach varieties and rootstocks with improved resistance to diseases/pests and/or adverse environments will allow California to produce these crops using less agrochemicals with their environmental hazards, while at the same time reducing production costs for the grower and consequently, end product cost for the consumer.


  • Gradziel, T.M. and Weinbaum, S.A. 1999. High Relative Humidity Reduces Anther Dehiscence in Apricot, Peach and Almond. HortScience 34:322-325.
  • Gradziel, T., Mahoney, N. and Abdallah, A. 2000. Aflatoxin production among almond genotypes is unrelated to either kernel oil composition or Aspergillus flavus growth rate. HortScience 35:xxx-xxx. (In Press)
  • Kester, D.E. and Gradziel, T.M. 1998. The University of California Almond Breeding Project: I. Historical Aspect. Nucis 7:8-10.
  • Tamura, M.K., Ushijima, K., Sassa, H., Hirano, H., Tao, R., Gradziel, T.M. and Dandekar, A.M. 2000. Identification of self-incompatibility genotypes of almond by allele specific PCR analysis. Theor. Appl. Genet. (In Press)

Progress 01/01/98 to 12/31/98

Three groupings of almond variety origins could be distinguished by RAPD inheritance patterns: progeny from the interbreeding of 2-4 early California varieties, bud-sport mutations, and a few progeny from outcrosses to more exotic germplasm. RAPD and S-genotype studies indicate a probable relatedness of NONPAREIL with MISSION, which, along with their direct progeny account for over 90% of current production. Germplasm from related PRUNUS species including P. SCOPARIA, P. BUCHARICA, P. WEBBII, P. ARGENTIA, P. FENZLIANA, and P. MIRA, have been transferred to almond which also serves as a bridge-species for transfer to peach. Recovered traits include cleistogamous self-pollination, novel tree and growth habits, disease and insect resistance, and self-compatibility and the capacity for self-pollination in almond. Peach genotypes capable of once-over harvesting, and nonmelting freestone fruit types have also been recovered. The isolation and characterization of theputative stylar S-protein (S-RNase) for almond has been achieved. Analysis of cDNAs associated with these S-RNases demonstrate significant allele sequence diversification particularly at the hypervariable region thought to be involved in recognizing S-specificity of this self-incompatibility response. Results support opportunities for developing markers for self-compatible forms of the S-allele (presumably as null forms).



  • ABDALLAH, A., AHUMADA, M.H., AND GRADZIEL, T.M. 1998. Oil content and fatty acid composition of almond kernels from different genotypes and from different California production regions. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.
  • KESTER, D.E, SHACKEL, K.A., GRADZIEL, T.M., MICKE, W.C., AND VIVEROS, M. 1998. Variability in BF-potential and BF-expression among nursery propagules of 'Carmel' almond. Acta Hort. 470:268-272.
  • BARTOLOZZI, F., WARBURTON, M.L., ARULSEKAR, S., AND GRADZIEL, T.M. 1998. Genetic characterization and relatedness among California almond cultivars and breeding lines detected by Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
  • GRADZIEL, T.M. AND KESTER, D.E. 1998. Breeding for self-fertility in California almond cultivars. Acta Hort 470:109-117.
  • TOURJEE, K.R., BARRETT, D.N., ROMERO, M.V., AND GRADZIEL, T.M. 1998. Flesh color variability among canning clingstone peach genotypes differing in carotenoid composition. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
  • USHIJIMA, K., SASSA, H., TAO, R., YAMANE, H., DANDEKAR, A.M., GRADZIEL, T.M., AND HIRANO, H. 1998. Cloning and characterization of cDNAs encoding the S-RNases in almond (PRUNUS DULCIS): primary structural features and sequence diversity of the Rosaceous S-RNases.

Progress 01/01/97 to 12/01/97

In almond, genetic diversity as detected by RAPD analysis was found to be limited within California almond (PRUNUS DULCIS) varieties despite the requirement for obligate outcrossing in this species. Genetic sources of self-compatibility and self- pollinating ability have been identified in closely related PRUNUS species. The stylar RNases associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in almond have now been identified. Furthermore, breakdown in the self-incompatibility response has been found to be associated with the loss of one of the two stylar RNase proteins found in diploid almonds. Resistance to brown rot(MONILINIA FRUCTICOLA) appears to be associated with increased levels of the phenolics chlorogenic and caffeic acids, which are also associated with poorer color quality and increased susceptibility to bruising. We have shown that flesh color, which is the major criteria of quality in processing clingstone peach, is largely determined by the carotenoids B-carotene and B-cryptoxanthin. We have pioneered the application of Principle Component Analysis combined with Path Analysis of the flesh color to differentiate genotypes of different pigment compositions. This approach is particularly promising due to the ease, speed, and reliability of flesh color measurement using colorimeters.



  • TAO, R., YAMANE, H., SASSA, H., MORI, H., GRADZIEL, T.M., DANDEKAR, A.M., AND SUGIURA, A. 1997. Identification of stylar Rnases associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in almond (PRUNUS
  • MARCOTRIGIANO, M. AND GRADZIEL, T.M. 1997. Genetic mosaics and plant improvement. In J. Janick (ed), Plant Breeding Reviews 15:43-84.
  • BARTOLOZZI, F., WARBURTON, M.L., ARULSEKAR, S., AND GRADZIEL, T.M. Genetic characterization and relatedness among California almond cultivars and breeding lines detected by Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. J. Amer. Soc. H
  • TOURJEE, K.R., BARRETT, D.N., ROMERO, M.V., AND GRADZIEL, T.M. Flesh color variability among canning clingstone peach genotypes differing in carotenoid composition. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. (In Press)
  • GRADZIEL, T.M., THORPE, M.A., BOSTOCK, R.M., AND WILCOX, S. Breeding for brown-rot (MONILINIA FRUCTICOLA) resistance in clingstone peach with emphasis on the role of fruit phenolics. Acta Hort. (In Press)

Progress 01/01/96 to 12/30/96

Almond, possesses a highly lignified endocarp or shell. Field surveys from 1991 to 1996, combined with controlled insect feeding studies in 1996 have shown the dominant hard-shelled trait (D-) to be positively associated with greater resistant to navel orangeworm (AMYELOIS TRANSITELLA, Walker) and peach twig borer (ANARSIA LINEATELLA, Zell.) infestation than nuts expressing the paper-shelled (dd) trait. Hard-shelled genotypes were also found to result in undesirable effects including a lower kernel meat-to-nut crack-out ratio, greater kernel damage during mechanical shelling, and a reduction in plant energy available to seed development. Histogenic analysis has shown that the almond endocarp, unlike peach, has a tri-partite structure. Insect feeding studies have also demonstrated that the inner endocarp layer, which is similar in both hard and paper-shelled types, is the most important structural barrier to insect infestation. Studies of shell integrity along withX-ray analysis of endocarp and kernel structures have confirmed that discontinuities at the inner endocarp suture seal are the primary, though not the sole site of entry for insect pests. Paper-shelled almond selections with highly lignified and well-sealed inner endocarps show resistance levels comparable to hard shelled types but with crack-out ratios up to 40% higher. Pseudo-paper-shelled types have also been selected, in which a highly lignifies outer endocarp is formed but is retained by the fruit hull at dehiscence.



  • GRADZIEL, T.M. and KESTER, D.E. 1996. Variety development. In: Almond ProductionManual. Warren Micke (Technical Editor). University of California, Publication 3364.
  • KESTER, D.E. and GRADZIEL, T.M. 1996. Genetic disorders. In: Almond Production Manual. Warren Micke (Technical Editor). University of California, Publication 3364.
  • KESTER, D.E. and GRADZIEL, T.M. 1996. Almonds. In: Fruit Breeding, Volume III: Nuts. Jules Janick and James N. Moore (eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 1-97.

Progress 01/01/95 to 12/30/95

Multiple genetic mechanisms are being employed for control of aflatoxin producing Aspergillus spp. fungi as well as Navel orangeworm (PARAMYELOIS TRANSITELLA Walk.) which appears important for initial fungal infection in almond. Resistance to fungal colonization/contamination is being pursued through the incorporation of seed coat resistance to infection, through seed based antibiosis to fungal growth, and through development of seed composition not supportive to toxin production. Resistance to Navel orangeworm infestations is being pursued through the development of a well-sealed endocarp, and through the development of genotypes with either antibiosis or nonpreference in the hull and/or seed tissue. Germplasm demonstrating resistance to Navel orangeworm infestation through the formation of a well-sealed yet horticulturally acceptable (high crack-out, etc.) endocarp has been identified in the related wild species Prunus argentea. Genetic sources showing both antibiosisand nonpreference in seed and hull material have been identified, with the cultivated variety Mission presently demonstrating the greatest promise. Response to selection is low, however, and research continues on the identification of the responsible chemical agent(s). Three volatiles present in mature hull tissue: carvomethenol, linalool, and gamma deca-lactone, have elicited strong nonpreference response from first instar Navel orangeworm larvae.



  • GRADZIEL, T. M. and KESTER, D. E. In Press. Genetic improvement. In: Almond Production Manual, Micke, W.C. (ed). ANR Publications. Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA.
  • GRADZIEL, T. M. and KESTER, D. E. In Press. Almond breeding. In: Advances in Fruit Breeding, Janick, J. and Moore, J. N. (eds.). Purdue University Press.

Progress 01/01/94 to 12/30/94

Resistance to brown rot as caused by MONILINIA FRUCTICOLA which was previously identified in progeny of the Brazilian clingstone peach cultivar 'Bolinha' has been transferred to processing peach breeding lines. Horticultural quality, particularly fruit size and color, and reduction of preharvest drop is approaching commercial potential while resistance to fruit infection appears as good as 'Bolinha' seedling source. The genetic selection for precociously developing high yellow-orange flesh color has also resulted in several very late season clingstone peach lines possessing a flesh quality suitable for processing and with relatively high levels of brown rot-resistance inherent to the mature-green fruit development stage. Continuing genetic and pollen development studies of the 'Jeffries' mutation of the 'Nonpareil' almond which shows unilateral cross-compatibility to the 'Nonpareil' source, indicate control by pseudo-compatibility genes rather than an altered S-allele.Very efficient controlled almond cross-pollinations were achieved using honey-bee mediated cross-pollination employing 2000 cu. ft. screen enclosures containing seed parent tree and pollen donor bouquet treated with queen mandibular pheromone, enclosed 'mini'-hive and external 'trap'-hive.



  • GRADZIEL, T.M. 1994. Changes in susceptibility to brown rot with ripening in three clingstone peach genotypes. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 119(1):101-105.
  • KESTER, D.E., GRADZIEL, T.M., AND MICKE, W.C. 1994. Identifying pollen incompatibility groups in California almond cultivars. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 119(1):106-109.
  • GRADZIEL, T.M. AND WANG, D. 1994. Susceptibility of California almond cultivars to aflatoxigenic ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS. HortScience 29(1):33-35.
  • GRADZIEL, T.M. AND KESTER, D.E. 1994. Breeding for resistance to ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS in almond. Acta Hort. 373:111-117.

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