How to Add Nintendo Switch Friends on PS4 (2025)

It used to be impossible for people using the PlayStation 4 to connect with their friends on the Nintendo Switch. With Sony’s recent acceptance of fully open Crossplay connectivity, this has greatly changed the PS4’s gaming environment. Game developers have now bridged these two platforms together by offering such a system in a variety of titles.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add Nintendo Switch friends, and play with them on the PS4 through the Crossplay system.

About Crossplay

In late 2019, Sony opened up Crossplay with other gaming systems. Since then, developers have certainly taken advantage of it. But what is Crossplay exactly? Well, it’s the ability of a platform, whether hand-held, console, or PC, to connect to anyone playing the same game. Technically, you don’t directly connect to different platforms. Rather, everyone playing the same title is put on a single server regardless of what they’re playing it on.

This may become an issue when players on consoles go up against people using a computer, especially with first-person games. There are ways to edit the settings though, as we’ll show you later in the article.

How to Add Nintendo Switch Friends on PS4 (1)

Checking Crossplay Settings

Crossplay settings can differ for each game you play. Many games have Crossplay enabled by default, while some may not. Fortnite, for example, requires you to agree to Cross-platform play. Otherwise, you’re locked from regular matches. Minecraft, on the other hand, won’t enable it unless you log in with a Microsoft account.

The games that support Crossplay between the PS4 and Switch are listed below. Also given are a quick summary of their cross-platform settings.

Adding Friends Through Crossplay

If a game allows you to play with other platforms, adding them to your friends list is as simple as searching for their in-game handle and clicking on Add Friend.

Refer to the games list to see the Crossplay settings of each game. You may have to create an account with the game’s own site to be able to see users on different platforms.

How to Add Nintendo Switch Friends on PS4 (2)

Games Available for Crossplay on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch

Not all games offered on the PS4 or Switch can be connected through Crossplay. Because the system has only recently been introduced, only a limited number of titles have the capability. Here’s a list of games that currently support Crossplay between the PS4 and the Switch. Note that this list is subject to change. You can check your game’s documentation to see if it supports Crossplay.

  1. Brawlhalla
    Enabled by default. Create a custom room and give room number to your friend.
  2. Dauntless
    In the Login Screen, choose Options. Go to Gameplay and scroll down. Make sure Crossplay is enabled. To add friends, Open Social Menu and send Invite.
  3. Dragon Quest Builders 2
    Crossplay enabled by default. Progress through quests to unlock multiplayer.
  4. Dragon Quest X
    Crossplay enabled by default. Game is MMORPG. Add friends by using in-game friends list.
  5. Fantasy Strike
    Enabled by default. Entering queue matches you with all platforms. Add friends through in-game friends list.
  6. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
    Hosting required through Dolphin and VBA. Complicated setup.
  7. Fortnite Battle Royale
    Enabled by default. Adding friends done through in-game playlist. To check Crossplay, Open Options, go to Settings, scroll down until you see Allow Cross Platform Parties. This must be on to enable Crossplay.
  8. Just Dance (World Dance Floor)
    Cross platform available only on online multiplayer.
  9. Minecraft Bedrock Edition
    Enabled by default. Requires signup to a Microsoft account. Add friends by entering game handle.
  10. Paladins
    Go to Options then select Controls. Look for the Crossplay option. Allow all will group you with all platforms. Keyboard only will only allow keyboard users. Gamepad only will only allow those using a controller or gamepad. Add friends through in game friends list.
  11. Phantasy Star Online 2
    Online Action Game. Enabled by default. Add friends through in-game friends list.
  12. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
    Enabled by default. Give others your Game ID to play matches.
  13. Realm Royale
    Enabled by default. Go to the Social Tab to add friends.
  14. Rocket League
    Enabled by default. Add friends through the Rocket ID Friends tab.
  15. Smite
    Enabled by Default. Use in game Social Tab to add friends.
  16. Super Mega Baseball 2
    Enabled by default, but only cross platform matchmaking. Cannot add friends. Cannot play with specific player.
  17. Touring Karts
    Enabled by default. Create lobby and share lobby ID with friends.
  18. Ultimate Chicken Horse
    Enabled by default. Add friends through in game friends list or create private game room and share room ID.

How to Add Nintendo Switch Friends on PS4 (3)

Connecting Platforms

Crossplay is now becoming a standard in multiplayer games. It’s started to connect different platforms together, letting friends on different systems play with each other. As this becomes the norm, a more diverse gameplay environment will be developed.

Do you know of any other games that offer cross platform play between the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation? Are there any tips that you may have on how to add Nintendo Switch friends on PS4? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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How to Add Nintendo Switch Friends on PS4 (2025)
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