Jogo Bob Esponja Battle for Bikini Bottom Switch Novo (I) (2024)

Jogo Bob Esponja Battle for Bikini Bottom Switch Novo (I) (1)

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Código: NSJ0084 Marca: Nintendo

R$ 299,89

ou R$ 278,90 via Pix

Comprar agora Estoque: Disponível

  • Parcelas

    • 1x de R$ 299,89 sem juros
    • 2x de R$ 149,95 sem juros
    • 3x de R$ 99,96 sem juros
    • 4x de R$ 74,97 sem juros
    • 5x de R$ 59,98 sem juros
    • 6x de R$ 49,98 sem juros
    • 7x de R$ 42,84 sem juros
    • 8x de R$ 37,49 sem juros
    • 9x de R$ 33,32 sem juros
    • 10x de R$ 29,99 sem juros
    • 11x de R$ 27,26 sem juros
    • 12x de R$ 24,99 sem juros
  • R$ 278,90 Jogo Bob Esponja Battle for Bikini Bottom Switch Novo (I) (3)

  • R$ 278,90 Jogo Bob Esponja Battle for Bikini Bottom Switch Novo (I) (4)

* Este prazo de entrega está considerando a disponibilidade do produto + prazo de entrega.


• Tipo de Jogo:Aventura

• Desenvolvedora:Nintendo

• Publicadora:THQ Nordic

• Data do Lançamento:01/03/2021

• Idade Recomendada:Livre para todas as idades

• Número de Jogadores Offline:1 até 2

• Número de Jogadores Online:-

• Resolução:Até 1080p

• Tamanho do Arquivo:11.3GB

• Produto Novo


• Produto Lacrado;
• Jogo Original;

• Jogo Importado.

• Game Card
• Manual

• Nintendo Switch

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Vídeo - Jogo Bob Esponja Batt...

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Jogo Bob Esponja Battle for Bikini Bottom Switch Novo (I) (2024)


How to get the secret ending in battle for bikini bottom rehydrated? ›

To unlock the secret ending, the player will need to collect every Golden Spatula.

How to bubble bash SpongeBob switch? ›

Press and hold the Bubble-Bash button while on the ground and SpongeBob will wind up a throw: the longer the button is held down, the faster it'll travel! Practice aiming with the bowling pin aimer on the line of Wooden Tikis behind Bubble Buddy. Nearby will be the entrance to Rock Bottom, and a Pressure Plate.

How to enter cheat codes in SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom? ›

For all codes, pause the game and hold down L + R. You'll hear a sound to confirm a successful entry. Note that the codes must be entered very quickly.

How to stun robots as Patrick Switch? ›

Patrick's ground pound move is different depending on if you Jump or Double Jump. In a normal Jump, he'll cannonball into the ground, which only stuns/damages enemies he makes direct contact with. In a Double Jump, he'll do a powerful Belly Flop that releases a shockwave to stun/damage enemies instead.

How do you get the secret ending return? ›

In order to unlock the secret ending in Returnal, you have to start over with a fresh run. In doing so, you can begin to collect the six Sunface Fragments. You can find these scattered in random places across Returnal's world, meaning that you may need to die and restart several times to get them all.

What happens if you get all golden spatulas? ›

There are 100 golden spatulas in total, and you'll need to find them all to 100% complete the game. Finding the golden spatulas also unlocks the Spatula Seeker, Super Spatula Seeker, Ultra Spatula Seeker, Mega Spatula Seeker, and Super Ultra Mega Spatula Seeker Trophies.

How to get SpongeBob bubble bowl? ›

The Skee-Ball game in front of you will require SpongeBob's Bubble-Bowl move. He won't get this move until you unlock Bottom Feeder Lane, the third and final area of the Bikini Bottom hub. Ignore the Bus Stop to stay as Patrick and instead turn left and jump across some more swaying platforms.

How to find King Jellyfish in SpongeBob? ›

King Jellyfish Jelly

As you might expect, you get this level-specific collectible be defeating King Jellyfish in the Spork Mountain area, the third and final area of Jellyfish Fields. If you're having trouble defeating him, head to the Spork Mountain page for tips and tricks on how to do so.

How long does it take to 100 SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom? ›

If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 14 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How to cheat in SpongeBob? ›

Cheat List
  1. All Monsters in Monster Gallery: Hold L and R and enter X, Y, X, Y, Y, X, Y, X.
  2. Bubble Bowl Power Up: Hold L and R and quickly enter X, Y, X, Y, X, X, Y, Y.
  3. Increased Health: While standing near a villager hold L and R and enter Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, X, X, Y, Y.

What is the final level in SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom? ›

Chum Bucket Lab is the final level in Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. You can access it by entering the Chum Bucket in Bottom Feeder Lane and walking up to the door with 75 Golden Spatulas, which is possible as early as Kelp Forest.

How do you slap King Jellyfish? ›

Eventually, King Jellyfish will stop his pursuit, slam the ground, and emit a shockwave, and fans should jump just before the attack is launched in order to avoid it. At that point, players can move in and hit King Jellyfish with their Bubble Wand.

How does Patrick Belly flop? ›

The Sign just up ahead will teach you about Patrick's Belly Flop. It works just like SpongeBob's Bubble-Bounce, but it also has a small shockwave too! Use it to slam on the Floor Button to retract the fence and enter the caves proper. Navigate around the lava rock funnels into an open area with a goo pool.

How does Patrick body slam? ›

Body slam: While in the air, Patrick can plummet directly downward to destroy things beneath him or activate buttons, sending out a small shock wave.

How do you get the garry ending? ›

In order to get this ending, Ib must have enough bond points with Garry to give him her handkerchief after he wounds his hand, and choose to jump through the Fabricated World painting with him. Promise of Reunion is considered the best ending (and is presumably the true/"canon" ending).

How do you get the Virginia secret ending? ›

To achieve the secret ending, players need to complete some pre-requisites. Firstly, players must get Virginia as a companion and keep her alive. Additionally, players need to keep Kelvin alive and achieve maximum sentiment with Virginia.

How do you get the sun secret ending? ›

The Sun - Rogue's Ending

To unlock Rogue's path, you need to complete all of Johnny's side missions with Rogue, including Side Job Blistering Love. Once you've done all of those, an option to assault Arasaka Tower with Rogue will pop up on the rooftop. Go with her to end Arasaka's reign once and for all.

How do you get Polly secret endings? ›

You can unlock Polly's secret ending; Locket, when you buy The Cursed Locket of Winston Montgomery. Polly will see you with the locket and convince you to use it in a pretty unconventional way.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5229

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.