peaches and soft myth - Chapter 2 - outropeace (2024)

Chapter Text

Louis loved romance novels; he was obsessed and enthralled by them, but mostly he was fascinated by the protagonists. Stubborn, witty characters who weren’t afraid of speaking up and getting what they wanted. He used to think of himself as one. However, his failed relationships and his current nonexistent love life made him realize that, more than the protagonist, he was just the supportive friend who constantly offered advice and cheered on his friends as they pursued their love interests. While he longed to be the one at the center of a passionate romance, he couldn't help but feel like he was destined to be the one standing on the sidelines, watching love unfold for others. It was a bittersweet realization at first, but with time, he stopped living vicariously through fictional characters and came to terms with his faith.

That was how he became the best matchmaker on campus—no matter what his friends thought about his abilities and antics. He was good at it.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to kick him out the house while you do your thing?” Zayn grumbled behind him as he stared at their reflection in the mirror.

Louis snorted, brushing the blonde wig Ciana got for him. It was a good one, real hair and all. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s not like I’m hiding or something. And if he asks me, I’ll tell him I’m just recording a fit check.” he mumbled, smoothing the baby blue Shushu/Tong dress he was wearing.

“With my $1.6K camera and lighting?” Zayn chuckled as he shook his head. “Yeah, I don’t think he’s that naïve.”

“You think he would freak out if he saw me like this?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I don’t really know him that well. Either way, he doesn’t deserve to see you like this.”

Louis laughed, throwing his head back. “You make it sound as if it was a privilege.”

“It is when you look the way you do.”

Louis gasped dramatically. “Zayn…” He turned around, smirking. “So, do you think I’m pretty?” He slapped his shoulder lightly, making the boy laugh.

“Now you just want your ego boost, and we both know you don’t need that.”

The cheerleader pouted. “One always needs his ego boosted a little.”

“You look gorgeous, and it doesn’t really matter if he freaks out. It’s not his business.”

It wasn’t as if Louis could tell Zayn that it was, in fact, Harry’s business. But thankfully he didn’t have to say a thing because the devil himself walked inside the apartment, smoldering eyes and a perpetual frown on his face.

“You are here.” Louis blurted out.

Harry’s frown deepened. “I live here,” he said slowly, looking intensively at Louis’ clothes.

“I mean earlier.”

“I had some stuff to do…” Harry drawled, finally detaching his focus from Louis to look between the almost non-existent space between Zayn and him. “What's going on?”

Zayn scoffed. “None of your business.” He grabbed Louis’ wrist. “Come on, I will cancel my plans; I’m staying.”

“No. I’m fine,” Louis said hurriedly. “I will be fine, I promise. You can go.”

His friend’s brows knitted together. “You sure?”

“Very. Go,” Louis said, almost pleading.

Zayn nodded, and finally let Louis’ hand go. “Lock my door and call me if anything changes.”

“Sure, have fun.”

There was a short, but heavy silence after Zayn finally left the apartment, where Harry's gaze zeroed yet again solely on Louis.

“Can you tell me now what the f*ck is going on?”

“Nothing. I thought this could help us with our practice.” Louis touched the ends of the wig. “You know, to make it more realistic. Zayn helped him with some of the make-up.”

“Oh. So… does he know about… you know… you helping me?”

“No?” Louis crossed his arms, feeling a little defensive. Did Harry think he was a snitch? “Why would I tell him that?”

Harry’s face flushed. “I don’t know. What was the reason you gave him to be here, dressed like that?”

“Because I made him believe I wanted to create a private Twitter account to gain some extra money, and I asked him if I could use his room to take some pictures.”

“What kind of pictures?”

“Harry, focus… There will be no pictures. I just made him believe that so he could lend me his room and leave for the afternoon. And if he comes back and sees me like this in here, he won’t get any wrong idea.”

Harry tilted his head, the hint of a smile adorning the corner of his lips. “With the wrong idea, you mean what is really going on?”

“I mean, him thinking we are an actual thing.” Louis sniffed. “The last thing you need is that rumor spreading and Greta believing you are taken or that you only played with her.”

Harry paled at that. “f*ck…”

Louis smiled softly, a little endeared by the man. What could he say? He had a soft spot for strong yet unashamedly whipped men.

“Exactly. So thank me, and let’s start with your lessons.”

“Thank you.” Harry mumbled, sounding feeble even to Louis’ own ears.

“You're welcome, big boy.” The cheerleader took Harry’s hand. “Now, let’s begin!”

“Should we go to, uh— To my room?”

“Only if you want to,” Louis said softly, already letting Harry’s hand go just in case he was making him uncomfortable. But before that, the man squeezed it softly.

“I do,” he whispered, giving Louis a reassuring smile. “Come on.”

Harry’s room was a dream. Clean and always smelling wonderful. Louis was sure that if he layed on the bed for even a minute, he would instantly fall asleep there.

“I know you told me you were okay with whatever, but I wanna test your limits first. But don’t worry, we’ll go slowly, and as soon as you feel uncomfortable, we’ll stop. Alright?”

Harry nodded as he sat on his bed, his hand still holding Louis’.

“I’m gonna need you to use your words, big guy.”

The captain’s throat bobbed heavily before his mouth parted to say, “Yes.”

“Okay.” Louis smiled, his heart fluttering against his rib cage. “I’m gonna sit on your lap.” he whispered, placing his free hand over Harry’s shoulder as he straddled his legs slowly. Under his soft sweater, the captain felt big and strong, a mass of powerful muscles he was sure could break Louis in half if he wished to. “Put your hands on my hips.”

Harry easily obeyed. “Is this okay?” he asked, thumb gently rubbing a circle over Louis’ hip bone.

The cheerleader licked his lips and nodded. “Now I’m going to kiss you, alright?” his voice was shaking a little.

Just a little.


The kiss was slow and a little clumsy, but as Harry explored his mouth and body, something ignited in Louis. He tried to not move a lot, to stay as still as he could, so the little problem growing between his legs would not disturb Harry. However, the captain had other ideas as he pushed him closer by his ass, his big hands squeezing the soft flesh and slightly running up the fabric of his dress.

“Oh…” Louis gasped at the feeling of something hard and big flushed against his semi-hard co*ck.

“I guess that resolves some of your doubts.” Harry rasped against his lips.

“Some.” Louis cleared his throat. “What would you do next if I were her?”

Harry furrowed his brows, tension returning to his body. “I don’t know; kiss you some more?”

“You can definitely do that.” Louis leaned in to leave another tender kiss on Harry’s lips. “What else?”


“Okay, how about this? Close your eyes and picture her,” Louis offered gently, assuming that the reason Harry couldn’t come up with more ideas was because, aside from the mere biological reactions to stimulation, the man was not into Louis or men in general. “Tell me things you would tell her. Be vocal about how she makes you feel. Don’t be afraid to show her.”

“Uh…” the captain said, his eyes perfectly closed as the frown between his eyes deepened. “I think you are the nicest girl I know. You are very, very kind, and you have a—uh— pretty smile.”

“Okay, that’s—really cute, but I don't mean it like that.”

Harry opened his eyes, and Louis watched his throat bob with a swallow. The cheerleader followed the motion as the urge to press his tongue there unraveled inside his body.

“Maybe if I keep kissing you, I can get in the mood?”

Louis’ brows lifted in surprise. “Alright, if that’s what you want.”

The first touch of Harry’s tongue sent a shockwave through Louis’ spine, his body coming back to life again.

“Can I?” the man whispered, curious fingers slithering under his dress.

Louis nodded, unsure what his voice might sound like if he spoke.

“What is this, hm?” Harry played with his lacy panties, making Louis flush as if he were the virginal one of the two.

He felt his face heat up. “I—I wanted you to have the full experience.”

“Did you?” Harry asked, eyes searching for something on Louis’ face. “That’s very thoughtful of you.” He nipped his jawline, hands running up and down his torso. “I like how you feel under my hands. The sounds you make when I kiss you here,” he nipped lightly on his earlobe, “and here.” His tongue flickered over Louis’ pulse point. “It makes me want to discover what other sounds I can rip from you.” Harry pulled him closer, until their co*cks flushed together again, making Louis let out a helpless whimper. “Like that.”

Harry’s kisses turned demanding, his desire palpable in each wet swipe of his tongue. It felt natural, the way Harry gently and wordlessly eased Louis’ dress up and over his head. The way he looked at the cheerleader’s body with blown pupils, eyes losing that hint of lingering insecurity, only to be replaced with hunger.

“Did you also put that on to give me the full experience?” The captain’s thumb grazed over Louis’ hard nipple, only covered by the delicate lace of his bra.


Harry hummed, “That’s so lovely. As lovely as you feel on top of me.”

Louis’ eyes were shut, trying this very best to not come in his panties, to control his own desire to touch and kiss Harry.

“You are such a great teacher. I’m learning so much from you.” Harry told him roughly as he began to move his hips under him, creating a wonderful friction against Louis’ wet co*ck. “You like that?”

Louis let out a small helpless whimper as he grabbed the soft fabric of Harry’s sweater for dear life.

“Now who is the one who needs to use their words? Come on, tell me.”

The cheerleader let out a shuddering exhale. “I like it,” the words melted into a gasp when Harry softly pinched his nipple.

“Of course you like it. You are getting me all wet.” Harry pressed his lips to Louis’ throat as he placed his big hands on his hips. “Now show me how much you want my co*ck.” The man swipes his tongue under his ear. “Move for me, baby.”

It was such a gentle yet clear order, Louis found himself obeying before he could stop himself, chasing the heat growing wild and raw in his pelvis. He felt delirious and somehow vulnerable, at Harry’s mercy. So much that for a few seconds, he didn’t know who was teaching who.

“That’s it baby, ride my co*ck. Ride me. You’re doing so f*cking good. I want to be inside of you so bad. f*ck, you would look so good full of me.”

The friction was hot and fast, the fabric of the panties burning just the right amount, helping Harry’s words at sending Louis over the edge.

“Say I’m your girl,” Louis breathed out, eyes half closed, remembering this was still, in fact, a lesson, after all.

“You’re my good girl.” Harry grunted. “My perfect girl.”

For one long, shivering moment of pleasure, the world went quiet and white, just before Louis cried out as thick ribbons of come dirties his panties and Harry’s clothes.

“So, how does it feel to be hugged by a cloud?” Harry whispered against his ear after a few moments of silence, arms firmly wrapped around his body.

Louis felt blood rush to his face and ears. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.” He gently pushed Harry, trying to stand up as quickly as he could with his shaky legs. “I’ll wash this and buy you another, I promise.”

“It’s fine. I can do that myself.” Harry smiled, adjusting his still hard co*ck under his pants.

“God.” Louis huffed a small and hysterical chuckle as he picked his dress from the floor. “This is definitively a humbling moment for me.”

“Why?” Harry frowned, reaching out for some wet wipes placed over his nightstand. “Here you can clean yourself.”

“Thank you,” he mumbled. “I just thought you had no experience.”

“I had kissed and done other stuff before, but nothing like today.”

Louis stopped cleaning his belly. “So, that was your first time talking like that?”

“Was it bad?”

“You know it wasn’t. You got me a little crazy over there.” Louis bit his bottom lip. “Are you sure you need my help for the rest?” He shrugged. “You seem a natural.”

Harry snorted, standing up, finally taking his dirty sweater off. “I really do. But if you don’t want to—”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just… I—”


Louis took a deep breath, repeating himself. He shouldn’t feel embarrassed to talk about that type of stuff with Harry. They were friends after all and he needed to hear and know about his potential. “I have never come that hard or fast in my life. When I say you are a natural, I mean it. You are really good. Like… obscenely good.”


“Exactly. I mean, I could help you any day, at any time,” Louis laughed lightly. “But I think you’re good to go.”

Harry frowned, pinching his bottom lip with his thumb and pointer finger. “Uhm, no, I still need help with other stuff.”

“Then it’s settled. You pick the time and place for our next lesson,” Louis informed him as he put on his dress again.

“No, wait,” Harry stopped him. “Wear this,” he said, walking to his closet and grabbing a soft-looking jumper.

“Oh, don't worry, I brought my clothes. They’re in Zayn’s room.”

“Still, your clothes are always very summery, and it’s getting cold outside.”

“A hoe never gets cold.” Louis lifted his shoulder and fluttered his eyelashes.

“But you could get the flu. You know you want to wear it, anyway.”

“Ugh,” The cheerleader rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed the jumper. “I do, but only because it’s kinda cute.”

It wasn’t cute. It was a dark blue, enormous thing that Louis would never be caught dead wearing. But it was soft and smelled like Harry and at that precise moment, it was everything Louis wanted and needed.

“Well…” he said after he put the jumper on. “I have to clean the staged mess I created in Zayn’s room, and then I have to leave.”

“Okay.” Harry scratched his jaw. “Do you want me to help you with that?”

His voice was low and somehow Louis could still feel it deep inside.

“Nah, it's fine.” He waved Harry off. “I got it. See you tomorrow?”

“Sure.” The soft smile Harry gave him settled into his chest, carving a small place there.

Louis grinned back at him, closing the distance between them to leave a small kiss on Harry’s cheek. “Thanks for the jumper,” he whispered close to his ear. “And for the org*sm.” He winked at the captain before turning on his heel and walking out of the room.

“You are so screwed.” Orion said over the loud music.

They were at their usual bar, sitting in their usual booth, waiting for Gala to bring their overpriced drinks—Ciana’s words, not Louis’—while he waited for Harry to arrive so they could start the next part of their plan, which was to make Greta fall for Harry.

“Literally.” Ciana giggled.

Louis looked at both his friends in confusion. “What are you even talking about?”

“That something,” Orion drew the last vocal as she leaned forward on the boot. “Is up with you and Styles. And you, my friend, are screwed.”

“Nothing is going on. He is my friend.”

“Didn’t you have a fat crush on him since, like, your first day here?” Orion asked, arching a thick and black brow.

Louis laughed, head thrown back. “So what?” He lifted a shoulder, a sultry smile on full display. “I also had a fat crush on Gala and you. It’s almost an initiation.”

“Hey,” Ciana shouted, pouting. “You didn’t say my name.”

“Oh, baby, take it as a compliment.” Louis held his best friend’s hand. “You are too much of a sweetheart and my sexuality is basically assholes. I clearly have issues.”

“Zayn is an asshole.” Orion taunted him. “Are you having two crushes at the same time, then?”

Louis rolled his eyes. “I’m always having multiple crushes at the same time. Not only two.”

“I mean… If you think about it,” Ciana chimed in. “From all your crushes, the only one who has remained is Styles.”

“Because it’s the only one I wasn’t friends with.”

Orion narrowed her eyes, a sly smirk blooming on her face. “You were the one who said you would never get close to him because you didn’t want to ruin the fantasy.”

“And now I’m ruining it, so no more crush in a few weeks.” Louis rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why you are making such a big deal out of this?”

“Because it feels like a Leo situation all over again.” Gala drawled as she put down a tray filled with shots and two tall glasses. “And they are too nice to tell you that.”

“See?” Louis looked at Ciana. “This is why I had the biggest crush on her. No tact whatsoever.”

“If being blunt will avoid you another heartbreak, I might as well become a crowbar.” Gala bopped Louis’ nose with her finger, winking at him. “Here, I bought you this.” She passed him one of the tall glasses on the tray.

“You think the glitter will make me forget your rudeness?” He sipped the baby blue drink. “You are absolutely correct.”

Gala snorted. “Is he coming tonight?”

Louis hummed against his straw. “Yeah, I heard Greta and her friends are coming too.”

“And was that anything to do with—Oh my god…” Ciana whispered in disbelief.

“What?” Louis looked at the different expressions of his friends.

“Oh, Lou…” Ciana exclaimed in a tone that was too close to pity for Louis’ liking.

He honestly didn’t understand why they were being so dramatic about it. It wasn't the first time he helped a friend in need. He even liked to see himself as a philanthropist of sorts. Only that instead of money donations, he donated the gift of love.

“What?” he repeated, again, letting out a giggle.

“I still cannot believe you pretended to be dumb to get close to him just to help him hook up with little miss sunshine.” Gala drawled, already looking done with him and his newest antics.

Louis' smile grew so big it hurt. “You know, I love a good matchmaker moment.”

The whole table groaned in unison. Which was a little rude, but Louis let it slide only because he may or may not have given them good reasons to react the way they did.

“You are literally the worst matchmaker ever, and you are an even worse wingman.” Orion grabbed the other flute on the tray.

“I got you both together.”

“We got us together.” Orion said between laughs. “You told me Ciana was sleeping around with half of the campus!”

Louis let out a loud gasp and shook his head. “I did not say that! She liked you, and you were—well, you know, with your focus on some other… things.” Louis waved off, not trying to bring any of that stuff in the present. “So I said she was a very sought after girl, with many people dying to be with her. I made her desirable. It totally worked!”

“Okay, sure,” Orion raised both hands. “I’ll give you that.”

“And look at us now,” Ciana smiled lazily, “I got a reliable hook up who also keeps the unwanted attention of weird men away. A win win. By the way, you never told me who your crush was back then.” the girl reproached Orion, pushing a loose curl behind her ear.

Brown eyes went left, then zeroed in to her flute, taking all her drink in one swig. “You know… Some random straight girl, I don’t remember the name.”

Gala huffed a laugh. “Straight… Really ?”

Orion snapped her finger and tapped her temple. “Yeah, you are totally right. It turns out she wasn’t straight. She was just an asshole.”

“Maybe she wasn’t into you,” Gala drawled. “Or are you so full of yourself to think every single human wants you?”

The sardonic smile on Orion’s face dropped as a muscle in her jaw twitched. “You are also very right about that, blondie. I mean, after all, she and I hooked up for a year and when things got real, she chose sports and college over me. So yeah, she wasn’t as into me as I was into her. sh*t happens. The world keeps moving and Louis is still a sh*tty matchmaker.”

“Hey!” Louis let out a small and nervous chuckle, a little relieved things were moving from the previous topic. “sh*tty is a very strong word.”

“You are.” Orion's smirk was back on her face again. “Remember when you tried to get Matt to be with that one weird guy from—”

“Matt liked him!”

“Who did I like?” Matt chirped, arms wrapped around Greta and Harry’s. “Look who I found at the bar?”

“Harry, hey!” Louis said, startled, standing up to hug the man. “What uh—a surprise.” As soon as he wrapped his arms around the man, he felt his muscles relax. “I got this, don’t worry.” he whispered into Harry’s ears. “Hi, Greta,” the cheerleader moved to the girl, kissing both her cheeks.

“I was as surprised as you are when I saw Harry here of all places.” Matt said cheerfully, as if he didn’t just ruin Harry’s night.

“Do you have a table?” Louis asked for mere courtesy, already knowing the answer.

“No,” Greta blushed under the strobe lights, “That’s why we were at the bar.”

“How many of you are there?”

“Three more.”

Louis looked pleadingly at Gala, who was the one who got them the table in the first place—just like almost every weekend. His friend merely sighed and nodded.

“Why don’t you bring them here?” the cheerleader told Greta, a bright smile plastered on his face.

“Oh no, no,” the girl shook her head. “I wouldn’t want to bother.”

“It’s fine,” Ciana waved off. “I can sit on Orion’s lap.”

“Are you really sure?” Greta asked, looking at everyone. And when they reassured her again, she replied a relieved, “Oh, thank you! I promise we will spend most of the night dancing.” She hugged Louis tightly. “I’ll be right back.”

Louis nodded and turned to see Harry, who unsurprisingly had a sour look on his face. The cheerleader knew that wasn’t what they had planned and that it probably wasn’t ideal, but the night still could be saved. Of that, Louis was very sure.

“Oh, nice, shots!” Matt yelled, clapping his hands as he walked towards the table.

“Sorry Matt ruined your chances tonight. But don’t worry, I got it all under control.”

Harry shrugged, still looking uncomfortable and out of place. “I was coming here anyways.”

“Where you?”

“Yeah, I went to the bar to get you and your friends some drinks.” Harry said louder, chin pointing at the table. “Didn’t want to meet them empty-handed.”

“So where are the drinks?”

Louis frowned. “Orion…” He chastised his friend.

“What?” The girl smirked. “It’s an honest question.”

“Well, Greta saw me before that and then Matt. I finally got to meet him. He is… nice. Very chatty. Nice.”

“Aw, thanks man!” Matt said, grinning, before taking another shot.

“How nice is Matt, Harry?” Orion's smile turned almost predatory.

Louis mouthed, ‘Stop it!’ at his friend and turned to face Harry, unable to read the look in his eyes.

“Don’t listen to her, she likes to be an ass.”

Harry shook his head. “It’s fine,” he gently said with a reassuring smile on his face. “Let’s do something.” He looked directly at Orion. “Next rounds are on me.”

“Harry Styles,” Orion opened her arms, eyes sparkling with joy. “I’ve never sh*t talked about you. Ever.”

“I have,” Gala said with a cold tone, looking directly at Harry.

“We are back!” Greta shouted, successfully cutting the tension beginning to bubble between Harry and Gala. “Okay, so the group is bigger than I thought, but like I said, most of us will spend all night on the dance floor anyway, and we’ll take turns to sit.”

“You know what they say,” Orion said with a tight smile. “If five can fit, nine can too.”

Ciana snorted, “No one says that.”

“Exactly.” She smiled, biting the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she leaned closer to Ciana. “I was trying to be subtle.”

“I can sit on Matt’s lap,” Louis suggested as Matt patted his legs. “Let me—”

“Wait, no,” Harry grabbed him by his wrist. “You can sit on my lap. It’s easier this way. Look.” He shoved Matt further down the booth before sitting.

“Are you sure?” Louis said through gritted teeth behind a smile, shaking his head discreetly.

“Yeah. Come on,” Harry touched his hip. “Don’t make them wait up.”

Later, Louis would blame his decision on the bright smile Harry flashed at him. It was, after all, the first of its kind he saw on the man since they began talking a few months back. So it was only natural that Louis would be too stunned to form a coherent excuse to not sit on the man’s lap.

True to his promise, Harry paid for the next round of shots and even bought another special glittery drink for Louis and an artisanal beer for Greta and himself.

Louis knew that Harry was more of the quiet type, especially in loud places filled with people, so he made sure Harry wasn’t feeling uncomfortable or left out of any conversation with his friends or the new additions to the group. He also tried his very best to make Greta see that if Harry replied to her with hums, nods and some grunts, it wasn’t because he was bored by her, but because that’s how he communicated most of the time. That it had its charm, and was sort of very attractive in a caveman way that drove Louis a little wild. All this in the form of giggles and obnoxious laughs— because there was no better way to make someone appear appealing than when other people found them beyond attractive.

“Hey,” he told Harry when he saw Greta walk to the dance floor with two of her friends. “Don’t you wanna dance?”

“We are a little caged.”

Louis huffed out a breath. “And whose fault is that? I told you I could sit on Matt’s lap.”

“Are you mad?” Harry drummed his fingers on Louis’ tummy.

“I’m not mad,” he sighed, turning to see Harry. “It’s just… Greta is not here, and you should be with her right now. I’m basically co*ck-blocking you.”

“I think my co*ck is doing just fine right now.” Harry’s hands curled around Louis’ hips, pulling him closer to his chest, until his ass was touching his semi-hard co*ck.

Louis let out a small yelp as he adjusted himself to get a better feel of it. “You are such a pig,” he said, with barely more than a breathy sigh.

Harry chuckled. “If I’m a pig, why are you smiling like that?” he whispered, so close thatLouis could feel the shape of his smile against his skin.

“Because apparently I find pigs amusing.” He turned his head to face Harry, and didn’t have to look at himself to know he was also grinning like a fool. “Awful taste, remember.”

The captain looked at him, as if searching for something on his face, but then, his eyes darted to the seat next to them.

“Oh, look, guess you can run free now,” he taunted, not even trying to move his hands around his body. As if he knew there was no other place the cheerleader would rather be than against him.

Well, he was about to be proven wrong.

“Come with me,” Louis said, grabbing Harry’s hand.

“To where?” he asked, already standing up with Louis.

“We are having your next lesson here.”

Louis knew for a fact the bathrooms in this club were fairly clean, with stalls big enough for them to… enjoy themselves without issue.

As he slammed Harry’s back against the tiles, he wished he was better dressed for the occasion— in a flowy short dress where Harry could have access to his body as easily as breathing. But instead of that, he wore high-waisted red velvet bell bottom flare pants and a short velvety waistcoat in the same tone. Louis cursed himself for that particular decision, but he had other things to focus on at that moment as Harry chased his mouth like a starving man ready to feast.

“Tonight,” Louis whispered against his lips. “You’re going to learn how to use my mouth.”

Harry’s brows knitted in confusion. How—” His eyes widened as Louis unbuckled his pants and kneeled in front of him.

“Ready?” the cheerleader asked, looking up at Harry just as he licked his lips.

He cupped Louis’ jaw, thumb caressing his bottom lip, and with trembling fingers, he pulled out his co*ck for him.

It was a visceral thing to see Harry in all his glory for the first time. Long and thick, so close he could almost taste the tangy flavor on the back of his throat, making his mouth water and his tongue heavy. The cheerleader brushed his nose against the base of Harry's co*ck before flicking his tongue to taste the warm skin. Louis felt Harry's body tense with anticipation as he wrapped his lips around the head of his co*ck. He held him inside his mouth as his tongue traced lazily over the shape of it, licking the bead of pre-come at the tip. The room filled with their breathing, heavy and urgent, creating an electric atmosphere that consumed them both.

“Lou—bab— f*ck.”

Louis’ mouth detached from Harry’s co*ck with a pop. “You can do whatever you want,” he offered. “Just say it. Leave the rest to me.” He flattened his tongue from the top of his co*ck all the way down to the base, still looking at Harry under his eyelashes. “Let me be your good girl.”

From the beginning, there was a hand placed on the back of Louis’ head, not pushing or pressuring him, but that at the cheerleader’s words gripped a little tighter around his hair.

“Open your mouth, lovely,” he said, voice deep and hoarse, as he watched attentively as the cheerleader followed his order. “Wider, baby,” he rasped out, hooking a thumb over the row of Louis’ bottom teeth to tug his jaw wider.

The cheerleader let his tongue free, waiting for anything that Harry wanted to give him.

“That’s it,” he grunted, giving himself a slow stroke before rubbing the bead of pre-come forming at the tip of his co*ck over Louis’ tongue. “Gorgeous.”

If Louis could purr, he would do so at the praise. Everything felt so f*cking right with Harry. From the way he gently held his head to how he sank deeper into his mouth, slowly and with purpose. Suddenly, Louis's only thought was how he could feel Harry’s co*ck against the back of his throat before he began to f*ck his mouth.

The cadence of Harry’s hips made Louis’ eyes flutter in pleasure. The cheerleader was drunk on his taste and smell, almost coming untouched again as he bruised his nose in the curly hair at the base of his co*ck. He was almost sure Harry was talking, that his pretty mouth was forming probably filthy words for him, but he could no longer register any sound, not when his entire world was reduced to the co*ck filling his mouth.

Louis' hand slithered up to Harry’s chest, where he could feel the thrumming of his heartbeat pushing wildly at an unsteady rhythm. The sole thought of him being the one doing that to Harry made Louis feel dizzy with power and desire.

“Baby,” he hissed. “Baby, I’m going to come, let me—”

The cheerleader shook his head, closing his lips around him, suckling at the head to let the fluids coat his tongue.

“f*ck,” he said roughly, massaging Louis’ jaw. “You want it,” Harry said, voice filled with wonder, thumb tracing the cheerleader’s stretched lips. “You want me inside you, take every bit of it. Of me.”

Louis wanted to cry out that he desired anything and everything Harry would want to give him, but the captain was too deep in him, keeping him too full, so he hoped the moans coming from his throat and the tears dripping down his cheeks were enough to make Harry see how much he wanted him.

It didn’t take too long before Harry came with a guttural grunt, twitching inside Louis as a warm gush filled his mouth. He tried to swallow as best as he could, but it was so much that he felt dribbles of come inevitably begin to drip from the corners of his lips.

“Come here, lovely,” Harry pulled him up to kiss him, urging him to open with his tongue, licking into him to taste himself in every corner of his mouth.

“Was I a good girl?” Louis asked, not recognizing his own voice.

“You were perfect.” Harry cleaned the cheerleader’s jaw with his thumb and tongue. “My perfect babygirl.”

“You don’t have to kiss me,” Louis whispered, cupping Harry’s face, senses returning to him little by little. “I know. I must taste weird.”

“You taste as lovely as always. Not even I can make you taste wrong.” His smile was soft and easy as he covered Louis’ hands with his.

“It’s the lip gloss.”

Harry let out a small chuckle, leaning in to kiss him again. “No, I think it’s just you.”

Many people might feel pity for Louis, but that kiss, inside a sketchy bathroom stall with a guy who was practicing how to be a good lover for another girl, was one of the best kisses he had ever received in his entire life. Which, it was a very pitiful thing in hindsight. Pitiful and dangerous for his heart, but at that moment nothing mattered more than Harry’s hands pulling him closer and closer, exploring the slivers of skin left by his clothes, tracing the waistband of his pants, finger unbuckling his bottom—wait, unbuckling? No. No. No. That would completely break Harry’s fantasy.

Louis grabbed Harry’s hand just in time as he was about to pull down his fly. “It’s getting a little late. Don’t you think?”

Harry pressed his mouth against his jaw, nose brushing behind his ear. “A little, but you haven’t come. I want you to come.”

The cheerleader giggled nervously, face going hot. “I promise it’s fine. I’m fine. I like this.”

“Really?” Harry co*cked his head, smiling as his brows creased.

“Really. Also, I have to check my friends and see if they want to leave.”

The darkness that clouded Harry’s features cleared. “Okay,” he said, smiling, “let’s go check them.”

“You don’t have to come with me. They are most probably drunk, so I’ll have to take them to their apartment now, and I don’t want to ruin your night with Greta. This is your chance to make a move.”

“Louis,” Harry said, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead. “It’s fine. Let me help you.”


It took them a few minutes to fix themselves, to look a little more presentable, just in case Greta was still around. But as soon as they got to their table, Louis realized there was nothing to worry about, because the only ones that were at the table were Orion and Ciana.

Louis tapped Ciana’s shoulder once, but his friend was too focused on kissing Orion to notice their presence. So he opted to lightly touch Orion’s hand draped over the booth, which the girl promptly grabbed, caressing the back of it with her thumb. Her dark eyes opened, focusing on Louis, and her touch turned lighter.

“Oh, hey Lou,” Orion slurred as she detached herself from Ciana. “I thought you were Gala.” She hiccuped as her eyes moved to Harry. “Harry Styles, my man!” she said, opening her arms. “You are better than Leo. I never compared you with him. But if I ever did—that I didn’t because he is a cheating rat, you are better than him. Right, C?”

Ciana turned around, looking as drunk as Orion did. “What is your stance on gay marriage?” she asked with narrowed eyes.

Louis closed his eyes as he let out a long sigh. “Alright, it’s time to leave.”

“Everyone should marry whoever they want while they’re consensual adults,” Harry mumbled behind him, hand firmly placed on Louis’ hip. Which was a f*cked up combo if anyone asked Louis. Even more considering the state the cheerleader was in because of him—with tingly and bitten lips, weak and bruised knees, and a heart that refused to calm.

“He is an ally!” Orion shouted. “Harry say ally.”

“Ally,” the captain said, sounding more like a question than a statement.

Orion touched her chest. “He truly is a good one. Sorry for doubting you. He has done more for the gay community than many politicians.”

“Yeah,” Ciana nodded. “He gave us alcohol.”

“And I’m about to invite you all to burgers.” Harry pulled Louis closer to him. “So I’ll also feed you all.”

Orion gasped. “A beacon of hope for the community.”

“You really don’t have to do it,” Louis said as he turned to face Harry.

“No, he really does.” Orion shook a finger. “I see you, Harry Styles, the ally. They might not see it, but I do. Matt! You’re here! Tell me you agree with me.”

Matt chuckled as a confused frown appeared on his face. “What are we talking about?”

“He knows.” Orion waved off. “You know, right?”

“I—do?” Matt said, before relaxing at the sight of Gala approaching the table.

“We can go now if you wish,” informed the blonde-haired girl to everyone, not giving any other explanation of her whereabouts all night.

“Gala!” Orion beamed at her. “Harry Styles is an ally! Do you see what I see?”

“If it’s puke in your near future, then yes, I do see it,” Gala grunted, putting down a bottle of water in front of Orion. “Drink this.”

Orion scoffed, but obeyed her captain. “Can we agree she is the bigger asshole out of all of us?”

“We can recount all the things you have said and done throughout the years.”

“No, wait, no, we are getting burgers. Harry is inviting,” Orion said hurriedly as she stood up.

“Is he?” Gala arched a brow before swiftly moving to hold Orion in her place. “Easy there,” she chastised the girl, shaking her head as she cleaned the lipstick smeared on her chin with her thumb. “God, you’re such a mess.”

“I’m not,” Orion mumbled, pushing Gala’s hands away from her. “And he is inviting us all. Right, Harry?”

Harry’s only reply was a small nod and a shrug.

“Huh…” Gala said, eyes narrowing as she looked between Harry and Louis.

“She sees it!” Orion exclaimed as she helped Ciana to stand up.

“I don’t see it,” Ciana mumbled. “Where do I have to look?”

“I’ll tell you later. Now let’s get our burgers.”


Instead of eating the burgers at the food truck, they took the food to Gala’s apartment and kept drinking there. Or at least that was what Louis did while Harry drank only water until it was finally time to leave.

Louis felt warm and giddy, alcohol buzzing pleasingly in his body as Harry opened his cold dorm door.

“You didn’t have to walk me to my door,” the cheerleader said as he dropped his body on the bed.

“Is that a chicken… holding a knife?”

Louis frowned and pursed his lips, confused, blinking rapidly as if that would make what Harry said make any type of sense. That was until he turned his face to see his stuffed animal sitting on his nightstand. “Stop,” he whispered. “Don’t look at it.” He rolled to grab the chicken and cover its ears with both hands. “It knows things.”

“Then the chicken also knows I kinda had to walk you here,” Harry grunted, struggling to take Louis’ boots off. “You could barely walk.”

Louis giggled, placing his palm over his mouth. “You could have lef—” he hiccuped. “Left me at Gala’s place.”

“Up,” Harry ordered as he helped Louis sit up so he could take his waistcoat. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I think your friends would rather have the house to themselves tonight.”

The cheerleader gasped and placed two fingers on top of Harry’s mouth. “Shh, we don’t talk about that. That’s like a secret.”

Harry snorted. “The three of them were kissing each other in front of us.”

“Oh, yeah,” Louis put the stuffed animal on his nightstand again. “But that’s not the secret, though.” He yawned as Harry helped him get under his covers. “A little smooching session between your closest friends could heal your soul.”

Louis’ dizzy mind waited for Harry’s laugh or his usual disdainful snort, but the man solely continued undressing him in silence.

“Do you want to sleep like this or do you want pajamas?” Harry asked with an odd tone.

“Like this, please.”

“Are you sure? It’s a bit cold.”

Harry was being nice, referring to the state of his dorm room as a little cold. It was freezing, but those last tequila shots were doing wonders to Louis’ body. That and…

“You make me feel warm all over,” the cheerleader mumbled, smiling dopily at the man hovering over him.

“Oh,” Harry cleared his throat after a few minutes of pure silence. “Then, I guess I’m leaving now.”

Louis let out a small whine that would render him embarrassed if he wasn’t so drunk. “No, don’t leave. It’s so late.” He grabbed Harry’s hand. “You can sleep in the other bed if you want.”

“What about your roommate?”

“He’s with his girlfriend. He stays with her all weekend, so we are good.”

Louis moved both their hands close to his face and leaned into the warmth radiating from them.

He should let Harry leave to his warm apartment and comfy bed, god knows him staying was more of a punishment than a favor.

“Yeah?” Harry’s thumb caressed Louis’ cheek.

“Mhm,” Louis nodded with his eyes closed. “Do you want to learn something new?”

“Maybe tomorrow. Let’s sleep now, yeah?”

Louis hummed. “That sounds really nice.”

“Can I sleep here with you, though? It could help with the cold.”

Louis tried to open his eyes, but each time he did, they fluttered shut again. “That sounds nicer,” he still said, smiling as he tried his best to make room on his small bed for Harry.

As they laid on the same bed, facing each other, barely touching, Louis felt like a very drunk scientist discovering something groundbreaking. Being close to Harry felt like magic, innocent and novel.

“The chicken with the knife must be pleased with its work,” Louis whispered into the night, not really sure if Harry or even he was actually awake.

The man chuckled softly. “How do you know?”

“Cause it’s warm now, and I have a new friend who walks me to my room, helps me change and stays with me, so I’m not cold.”

“How is that the chicken’s work?”

Louis hummed. “What chicken?”

“Sleep, baby,” Harry whispered close to his face.

Or at least that was Louis’ drunk and tired mind wished he said.


Despite all his dating history, Louis had never slept with anyone before, not with his friends or his ex partners. The closest he was to it was on a rainy night after hooking up with Leo where he was “kind” enough to let him crash there. That, of course, changed when a random girl showed up unannounced, stating she wanted to give Leo—her boyfriend since high school—a surprise visit.

Leo gave Louis exactly ten minutes to dress up and leave from his window, and no matter how much Louis insisted he could just pass for some random frat brother and leave from the front door, he couldn’t convince Leo to let him hold on to the little dignity he had left.

That day he lost more than that and in exchange only got a terrible case of the flu.

And it wasn’t as if Louis thought Leo would ever want something serious with him. It was just that he never thought the man would also make him complicit in his infidelity.

Leo made him feel dirty and sick. And the whole incident basically ruined Louis’ reputation around campus.

So yeah, Louis had never slept with anyone before, because mostly, no one wanted to do anything more than have a little fun with Louis. But it was totally fine, because the cheerleader also didn’t want anything serious.

Relationships were complicated and required a lot of time and effort, and Louis was way too focused on school for that.

That didn’t mean he was exempt from the butterflies fluttering inside his body at the sight of a very handsome man sleeping beside him, or how their knees and hands softly touched.

“Are you staring at me?” Harry mumbled, eyes still closed.

Louis hid part of his face in his pillow. “A little. I was memorizing your snoring pattern.”

Harry snorted, opening one eye. “I don’t snore.”

“That’s what people have told you to not to hurt your feelings, big guy.”

“Pipa would have made a fuss if it was true. She couldn’t even bear to hear me typing on my computer past midnight.”

Louis’ brows lifted in surprise as an odd feeling bloomed in his chest. “Pipa?”

“Pipa is my dog,” Harry explained. “Well, my parent’s dog, but she used to sleep with me in my room back in my hometown.”

Whatever odd feeling he’d felt growing morphed into something bright and light, fluttering all over Louis’ rib cage to finally explode into a fit of giggles.

“Don’t laugh.” Harry threw a pillow at him. “She’s very old and grumpy.”

“I’m sure Miss Pipa is lovely and you are just over-exaggerating.”

“You can ask my mom about it when you meet her.” Harry’s smile dropped. “I mean—I’m not saying—I meant—”

Louis tried his hardest to keep the easygoing grin on his face. “I know what you meant, big guy. Don’t worry about it.” The cheerleader scratched the tip of his nose. “Hey, uh— are you hungry? I have cereal here.”

“Yeah,” Harry cleared his throat. “A bit.”

“Cool,” Louis said, standing up. “I have small boxes of Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes.”

“No oatmeal?” Harry arched a brow, clearly teasing him, but Louis couldn’t help but flush at the friendly dig.

“The rest of my food is at the community kitchen.”

Harry hummed. “Give me some Lucky Charms then.”

For his own good, Louis sat on his roommate's bed instead of his after giving Harry three boxes of cereal. And he knew he made the right choice when Harry’s shoulders visibly relaxed at his decision.

“At Gala’s place, you said you have never played any party game?” Louis asked after a few minutes of silence.

Harry shrugged. “I never went to any parties in high school so no.”

“Not even spin the bottle?”

The captain shook his head before finishing his last box.

“That sucks. They’re like the most fun. Do you want more cereal? I have one more box.”

“It’s fine.” Then, Harry tilted his head and arched a brow. “Are you full?”

Louis’ lips parted oh-so slightly as his breath hitched just before recovering from his shameful slip.

“Yeah! I’m so fine, too!” Louis said hurriedly, cheeks feeling hot, chastising himself and his dirty mind. It was so shameful how an innocent question got him so worked up. He definitely needed to get laid as soon as possible.

To save face, Louis tried to focus on other things in his room than the mass of muscles sitting on his bed. It was then that his gaze zeroed on the digital clock on his bedside table.

“sh*t,” he half-whispered. “Look at the time! It's so late.”

Harry furrowed his brows. “Do you need to go somewhere today?”

“Yeah! To Gala’s place. We hang out there every Sunday.” Louis perked up. “Hey, do you want to come? I sure do need a ride.”

Harry grabbed his phone. “Yeah,I—” He frowned.

“Everything okay?”

“Uh, yeah… Greta asked me if I wanted to spend the morning at the park.”

The odd feeling in his chest reappeared with a vengeance before the usual happiness for his friends overtook him.

“Oh, my god? Did you reply?” Louis slammed his hands on the bed as he bounced once. “You have to reply to her now!”


“Do it! This is such a great opportunity.”

“Okay, okay!” Harry chuckled as he typed something on his phone. “There, sent.”

The smile on his face is bright and so happy, Louis’ chest ached a little. From happiness for his friend, of course.

He should let Harry go, not delay him more, but when he was finally about to open his dorm room to leave, Louis called his name.

“Yeah?” Harry turned, his eyebrows raised.

“If you want, you can still go to Gala’s place after your date. But only if you want.”

Harry gave him the dopiest smile Louis had seen.“I do want to. I’ll text you later then.”

“Please,” Louis barely whispered. “And Harry? Thanks for last night. I slept like a baby thanks to you.”

The grin on Harry’s face doubled. “It was my pleasure.”


To Louis' own standards, enough time had passed for his crush on Harry to subdue, but to his own shock, the harmless feelings he had for the captain had done nothing but grow into herculean sizes. Now, instead of only wanting to kiss him when he looked particularly grumpy or fed up, he wanted to do it all the time, even when he wasn’t around.

The worst part was that Louis couldn’t say a thing to his friends because they would most probably tell him it was all his fault. Because it was. Louis was the one who offered his help, the one who, despite saying otherwise, caught stupid and very unrequited feelings for a straight man who was in love with someone else.

It was all on Louis.

“Are you sulking?” Zayn murmured as he ran his fingers through Louis’ hair.

They were watching a movie in Gala’s living room. Well, Zayn, Gala and Orión were while Louis stalked Greta’s instagram stories every five minutes. So far, she had posted five stories at the park, only showing some parts of Harry’s body.

“‘M not, why would I be sulking,” Louis mumbled, eyes glued to the photo dump Greta had posted just seconds ago, specifically the last slide showing two pinkies intertwined. Harry and Greta’s pinkies. He gave it a quick like.

“Dunno, that’s why I asked. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.”

“Don’t be silly,” he flushed his cheekbone on Zayn's leg. “I’d totally tell you if something was wrong with me. You know how much I love to talk about myself and every single one of my feelings.”

“That you do.”

The doorbell rang once before Orión—dressed from head to toe in Gala’s pajamas—opened it.

“Harry Styles, my best friend, future godfather of my children,” she croaked out with a raspy voice. “Hope you brought something for my hangover and I hope it’s a cooler because I’m, if anything, a classy lady.”

“I brought food, but I can get you all something from the store?” Harry replied with a small smile, his eyes landing on Louis for a few seconds, comfortably resting his head on Zayn’s lap before turning his attention away.

“No. She’s fine,” Gala told the other captain, then turned to Orion, “What you need to drink is your electrolytes.”

Orion rolled her eyes and grabbed the bags from Harry's hands. “What kind of goodies do you have here?” she said, peeking at one of them.


“Oh.” Orion frowned. “Ew.”

Louis sat up. “I read it’s really good for hangovers,” he said hurriedly. “Thank you, H.”

Harry's only reply was a stiff smile and a small nod.

“Do I have to reheat it?” Gala asked, sounding a little reluctant.

“If you want.” Harry shrugged. “But I think it’s still warm.”

“Cool. I’ll bring some plates.”

“I will help you.” Orion offered, following Gala closely.

“Hey,” Louis said to Harry after he rested his head on Zayn’s leg again. “How was your date?”

“Good,” Harry replied with his characteristic curt tone.

The cheerleader chuckled. “But how good?”

“Really good.”

“Did you go to the park?”


“That’s good. I had a picnic once at a park with Gala and Orion. It was so lovely. We ate like a ton of finger sandwiches.”

Harry hummed, a small but sincere smile appearing on his face. “That’s nice.”

“You can use more than two words per sentence. You won’t be charged,” Zayn drawled, hand resting on Louis’ stomach.

“Food’s ready!” Orion shouted, coming from the kitchen, interrupting whatever reply Harry was about to deliver. “Please be kind to me. It took me hours to come up with this plate.”

Harry barely talked while they ate, glancing at Louis cryptically from time to time.

A turmoil of conflicting feelings arose in Louis. Did something happen on his date with Greta? Perhaps he had to cut it short to come there. Or… Or… Maybe he got bored and discovered he didn't like her anymore and preferred to spend his Sunday afternoon with Louis.

What? Delusion was an elixir for the soul. It was what kept Louis so pretty and fresh, mostly.

“This is really good. Right?”

As soon as he asked the question, Louis regretted it, remembering with whom he was dealing.

Gala made a bored face as Orion shrugged.

“I don’t really like it. But I was kinda hungry,” Zayn mumbled, putting down his spoon. “So, what is your spring break plan?”

“Same as last year’s.” Orion grinned bashfully. “Gala has a house in Cape Cod so we are going there, just like half of the campus. We leave this Friday so we can have the beach and the fair to ourselves for at least a night.”

“You can come if you want,” Gala offered, looking both at Zayn and Harry. “There’s still a free room in the house. You can share.”

Orion gasped. “Or we can share!”

Gala blinked at her teammate. “They can share.”

“You should definitely come!” Louis said a little too enthusiastically while he looked at Harry. “Both of you, of course.”

Zayn shook his head. “I’m taking extra courses that week.”

“That’s a shame.” Louis pouted, then quickly turned to Harry, ignoring Zayn’s faint snort. “And you?”

“I don’t know…”

“Matt and his friends always go, too,” Louis said, knowing that the idea of Greta also being there would definitely convince him to go.

“Matt…” A small wrinkle appears between Harry’s brows. “Is he staying with you?”

The cheerleader nods enthusiastically.

“Oh… I’ll go, then.”

Louis’ preened, proud that his little trap worked. “Amazing. We will have so much fun, I promise.”

“Do you have something else to drink?” Zayn asked Gala before drinking the rest of his water.

“Just Orion’s electrolytes.”

“Can I have some?”

“No?” Gala stated. “They’re Orion’s.”

Zayn huffed a silent, incredulous laugh, furrowing his brows. “There’s a bunch of them.”

“And it’s the only type of electrolyte she drinks.”

“I can buy some drinks,” Harry offered, making Orion light up.

“I’d love a cooler,” she said looking at Gala.

The blonde just rolled her eyes and said, “I’ll Venmo you the money.”

“No, it’s fine,” Harry reassured her. “I got it.”

To that, Louis quickly stood up, smiling. “I’ll come with you! I love to do little errands.”

He didn’t. Especially on Sundays. Even more if it implied any actual effort, like carrying drinks for other people. It didn’t matter if it was for his friends or the pope. Sundays were made to rot either on a bed or a couch and think about all the life choices that drove him to that exact moment. If any of his friends noticed how down bad he was, they all were decent enough to not make it even more obvious to Harry.

With a reluctant nod, the man stood up. “Alright, let’s go.”

Best. Sunday. Ever.

On a scale of hotness, gloomy Harry landed a solid 9.7. It was sick and unfair, because despite how good he looked, it meant something was bothering him. Which, in hindsight, was bad. Of course it was. Still, that didn’t mean Louis would become suddenly tasteless and blind to not notice his hotness when his friend was upset. You still can appreciate the beauty of a storm or whatever.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, while Harry drove them to the nearest liquor store. Because he was both a great friend and had amazing taste.

“Are we friends?”

Okay, maybe Louis wasn’t as a great of a friend as he thought if Harry felt the need to ask that. He still had amazing taste, though.

“Of course we are! Why do you ask?”

“I’ve noticed you cuddle with your friends. Even with Zayn.”

Louis tilted his head. “Zayn is my friend, silly.” He bit his bottom lip, trying to suppress the goofy smile that threatened to bloom on his face. “Is this your way of asking for a cuddle? You know you don’t have to ask. We do way more than cuddle anyway.”

“I mean, yeah,” he said as he parked the car. “But only at certain times. It’s different, I guess.”

“We can cuddle whenever you want,” Louis offered softly.

“Oh… You can do that too. Cuddle me whenever you want.”

That was such an unfair thing to say, because lately, Louis always wanted to be near Harry, in any way he allowed. Which wasn’t shocking, but should be a big red flag for whatever he was doing with the man.

He still huffed a soft laugh. “Don’t make promises you will come to regret later, big guy,” he warned as he opened the car door. “I’m a cuddle monster.”

And just before he walked inside the store, Louis was almost sure he heard a faint, “I think I’ll be fine.”

They picked all their drinks in record time, already knowing what they were going to choose.

“Hello, Arthur,” Louis smiled sultrily at the cashier, who also was one of his classmates.

Arthur sighed, watching closely at how Louis picked up a lollipop and opened it in front of him. “Louis… Don’t even think whatever you do with your eyelashes will fool me this time.”

The sugary sweet cherry flavor hit Louis’ tastebuds, making his mouth water. “I don’t need it anymore.” He lifted a shoulder and saw how the boy followed each one of his movements.

“I really can’t do it, Lou, my dad put security cameras all over the place.”

“What are you talking about?” He tilted his head, playing dumb. “I turned twenty-one two weeks ago!”

“Oh… Well, congratulations. The lollipop is on me, I guess.”

“Why, thank you!”

Arthur huffed a silent laugh and shook his head. “There you go with the eyelashes again.”

“He’s just blinking,” Harry snapped behind him, voice ice cold. “What do you want him to do? Take them off?”

Arthur straightened up. “Didn't know you got a boyfriend.”

“Didn’t know he had to disclose everything to a random guy,” Harry spat, now closer to Louis.

“We shared a few courses last year,” the cheerleader explained with a grin.

“And I was the one providing the alcohol to the cheerleader’s team parties,” Arthur said, crossing his arms defensively. “Who even are you?”

“Harry Styles. I’m the captain of the basketball team.”

Arthur snorted. “Am I supposed to bow down to you or something?”

“If you feel the need…”

Louis blinked, eyes going from Harry to Arthur. “Arthur was so very nice to all the cheerleaders.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Arthur mumbled, cheeks crimson. “Cash or card?”

“Card,” Harry said before Louis could pull out his wallet.

“You don’t have to—”

“It’s fine,” Harry grumbled, inserting his card into the terminal.

After some awkward moments of silence, they grabbed their things and left the liquor store. But not before Louis waved Arthur goodbye.

“You didn’t tell me your birthday was two weeks ago,” Harry said as he opened his Jeep trunk.

“Because it wasn't, silly. I turn twenty-one in December. Gala got me a fake ID but I always get a little nervous when it’s time to use it.”

“I’m twenty one. If you need alcohol just tell me.”

“That kinda sounds hot.” Louis sat on the trunk, legs swinging as Harry put down their drinks.

“You actually were doing something with your eyelashes, weren’t you?”

Louis bit his bottom lip and giggled. “A little bit.”

“You like him?”

“Who, Arthur?” Louis pursed his lips. “I mean, he’s perpetually grumpy and a bit of an asshole, so I guess he is my type.”

“Oh…” Harry furrowed his brows. “Sorry, then.”

“For what?”

“Well, you were flirting and I—”

“Oh my god, Styles! I wasn’t flirting! I mean, I was.” He rolled his eyes. “But because I wanted to distract him so he wouldn’t notice my fake ID!”

“But you said you liked him…”

“And? I also like you but that doesn’t mean I purposely flirt with you because I think I have a shot.”

When Louis noticed what he said, he quickly continued.

“I mean, like, I might look like it but—” He let out a silent and nervous laugh. “I’m not delusional. And, and same goes with other people, I like so many other people, I lost count of how many. It’s just a bit of harmless fun. I don’t mean anything with it.”

“Okay,” Harry said, slowly, clearly confused by Louis’ nervous ramblings before his focus shifted to the text message he got.

“Who is that?” Louis asked, biting the side of his thumb, already suspecting who it was.

The captain snorted, fingers rapidly typing something on his phone. Yeah, it was definitely her. “You are very nosy.”

Louis opened and closed his mouth. “I’m not nosy. If I'm well known for something, it is that I mind my own business. I’m the king of minding my business.”

“It’s Greta, she’s thanking me for this morning.”

Louis sniffed as a reply and pretended he didn’t care about anything Harry just said.

“Her sandals broke so I bought her new ones.”

The cheerleader studied his fingernails closely. “Alright, but I didn’t ask,” he mumbled. “I was so minding my business.”

“You were dying to ask,” Harry stated, standing between Louis’ legs.

Louis didn’t have to look up to know he was smirking.

“Was not.”

“You so were.” He poked Louis’ ribs.

“It tickles!” The cheerleader slapped his hand lightly but didn’t push Harry, or move his hand. “I was not!”

“You definitely were.”

“Oh my god! This is so unfair!” Louis threw his head back. When he reopened his eyes, he noticed the captain was way closer than before.

“You are a bit nosy,” Harry repeated quietly, with a gentle smile.

“Why do you make it sound endearing?” Louis groaned. “That’s so uncool.”

For his part, Harry unlocked his phone again, pretended to read something, frowned and then let out a dramatic gasp, big eyes looking at Louis in shock.

“I know what you’re doing. I won’t fold.” He crossed his arms, putting a well-needed barrier between them. “You can keep the content of that text to yourself forever.”

“Are you sure because it involves you…”

“Me?” Louis asked, intrigued, brows shooting up. “I—oh, you are sick!”

“If you want to know you just have to ask.”

Louis pursed his lips and turned his face away.

“Just one question away.” Harry taunted him.

“Okay, fine! What is it?”

“She just Venmoed me the money for her sandals.”

Louis frowned. “And how does that have anything to do with me?”

“Because,” Harry squeezed his hips lightly. “We can spend that money on those luxury donuts that you like so much.”

There was a shift in Louis’ heart, a change of patterns that affected his entire body. That made him feel a little weak in the knees and made a heat grow in his lower pelvis.

“You make it sound like that’s the only money you have left and that I’m about to spend it all on overpriced donuts.”

“Terrible human that you are.” Harry said solemnly, making Louis giggle, like a fool in— a lot of trouble.

“They’re worth it, though.”

“Of course they are. Come on.” Harry offered his hand to help him stand up and didn’t let go until he opened Louis’ car door. “Huh…” he said as he watched Louis put on his seatbelt.

“What?” the cheerleader asked, his cheeks terribly hot, heart fluttering fast and wild.

“Nothing.” He co*cked his head to one side, with a brand new smirk on his face. “You look exactly like when I make you come,” he said before closing Louis’ door.


A thing about spring break is that things almost never go as planned.

It was all going wonderfully at first. As soon as they left their things at Gala’s house, they went to the beach in front of it. And it only took around a few minutes for one of her neighbors to invite them to a party at his house. The spring breeze hit Louis’ skin as the bonfire created a warm light that illuminated Harry’s features, making him look like an actual god among mere and dull boys. It made Louis’ heart ache in the best way possible, even more now that he could indulge himself, touching and hugging the captain as much as he pleased. As friends, of course.

All in all, it was the perfect first night until an unexpected visitor came to disturb Louis’ peace.

“f*ck…” he whispered under his breath as he closed his eyes, clenching his fist around his beer bottle.

“What’s going on?” Harry asked, brows slightly knitting together.

“Leo’s girlfriend is here.”

Harry blinked. “Leo?” The frown on his face deepened. “As in your Leo?”

“He is not my Leo!” Louis half hissed in mortification. “He is more yours than mine.”

“I thought the other people from college arrived tomorrow at a hotel far away from here.”

Louis shook his head. “She’s a local. She cannot stand me, and rightfully so.”

“It wasn’t your fault her boyfriend is a cheating bastard,” Harry said, sounding offended on his behalf. “He lied to you, too.”

“Well, yes, but I didn’t ask either.”

Harry’s face twisted. “It’s not your responsibility to go around asking for that. He came to you. It was only natural that you assumed he was single. I know you would have never hooked up with him if he had been honest with you.”

“Yeah, but she doesn’t know that,” Louis muttered, cheeks feeling hot and tingly. “And to be honest, I don’t expect her to understand that either.” He shrugged, eyes focusing on the girl again, who was already looking at him. “f*ck, f*ck, sh*t.”


“No, no, no!” Louis grabbed Harry by the shoulders. “Don’t look around. She just saw me. God.” He tried to make himself as small as he could, so Harry’s body could block him partially. “Would it be too obvious if I just ran away from here?”

“I think so,” Harry replied with an almost imperceptible smile on his face.

“f*ck,” the cheerleader cursed under his breath. “She’s coming over here. Perhaps I deserve this.” He let out a small and hysterical laugh. “A proper slap and we could move on. God, I’m gonna cry and everyone will see. I’m not really good with violence. I mean, of course I like a nice spanking but this is different. My face is so sensitive.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course,” Louis replied fast and with an ounce of doubt in his voice.

“I’m gonna kiss you.”

“Oh,” Louis’ eyes went wide as his stomach made a treacherous flip. “You—okay.”

Harry’s mouth tasted like beer and the lollipop he shared with Louis throughout the whole party. So what if Louis melted in his arms and arched into the kiss more than was necessary? What if he wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck, making the man lean in, letting the kiss deepen as he pulled Louis’ body closer by the hips? What if for a second he wished and craved for it to be real, wished to be the type of couple that everyone looks at in awe or annoyance? No one would blame Louis for feeling like he did, for wanting too much, too hard. It was just that Harry tasted like them , sweetness and bitterness swirling together, making his head feel foggy and needy.

So f*cking needy.

Harry pulled back slowly and Louis had to bite his bottom lip so he wouldn’t chase after him for another kiss.

“Is she gone?” Harry asked, eyes still closed and forehead pressed against the cheerleader’s.

Louis was probably cherry-red with mortification because he completely forgot about the reasons why Harry was giving him the best kiss of his entire life in the first place. “Her. Of course.” He smiled, taking a deep breath, eyes searching for Leo’s girlfriend. “She’s gone.”

“Good.” Harry cleared his throat, taking a step back. “That’s good.” He scratched the stubble growing in his jaw. “Do you uh—want another drink?”


“Alright,” he nodded once, fingers delicately fixing the strap on Louis’ blouse. “Wait here, okay?”

Louis forced a smile in return as he watched the man go, chewing on the inside of his cheek, suppressing the urge to plead with him to not leave him alone.

“See you got a boyfriend.”

The cheerleader closed his eyes and allowed himself to let out the smallest of the whimpers before taking a deep breath and pulling his most radiant grin.

“Mandy. Hey!” He tilted his head. “Long time no see.”

“Is he?” The tall blonde girl arched her brow, top lip already curling. “Or is he someone else’s boyfriend?”

“Hey, baby,” Harry said suddenly behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I missed what you wanted to drink.” He leaned in and kissed Louis’ neck. “Hi, I’m Harry,” he said to the girl.

“Mandy. I think I’ve seen you before.” The girl’s eyes narrowed. “You are the captain of Leo’s team, right?”

“The very same.”

Mandy let out a chuckle full of vitriol. “So all the team is into sharing or just you and Leo?”

The grip around Louis’ waist tightened.

“Is that what you are telling yourself to keep holding onto him?” Harry said calmly. “Your boyfriend is a pathetic liar who never talks about your existence or relationship with anyone,” he drawIed, not stopping even when the girl’s smirk fell from her face, leaving a shocked and hurt expression. “Instead of focusing your anger on Louis, focus on the person you are still with. Leave Louis the f*ck alone.”

Without another word, the shocked girl turned around and did as Harry told her.

“You were a little harsh.” Louis turned around, biting his lip, heart beating rather fast. “It was kinda hot.”

“She was being annoying.” Harry fixed Louis’ fringe with his knuckle. “Do you want to stay or go back to the house?”

Louis shook his head. “Neither. Come with me?” He grabbed his hand tentatively, half waiting for Harry to say he was having fun at the party, but instead, the man tightened the grip on his hand and nodded with the ghost of a smile on his face.

Louis wasn’t sure if they walked for minutes or hours, but he made sure Harry saw all his favorite things on the beach, how the tide waves soundly crashed, making a spectacle of lights as they walked down the shore.

At first sight, there was nothing out of the ordinary at the beach, but as they got closer, the figure of driftwood in the head’s shape of a dragon became more visible. It was big and a little scary, but that only added to its beauty. Resisting time and storms, the dragon remained, imposing and beautiful.

“Holy sh*t.” Harry half whispered in awe. “This is…”

“Cool, right?” Louis smiled at the wood figure.

“Beyond beautiful.”

At the sound of Harry’s deep voice a shiver ran down Louis’ back.

“You really think so?” he said softly. He didn’t have to turn around to know Harry was close to him, so close he could feel his breath on his neck, the warmth of his chest against his back.

“Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Harry said before kissing the crook of his neck.

Louis tilted his head, giving Harry more access to his skin. “It’s been here since Gala was a little girl.” He murmured. “It’s like a secret spot. She told us it’s okay if we told one person about it.”

Harry hummed, arm wrapping around Louis’ torso until his big hand extended over his tummy. “And you chose me?” he asked, kissing his jaw softly.

Louis tried to swallow the simmering hunger in his chest. “Of course,” he stated, not caring how shaky his voice sounded. “I knew you would love it.”

Letting out a small grunt, Harry pulled him closer, bodies fully flushed, as his lips ghosted over the cheerleader’s skin. “Thank you for sharing it with me.” Nipping his neck lightly, making Louis let out a small hiss of pleasure. “Love when you share things with me.”

The captain flickered his tongue over Louis’ skin as the cheerleader moved his hips so Harry’s now hard co*ck was flush against his back. Louis had never been into neck kissing. He thought it was a pointless thing that brought nothing but annoying bruises that he always felt ashamed of at the end of any hook up. However, with Harry, who sucked and bit like it meant something, as if kissing Louis wasn’t just enough, like if he needed to see what he did to Louis not just in that fleeting moment but always, made the cheerleader crave them too.

Louis had never wanted anyone to leave a mark on him until Harry.

“I want to learn something new today,” Harry murmured, lips dragging across the skin of his neck.

“Yeah?” Louis licked his lips, head thrown back, feeling like he was on fire.

“Yes. Wanna learn how to eat you out properly. Want to make you scream with just my mouth. Can I try?”


Louis had prepared himself just in case Harry wanted to practice other stuff with him. Something that at least would bring him pleasure instead of just getting Louis off. But here he was, offering his mouth, eyes pleading for it, and the cheerleader could only think of how lucky Greta was going to be.

“Baby?” He turned him around, bringing Louis back to their little bubble, where it was only Harry and him.


Funnily enough, and despite the circ*mstances, a kiss was the last thing Louis expected from that reply. At least not the type of kiss Harry was giving, warm and gentle, tongue slowly licking over his lips, making Louis lose himself in it for a bit. There wasn’t any hurry between the kisses, slowly breaking them only to start another, as if Harry couldn’t help but keep kissing the cheerleader, as if he couldn’t get enough of him.

“Lou,” he breathed out against his mouth. “Let’s go home so you can teach me how to please you properly.”

“You are already doing it,” Louis said, eyelashes fluttering, completely forgetting the lessons weren’t about him at all.

“I want to learn it all, though, want to know every breaking point. Let me be good for you.”

Louis felt like crying with pleasure and frustration. He wanted Harry all to himself; he didn’t want to teach him anything more because that would be one more thing he will give to Greta later.

“Baby?” Harry whispered, kissing the cheerleader’s jaw.

“Yes, of course,” Louis cupped his face with both hands, giving him a small smile. “Let’s go.”

Harry grinned adoringly, grateful, and Louis’ heart broke a bit more. He had been there before, in similar positions, a gorgeous straight boy ready to eat whole his experimental prey. To move on with his life right after discovering that he would have to open the safely hidden cage he put Louis in. But to open that cage would imply to let their secrets out, and Louis was never worth the hassle.

And through all of that, Louis always came out bruised but alive. Not this time though, because Harry would be the death of him. The cheerleader knew that now, but if he was going to die as a very frustrated and brokenhearted soul, he very much was going to enjoy every second of what he had left with Harry.

He prepared for anything the captain might have wanted to do with him, he so did. Not for how he was looking at him under the dimmed lights of the room, though, or the way he stripped him slowly and rinsed the sand and sweat from his body with warm water and delicate movements. The way he laid his body softly against the comfortable bed and tapped his mouth with two fingers.

It was almost a reflex now, to part his lips for Harry. No matter the reason or the context, he always took anything the man offered him, being a simple drink, his fingers or his throbbing co*ck.

“Always so welcoming, so ready for me,” he hissed, pushing his fingers deeper just to withdraw them to repeat the motion slowly. “You have no idea how gorgeous you look,” his reverent gaze going from Louis’ mouth to his eyes. “Makes me want to keep you full of me all the time,” he confessed in a trance. “Isn’t that insane? I want you full of me. Sometimes I even picture you—” His breath hitched as Louis sucked, closing his eyes. “You’d think I’m crazy, baby,” Harry breathed out. “And maybe I am. You drive me so f*cking crazy.” He pulled his wet fingers out just to dive in and kiss him desperately.

Louis let himself be devoured, mind and sentenced soul, not caring if it was a dirty secret whispered in the dark, because the way Harry touched him felt anything but that. So he whimpered and moaned, shamelessly, and with the naivety of a virgin he wasn’t. Because he wanted Harry to know how good he felt, how good he was, how perfect it could be.

Harry kissed the back of his hand, the one cupping and successfully covering his already hard co*ck. “Turn around gorgeous.”

With a shaky breath, Louis did as he was told, not only that, but he spread his legs for Harry, hoping, wishing what he was offering was enough.

“f*ck,” Harry whispered against his left cheek before kissing it softly. “Baby,” he squeezed the curve of Louis’ ass. “Tell me what to do. Want this to be good for you, perfect like you.”

There was always a thin layer of worry every time he taught Harry something new. Because he did try to be perfect for the man, but that often implied to pretend or hide certain parts of him. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it sure was a wake up call that never failed to bring the cheerleader back to reality.

Harry’s perfect girl wasn’t Louis, it would never be him.

“Just—” Louis’ throat clicked. “Try to uhm—kiss it? You can start like that. Do whatever feels natural.”

As soon as he said that, the cheerleader felt lips pressed against his rim and a wet tongue pressing forward. At the first lick, Louis almost broke as his whole body jerked with it. The involuntary moans coming from him seemed to give Harry enough courage to explore more, going from flat swipes to eating him with the same relentless hunger with which he kissed him. Forcing his tongue through Louis’ tight ring until it breached him completely, thrusting in and out of the cheerleader’s sloppy hole. Only stopping to leave wet and messy kisses around it.

The act felt as if Harry’s only purpose was to reduce Louis to a trembling and whimpering mess. The wet sounds against the skin of his ass made him forget for a moment this wasn’t about him, no matter how much he was enjoying it, causing Louis to let go of his throbbing co*ck to open his cheeks wider for Harry, to give him more space inside him.

It wasn’t until his skilled tongue lapped over Louis’ taint and tight balls that he realized he was now completely exposed with one hand gripping the sheets and the other opening himself for Harry.

Louis moved his hand quickly to cover himself again but a large hand stopped him, pinning him further down the bedding.

“No,” Harry hissed, sucking the skin of his thigh and moving away to get a better view. “I—f*ck,” He cursed under his breath. “I’m coming, baby I—”

“Please, do it, please,” Louis whimpered, feeling dizzy with desire, hard co*ck dripping pre-come all over the sheets.

The cheerleader felt Harry position himself in the cleft of his ass, pumping his co*ck desperately against it, smearing pre-come all over his skin. Louis arched his back pathetically, hoping Harry would feel enticed enough to try doing something more, anything really. However, any hope evaporated as soon he felt the warm splatters of Harry’s come all over his back.

Still, Louis hummed satisfied, co*ck throbbing just at the mere idea of having Harry’s come smeared on his skin. He was about to cover himself with the sheets when Harry turned him over.


“Do you trust me?” Harry murmured close to his navel, intense gaze pinning him down the bed.

Louis swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“Show me, baby.” He kissed the back of his hand again. “Please.”

He also had done this part too with someone else before. The experience with Leo left him with a sour taste in his mouth, but Louis had handled it like a champ. Not this time, though. It would break Louis if Harry reacted negatively to all of him.

But Harry was asking so nicely and Louis was so weak for him, he couldn’t help but give in.

Slowly, he moved his hands from his co*ck to his chest, closing his eyes, not daring to look at Harry’s reaction. There was a defying silence for what felt like an eternity, but then warm lips touched the tip of his co*ck, making Louis’ eyes snap open. A sharp choked cry was ripped from his throat at the sight of a pink tongue licking the pre-come coming from his slit as goosebumps layered his body.

“Beautiful,” Harry said, seemingly entranced, thumbs tracing Louis’ hipbones. “f*cking gorgeous,” he breathed out before sucking the tip of the cheerleader’s co*ck, sending him into a spiral of pleasure. It wasn’t just the feeling of his spit-soaked co*ck sliding between wet and plush lips, what was melting his veins was the act itself, what it meant for him.

He should stop Harry, Louis thought, as the man kept sucking his hard co*ck with a shameless ease. After all, there was no reason for him to be doing that, it brought him no benefit. But Louis was sure no one in the world would blame him for allowing himself this temporary indulgence.

Louis clutched the sheets, feeling the well-known heat in his pelvis, announcing his imminent org*sm. “Harry— I’m—” he whimpered, as Harry began to play gently with his tight balls. “I’m close , please,” he said, trying to push the man away, but the only response he got was a deep moan that reverberated on his sensitive co*ck, making the cheerleader come in warm spurts inside Harry’s mouth as he sucked hungrily.

After that, Harry took his sweet time licking clean Louis’ soft co*ck as he caressed his trembling thighs with each swipe of his tongue. And then, he spent some more time leaving a trail of tender kisses all over his body, whispering things Louis was struggling to understand, but still left him warm all over.

“That was…” Louis let out a shaky breath after Harry finished his ministrations and laid beside him on the bed.


The cheerleader snorted. “Passable?” He poked Harry’s shoulders, who had a lazy smirk on his face. The co*cky bastard. “That was ungodly. Hottest thing in the whole f*cking world. Eighth wonder if you ask me personally. Just—” He bit his bottom lip. “I don't think that will help you with Greta.”

“Me neither.” Harry leaned his head until his lips pressed against Louis’ shoulder. “That was just for us. For you.”

“Oh…” Louis felt his whole body heat up. “I loved it.”

“Good.” He left another kiss. “Me too.”


The next morning, he woke up with Harry wrapped around him so tightly that when it was finally time for his morning walk on the beach with Orion, he had to wake him up so the cheerleader could slip from his grip.

They didn’t talk about what happened the night prior. Not when he said goodbye to Harry in the morning, or when he came back to a nice breakfast for everyone, much less when they were driving to the fair where they would spend the afternoon.

It was fine. Promise. It wasn’t as if an outrageously good blow j*b would make Louis believe he actually had a chance to be something more than what he was to Harry. And it wasn’t as if he wanted to be more. Of course not. He loved his friend, his buddy, his— pal . He was happy to have him in his life in any way possible.

So Louis put on his best grin and his nicest summer clothes and decided to have an amazing afternoon at the fair with all his best friends.

“Are you ready to see a magic trick?” he asked Harry as they walked between stands.

“What is it?”

“Orion will say a random stuffed animal’s name and by the end of the night she will have it.”

Harry snorted. “That sounds more like someone spoils her.”

“Magic, Styles.” Louis turned around and patted Harry’s chest. “Magic,” he repeated, winking before bumping into someone.

“Careful there,” Greta said behind him, hands holding him steady.

“Did you miss us?” Matt asked, already greeting Gala and Orion.

“Hi!” Louis forced an even bigger smile. “You guys are early.”

“Greta insisted we had to watch the sunset here.”

Orion sniffed and then murmured, “I want a Giraffe.”

“Aren’t you a bit old for that?” a friend of Greta’s said with an amused smile.

“Of course not,” Greta replied. “I’d love a dolphin, too! I just suck at these games.”

Orion gasped. “Me too! All my skills disappear as soon as I step foot here.”

Greta let Louis go to hold Orion’s hand. “We should try to win some later then.”

“We could,” Orion eyed Louis. “Sure! But now, I want to try the Ferris wheel.”

“You hate the Ferris wheel,” Gala said slowly, narrowing her eyes. “You are scared of heights.”

Orion rolled her eyes. “That’s so last year. I’m a changed woman.”

“No you aren’t.” The frown on Gala’s face deepened.

“Jesus christ,” Orion murmured under her breath, “Can we just go?”

Gala’s brows shoot up. “I have to go too?”

“Yes, you, Lou, my new best friend Harry and I,” Orion said through gritted teeth.

“That sounds fun!” Greta chirped. “Can I come too?”

Orion’s left eye twitched. “Well, n—”

“Yes, you can!” Louis chimed in, knowing that a ferris wheel could be the perfect spot for a kiss. And also fully aware he owed Harry big time after the night prior. This was Louis giving back, being a good friend who is probably going to heaven for that simple action. “Actually, you can take my place!”

“Really?” Greta gave him an unsure smile. “I think we can all ride it.”

“No. I’m—I’m going with Matt to get something to eat.” Louis wrapped an arm around Matt’s shoulders. Fair food just hits different.”

“But I wanted to go on the ferris wheel…” the boy mumbled.

“Oh, you want a stuffed seal?” Louis said out loud. “I want a hippopotamus. See?” The cheerleader nervously laughed, looking at the confused faces of friends, yet avoiding Harry’s gaze. “We have a mission now.” He held Matt’s hand and pulled him away from the small group. “Have fun guys.”

The last thing he saw before turning around was Harry’s scowl as Louis walked away. Which almost made the cheerleader come back to ask what was wrong. But deep down, Louis knew the answer.

Harry hated to feel ambushed. And what Louis did was a clear ambush. But, it was for the greater good and even though Harry might feel betrayed by him in that moment, he will probably thank him later, most probably at his wedding with Greta or something. That is if Louis gets to assist with the party and won’t end up crying and throwing up in a hotel room with the ring he was supposed to keep for Harry stuck on his finger ala ‘My best friend’s wedding.

“What seal? I don’t like seals,” Matt complained. “They’re bald and have those big, round eyes. I don’t trust them. What’s up with you?”

Louis stopped suddenly, a few steps in front of Matt. “Harry likes Greta, I’m setting them up.”

“Oh,” his friend’s shoulders deflate as a grimace appears on his face. “You suck at that.”

“I do not!” Louis snapped, crossing his arms. “I’m literally the best matchmaker you know.”

Matt snorted. “You are the only one I know and you are in like last place. Wait,” he said slowly, brows knitting together. “I thought you had a thing for Harry.”

“That was like four crushes ago,” Louis stated, briskly, waving his hand. “I’m totally over him. We are bros now.”

Matt narrowed his eyes. “Bros…”

“Yeah!” Louis chirped with a shrill voice. “Just—” he lifted a shoulder, “dudes being dudes.”

There was something on Matt’s face that made Louis believe he wanted to say something but was doing his best to hold it in. And for that, Louis was beyond grateful. He simply wasn’t ready to unpack what he actually felt for Harry surrounded by food trucks and screaming children.

“Okay…” he said at last. “But be careful, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Why would I?” Louis tilted his head, smiling as he wished for the earth to open up and swallow him whole to avoid that conversation. “I’m just helping my friend.”

“I know. It’s just…” Matt pressed his lips. “You deserve someone who prioritizes you the way you prioritize them. Is all.”

“Oh, Matt,” Louis cupped his friend’s face with both hands. “You love me so much.” He squeezed his cheeks.

Matt threw his head back, laughing. “Shut up!” He swatted Louis’s hands. “You are so annoying.”

“So, so much you might as well have written Paparazzi about me.”

“You wish!” Matt pushed him lightly. “Come on, let’s eat something.”

There was a guy seated in front of Louis clearly interested in him, and if he had taken that seat last year, showing that amount of engrossment in him, Louis was sure that by the end of the day, he would have already pictured their future wedding and family.

It only took Louis a few hours to realize that Patrick was the type of guy you took home to your parents with the peace of mind that they would adore him. He was handsome, charming, clearly smart and with a clear idea of what he wanted in life. Sadly, it wasn’t last year and Louis’ parents didn’t care who he brought home as long as they made the cheerleader happy. Besides, other things and people slightly occupied his mind and heart at the moment.

Just a tad.

All that said, Patrick still was a very beautiful distraction that Louis was more than ready to give in to. So what if he had been openly flirting back with the man, accepting his drinks and compliments, playing with his hand under and on top of the table—to Matt’s displeasure. He was young and single and about to be heartbroken. No one could blame or judge him.

“There you are!” Orion said, coming closer to their table. “We've been looking for you both for almost an hour!” Louis turned to see his friends and noticed how Orion was holding a giraffe and Greta a dolphin. Magic. Of course. “Where were you?” She narrowed her eyes at Patrick. “Who are you?”

“This is Patrick,” Louis chirped, touching the man’s tanned and strong arm. “He invited us to have some drinks.”

Both Gala and Harry had a similar expression on their face, both showcasing their frowns openly and unashamedly.

“Did you at least eat something before?” Gala asked, eyeing the drinks on the table.

“Of course!” Louis lied easily.

“Cotton candy.”

Louis turned to scold Matt and hissed, “Since when are you a snitch?”

“Uh…since always?” Matt said slowly, blinking rapidly, as if pointing out the obvious.

“Hey, we are going to check out other rides, okay?” Greta spoke for the first time since they showed up at the bar. “But I’ll see you all tonight?”

Louis was confused for a split second until he realized. Of course, they invited her to the party they were planning for tonight. Why wouldn’t they? It was Greta. She was nice and everyone liked her.


“I will go with you,” Harry told her, still with a scowl on his face.

“Why, thank you.” She smiled brightly at him. “What a gentleman.”

Harry nodded, then turned to Louis. “You will stay here?”

The cheerleader suppressed the urge to say something as childish as, “That’s none of your business,” to the man, because he didn’t have the right to behave like that. Louis was losing the plot fast.

“Yeah,” he said instead, trying to sound as carefree and happy as he could. “They’re giving us free chips for our drinks.”

“Cheap chips,” Matt corrected. “ Very cheap.”

“Alright,” Harry replied, ignoring Matt. “I’m coming back.”

And with that, Harry left with the actual girl of his dreams. Louis knew with each day that passed, Harry was closer and closer to getting Greta. She was properly interested in the captain now, almost openly flirting with him.

Under other circ*mstances, Louis would feel thrilled by that. And part of him still was very happy for Harry. But another part, his silly heart covered in hues of greens and blues, felt helplessly jealous and so very sad as the treacherous little voice inside his head kept whispering that he would never have that. He wasn’t meant for it.

Perhaps it was on him. If Louis didn’t take them seriously, how did he expect them to do the same with him? But so far, that had worked perfectly for him, because just like they didn’t think the cheerleader was worth the hassle, Louis would never care enough to actually call them out on their mistake.

Because he was worth it. He knew he was. Like Matt said, Louis deserved to be a priority, deserved to be properly taken care of, someone who went to the lengths that Harry was going for Greta. And if he had to be completely honest with himself, Louis actually wanted Harry, no one else.

But that was an issue for another day because now, he was talking with a handsome man while having some nice drinks with his friends. He was having fun and will continue to have fun with or without Harry. No matter how much he liked him.

“I think your phone is vibrating,” Gala pointed her chin at Louis’ phone that was laid down on top of the table.

“Hope everything is alright,” Louis murmured as he picked up the phone, screen lighting with a familiar name. “Hey, big guy, everything alright?”

“Are you still at the bar?” Harry’s deep voice released a swarm of butterflies in Louis’ stomach. It was really quite pathetic.

“Yeah. Same table and everything. Why?”

“Okay, I’m going in.” Harry said with an odd tone.

“What is going on? Is everything alright?”

“What happened?” Orion mouthed.

Louis only shrugged, eyebrows knitted in worry. “Are you close or—Oh…”

Any word or thought flew from his mind when he saw Harry stand in front of him holding a hippopotamus and a brown bag.

“Brought you food.” He lifted the bag. “Actual food.” He handed it to Louis.

“Thank you.” The cheerleader breathed out, cheeks warming up at an ungodly speed.

“This too.” Harry gave him the stuffed animal. He shrugged. “Guess you can do magic too.”

In that moment, Patrick and the rest of the world faded away.


Louis didn’t want to overthink things. He wanted to be cool and unbothered, taking the small stuffed animal as what it probably was, a silly gift for a friend. But Louis was in fact overthinking so much his head hurt and he had to drink Orion’s electrolytes behind Gala’s back. So, so, so much, now that everyone was at Gala’s house for the party but he couldn’t stand to see Greta and Harry laughing together on the couch, with their faces way too close for the cheerleader’s liking. Like silly lovers about to decide they are the ones that they want to spend their lives with forever. Which was so stupid because they were in their twenties and have not even graduated.

Maybe the cheerleader should do something about it. Because the last thing he wanted was for Harry to rush into things. Yes, he needed to be a good friend, save both Greta and Harry from an early divorce.

“You look like you want to either kill or f*ck them,” Gala said beside him.

Louis made a face.“I don’t do threesomes. Too messy.”

“So you want to kill them then.”

“Also too messy. Besides, I cannot stand the smell of blood.”

Gala snorted. “You should tell him.”

Louis’ throat clicked, suddenly finding his nails super interesting. “Tell him what?” He peeled the last remains of glittery nail polish from his pinky.

“That you are close to putting up a shrine for the hippo he gave you.”

“He knows,” Louis said in a fake, nonchalant tone. “He helped me make a flower crown for Lucious. That’s his name, by the way.” He let out a dramatic sigh. “Let’s circle back to this later, shall we?” The cheerleader touched his friend’s shoulder. “I look forward to hearing your thoughtful input on this topic, but now I have an important situation to attend to.”

Gala frowned, pursing her lips. “I hate when you talk in APA format. You remind me of my father.”

“Best regards,” Louis kissed both of her cheeks before walking towards the lovebirds like a cuckoo about to eat its prey.

“Hi,” he smiled as he sat in the middle of them. “Are you two having fun?” The cheerleader rested both his arms on the back of the couch.

“Yes! Harry was telling me he had never been to as many parties as he had in the last few months. And you are responsible for that.”

“Did he now?” Louis moved his hands to play with the back of Harry’s hair.

The man leaned in to the touch, closing his eyes. “Well—”

“I think it’s kinda cute he’s trying new things,” Greta said, laying her head over Louis’ shoulder.

“Yeah… cute,” Louis replied with a tight-lipped smile. “Super cute.”

“I wouldn’t call myself that,” Harry mumbled, scratching his jaw.

Greta giggled into the crook of Louis’ neck, making the cheerleader move the one hand that was playing with Harry’s face to cover his throat as an involuntary giggle left his body.

“Oh, but you kinda are,” she assured the captain. “I couldn’t see it before, but I do now. And there is nothing hotter than a cute man.”

Harry frowned, but a clear and unsure smile bloomed on his face. Louis should let it happen. Let them happen. He should leave and call Patrick. He promised a fun night, after all.

Yeah, he was going to do that, he was going to stand up and—

“Did you know Harry has never played a party game?” Louis laid a hand on Harry’s strong leg.

Greta gasped. “Not even never have I ever?”


“That’s just wrong!” the girl cried out. “We need to fix that right now!”

Harry gave her a rueful smile. “It’s really not necessary.”

“Yes, it is! Come on.” Louis stood up, pulling Harry with him. “Let’s tell the rest.”

What? He did say he was going to stand up. Didn’t he?

It took less than ten minutes to gather his friends around the coffee table. Louis purposely ignored Gala’s knowing looks as Orion explained the game to Harry.

“The rules are very simple, the ones who know, know. You spin the bottle and whoever the bottle lands on gets to whisper a question to the person opposite to them. The reply should be said out loud. But if any of you want to know the question, you must take an obligatory shot. Ready?” Orion asked to the living room, and after receiving several nods of approval, she said, “Okay, Greta will start.”

The girl perked up and moved to spin the bottle that ended up landing on one of her friends.

After a few seconds of thinking, Greta walked towards the girl and whispered something into her ear.

“Orion,” the girl said out loud, cheeks cherry red.

Greta covered her mouth. “Really?”

“What was it?” Orion asked, eyes wide and curious.

“You know the rules…” Gala’s face remained as stoic as always.

“Ugh, okay.” Orion drank a shot quickly. “Tell me now!”

Greta giggled and went to tell her. Louis tried his best to listen, but couldn’t hear a thing.

Orion smiled bright and big. “Are you serious?”

Greta nodded quickly between giggles. “Very.”

“Okay, enough,” Gala said with a stern tone as a muscle in her jaw twitched. “Who’s next?”

Greta’s friend spinned and landed on Matt.

“Oh, that’s easy.” Matt rolled his eyes after she asked the question. “Louis.”

“‘M not folding,” Louis said, crossing his arms. “That thing tastes hideous.”

“I wanna know! I wanna know!” Orion shouted, taking another shot.

“Me too!” Greta followed her.

After the girl whispered Matt’s reply, both girls agreed in unison.

“Fine, fine!” Louis took the glass. “I’ll drink! There!” he said between coughs, putting down the shot.

The girl came close to him and whispered, “Matt said you are the funniest.”

A mischievous smile bloomed on Louis’ face. “Why, Matthew, thank you.” The cheerleader touched his chest as he batted his eyelashes. “You are so very right.”

“You’re such a flirt!” Greta beamed at him between giggles, head finding Louis’ shoulder again.

Harry cleared his throat. “I think—uh, I think it’s Matt’s turn,” he said, scratching his nose, trying to hide the scowl on his face.

An odd and heavy feeling simmered in the pit of Louis’ stomach. It has been ages since Harry looked at him like that, as if he genuinely disliked him. Did he think Louis was being too flirty with Greta? That he was taking too much of her attention? Did he somehow find out how the cheerleader had been trying to keep them apart all night?

The bottle landed on Harry and Louis’ silly heart, despite everything, still fluttered as if he had any hope.

After a few minutes of tense silence Harry finally muttered, “Uh… Greta.”

“I knew it!” Matt shouted, clapping Harry’s visibly tense back. “I so f*cking knew it!” he cackled, then looked around the living room. “No one is drinking? No one wants to know?”

Orion sighed, sipping a bottle of water Gala gave to her. “We all know the question.” Then she turned to Harry, “No offense, Styles, but you’re a little too obvious.”

Harry gave her a tight-lipped smile as Matt frowned and said, “I don’t really think he is.”

“Stop bickering.” Gala sighed, seemingly bored by the whole thing. “It’s your turn, Styles. Let’s keep this moving.”

The bottle landed on Greta this time, activating a ticking bomb in Louis’ head. It felt almost like an out-of-body experience how Harry slowly stood up and moved towards the girl, intense gaze solely focused on her, as if she was the only person who mattered in that room. As if her reply had the possibility of changing everything for him.

Harry leaned in and whispered the question and Louis noticed how the girl instantly flushed at whatever he asked her. Then the captain pulled his head back and tilted his head, waiting patiently for her reply.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five eternal seconds and a shy, “Yes,” finally set the bomb off.

Harry’s eyes turned dark as everyone around the coffee table groaned and Louis knew his time helping Harry had run its course.

“Okay, let’s wrap this up.” Gala gulped down her shot before standing up. “Let’s go to the pool.”

“But I still haven’t played!” Orion pouted.

“Better,” Gala offered her a hand. “This way you won’t have time to say anything stupid.”

Orion swatted the blonde girl’s hand. “I’m always saying stupid things in your eyes,” she played with the buttons of her shirt. “Yet here you are,” she bopped Gala’s nose. “Still listening to them.”

Gala sucked her teeth, clearly suppressing a smile. “Okay, let’s go to the pool,” she grabbed Orion’s hand again, this time the girl held her hand too. “Come on.”

Louis tried his best to leave as quickly and quietly as he could, but then a strong hand grabbed him by his hip.

“Hey, where are you going?” Harry asked him with an odd look on his face.

“To the pool?”

Harry shook his head, licking his lips. “I think it’s time for my final lesson.”


“Or do you prefer to go with Greta?”

“No?” Louis frowned, utterly confused. He was almost sure Harry would openly confess to Greta what he felt for her. “Are you sure you don’t want to—”

Harry pulled him closer and leaned in to whisper, “Let me show you everything you have taught me, baby.”

And who was Louis to resist that?

As soon as he closed the bedroom door, Harry was all over him, lips crashing against his, hands no longer feeling clumsy or nervous around his body. He touched and grabbed Louis’ skin as he pleased. An expert now on what made the cheerleader squirm, whimper, and moan.

When Harry tugged Louis’ hair to deepen the kiss, the cheerleader let out a little open-mouthed gasp that the man ended up swallowing in another kiss.

“I need to be good. This needs to be perfect,” Harry rasped out as Louis rutted helplessly against his thigh with tiny little thrusts. “Want you to remember this forever, baby.”

Louis wanted to tell him, he will, that there was no way he would ever forget that night, how Harry was making him feel with just his voice and hands, but he lost any ability to speak the moment Harry wrapped his big, calloused hand around his sensitive co*ck.

The cheerleader avoided looking down, knowing that only the sight of Harry’s hand engulfing his fully erect co*ck with ease and, in its entirety, would probably make him come on the spot.

“You feel so perfect, so f*cking lovely,” Harry murmured against his nipple between licks and kisses. “Every tiny bite I give you leaves a mark” he said as he moved between Louis’ legs, rutting between them slowly. “I should stop.” He played with the beads of pre-come dripping from the cheerleader’s co*ck, slicking it with his own fluids. “But you bruise so prettily.” Harry’s mouth moved now to his collarbone, leaving another mark there. “It makes me so f*cking hard when you put your pretty flowers over them. I’m under them,” he whispered, finally moving his slicked hand to Louis’ entrance. “I’m all over you,” he played around Louis’ rim with his digits. “I want to be inside you too,” he said, sounding desperate, “Let me in, baby, I want to be everywhere.”

Louis moaned, kissing the man, spreading his legs wider for him as he breached his already sloppy hole. It wasn’t a lie that he had been prepared for Harry since the first day he offered the captain his help. And Louis didn’t mean just getting tested for him. Every day, the cheerleader also opened and lubed himself for him, meticulously, thoroughly. Louis thought Harry would very much prefer to skip this part, but there he was, sliding another finger inside of him, pulling the lube from the bedside table to squirt all over his co*ck.

Oh, he was going to feel Harry for days; he was sure of that, as sure as how no one would compare after that night. It was going to be a before and after Harry, and not only because of that beautiful co*ck he carried around but because it was the first time Louis was making love.

“I want to stretch you out one day,” Harry said, voice deep and a little out of it as he scissored him slowly despite not needing to. It still felt good for Louis. It still made him gasp and squirm under Harry. “Want to have you all tight for me. First, I’m gonna open you with just my tongue and then my fingers,” he pushed three fingers past Louis’ rim, looking for something patiently. “Then, after I have come in and all over you, I would finally say, I did this, I f*cking did you, ” at the final word, Harry finally found what he was looking for, making Louis cry out as he bucked his hips, allowing the captain better access to his prostate.

“Harry,” he moaned, taking everything the captain was giving him, his fingers, his mouth, his words.

“You have no idea how f*cking beautiful you feel,” Harry murmured, still thrusting his finger over Louis’ prostate. “Want to be in you so bad, baby.”

“Please, please, I need you,” Louis panted, heart hammering and nails digging into Harry’s back.

“All you had to do was ask, lovely,” Harry kissed his shoulder one last time before pulling his finger away from Louis’ hole. “God, look at you,” he said as he sat back between the cheerleader’s legs, looking him up and down. “I want to remember you like this forever,” he rasped out before leaning down to press his lips against Louis’, kissing him slowly, filthily as one of his hands moved to the cheerleader’s leg.

Louis’ breath hitched as soon as he felt Harry push in slowly, opening his mouth, letting out a silent cry when halfway through it the captain pulled out and slowly impaled him inch by inch until he bottomed out.

“Is—Is this okay?” Harry asked, voice hoarse but a little unsure.

Louis could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Yes,” Louis gasped, “You ah—you feel perfect inside.” He settled for, instead of saying something stupid, like nothing had ever felt more right in his life than Harry’s perfect co*ck splitting him open.

“f*ck, wait a second,” Harry closed his eyes, body tense on top of him. “I—sorry, just let me…” he trailed off. Louis resisted the urges to kiss him. “I’m gonna move, I promise. Just wait one more second.”

“Okay,” Louis breathed out, half in love with the man over him, “Take your time.” He cupped his face, thumb caressing his cheekbone.

“f*ck it,” Harry whispered before kissing Louis roughly, hand moving between their bodies, skillfully pumping the cheerleader’s co*ck and then… then, he began to move. Slow and deep thrusts, at first filled with caution, turn into something more primal.

Pleasure built inside Louis with every thrust, so strong and overwhelming his blood felt like melting lava. Harry was bigger than many he had been with before and the thing the cheerleader felt for him didn’t compare with anyone. It was a groundbreaking moment for him.

Harry moved Louis’ leg up, finding the perfect rhythm. It was the best thing Louis had ever felt, until the man finally found his prostate, ripping out a loud cry from his body. Now, that was the best feeling Louis had ever felt.

“f*ck, I love you like this,” Harry grunted close to his lips, still pummeling that bundle of nerves that made his toes curl in pleasure. “Your face says it all. You cannot hide a thing right now,” the hand wrapped around Louis’ co*ck mimicked the short and jerky thrusts, opening him up.

“I’m close, Harry—”

“Oh I know baby,” he said, tugging Louis’ bottom lip between his teeth. “You are squeezing me so tightly. Do you want my come, lovely? Want me to feed you?”

It was as if a switch turned on in Louis’ lower belly, one minute he was panting and gasping but still in full control of his body and the next the most earth shattering org*sm assaulted his body, crying Harry’s name as he came all over his fist.

“f*ck, you’re gorgeous, f*ck, I—” Harry hissed, shoving his co*ck as deep inside as he could, the muscles of his back, jerking under Louis’ touch as he began to fill Louis with thick ropes of come, riding his org*sm, face buried in Louis’ neck, licking the faint bruises on his skin.

It shouldn’t be a big deal, but it was. Not for the reason most people thought, though. It was special not because he was Harry’s first but because of what it made Louis feel.

Louis could no longer deny it anymore, he didn’t just love the man on top of him, he was in love with Harry Styles.

peaches and soft myth - Chapter 2 - outropeace (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.