Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)

Label Ow Your and Don't Let Your Subscription Expire VOL. 78 STATESVILLE, N. C. MONDAY, JULY 9, 1951 Move To Oust The Secretary Of State To Bring Close Fight Eric Johnston Says Much Cheaper Dollar Will Result If Economic Controls Are Tossed Out WASHINGTON, July 9-It has been predicted that a Republican move in the House Appropriations Committee to cut off the pay of State Secretary Dean Acheson is likely to bring a close fight. That is the view expressed by Missouri's Democratic Representative Clarence Cannon, chairman of the committee.

The showdown on the issue will come next week when the committee considers the annual State Department appropriation bill. Funds for the commerce and justice departments and the federal judiciary are tied in with the State Department measure. The Acheson pay amendment to the bill was drafted by California's Republican representative John Phillips. It would withhold the pay of any department official who at any time in the last five years has been connected with a law firm representing a foreign government. Acheson's former Washington firm once represented Poland.

Cannon said the amendment, if, adopted, "will get not only Acheson, but John Foster Dulles, the Republican spokesman in the State De- partment. 30 Cent Dollar Seen ston has said "A much cheaper dolEconomic Stabilizer Eric Johncd lar" will result if economic controls are tossed out. He said this is a copyrighted interview with the U. S. News and World Report and forecast a government deficit between five anal seven billion dollars this year.

Johnston said the present dollar is worth from 53 to 54 cents in terms of 1939 values and declared, that the scrapping of would reduce this value to 30 or 40 cents. Over 50 Amendments The House of Representatives is scheduled to start voting today on a bill extending existing wage, rent, price and other controls. But before they can reach final decision the Representatives will have to plow their way through more than 50 amendments, some extremely I controversial, and this is likely to take several days. Administration leaders say they believe some sort of extension bill will be passed before the end of the week. But the most optimistic feel that it will fall short of administra.

tion desires. Issue Complicated The entire issue is being complicated by the Korean truce talks, with some Congressmen taking the line that a Far Eastern cease-fire will make all controls unnecessary. At the other extreme are those who take the administration line that Korea is an isolated battle in the war against communism and that a relaxation of controls would be highly dangerous. The House bill calls for an extension of one year and is composed of 57 amendments to the defense production act of 1950. It is expected that from 20 to 30 additional amendments will be offered from the floor of the House in the course of the debate.

There will be a tentative vote on every amendment and, probably, a final roll call when all have been considered. Warren H. Wall Is Arrested On Four Counts The Statesville Police Department today reported the arrest early Saturday night of Warren Harding Wall, 29, of Fourth street. He was arrested on Fayetteville Avenue on four counts and filed $300 bond for appearance in City court tonight. The charges include reckless driving, having no operator's license, using loud and profane language, and resisting arrest.

It was also reported by police that Fowler's Food Mart Davie Avenue, was entered some time Saturday night, but it appeared that nothing was taken. The cash register had been tampered with. Entry was made through a window on the west side of the building, the police report said. W. M.

Sherrill Takes Position With Insulation Co. Mr. W. M. (Bill) Sherrill has accepted a position as assistant office manager and floor salesman with the Statesville InsulaMon Company.

He took up his Asition July 6. Mr. Sherrill is a graduate of Wake Forest College and has recently been associated with the Paul Revere Life Insurance CompAny. The Date On The Label Is The Date Your Paper Will Be Stopped! NO.7 GERMANS VISIT IREDELL TODAY ON STUDY TOUR A German agricultural credit team, conducted by representatives of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia, is making study tour of agricultural credit operations in the Fifth Federal Reserve District and selected Statesville for one of its visits today. The team consisted of Dr.

Hellmuth Hagenguth, Dr. Friedrich Steding and Dr. Gunther Noell, together with Mr. Horace G. Porter, Agricultural Economist, and 'Stuart P.

Fishburne, of the Bank Relations Department, both with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The group arrived in Statesville around noon Friday and visited the office of Mr. Roger Murdoch County Agent, to see firsthand what a County agent's office looks like and how it operates. The group went Merchants and Farthen, together, with Mr. Murdoch mers Bank where they were entertained at a luncheon conference in the lounge by the officers of the bank.

They were served a delightful Southern meal including country ham, fried chicken and all the fixings. Following the luncheon conference, Mr. Murdoch conducted the group on a tour of the Gilbert Bell farm which was used several years ago as a farm for the Farmer-Banker Meeting held here. The group was very much impressed with the progress shown on this farm and the general agricultural development in this section. and Iredell should feel honored to have been selected as one of the demonstration stops on this study tour.

Late in the afternoon the group left Statesville for Greensboro to spend the night and on to Rox-1 boro, North Carolina, for a similar stop there on Saturday. First Baptist To Open Bids On August 28th The Rev. James S. Potter, pastor of the First Baptist church announced to his congregation yesterday that bids for the tion of the First Baptist's new church building will be opened August 28. Mr.

Potter, in what he termed "the most important announcement" he has ever made from the pulpit, said the architects, C. C. Benton and Sons of Wilson, have submitted plans and specifications for the new structure various contractors. He said once the bids are in First Baptists will know what they can or cannot do about the new church. He expressed the I hope that the bids will not be and that construetion can begin immediately.

The proposed church wli be erected on the First Baptist building site comprising the 700 block of Davie Avenue. Flake Mullis Must Serve Term In State Prison Flake Mullis, North Iredell resident, tried and convicted in the January, 1951, term of Iredell Superior court on a charge a of assault on a female with intent to commit rape, was taken into custody by the Sheriff's department Saturday and placed in the Iredell jail to await removal to the state prison to begin his sentence of from two and a half to five years. Mullis appealed the Superior court verdict and was recently denied a new trial by the state Supreme court. Four Local Men Join The Navy Four men from this area enlisted in the Navy last week according to Chief P. M.

Parks, local navy Recruiter today. They were: Burl Franklin Little, Nelson Leon chell, Delton Jack MeLelland, Roy Everette McSwain. Mr. MeSwain enlisted in the Navy Air Corp and will receive additional schooling at one of the Navy Air Schools in Jacksonville, Florida, after completing recruit ing. All were transferred to the Naval Traning Center at San Diego, California, for recruit training.

C. HOWARD GANT DIES FOLLOWING A LONG ILLNESS Mr. Charlie Howard Gant, a well known business man of Statesville, passed away early this morning at the Davis Hospital, following an extended illness. A son of the late P. A.

and Sara Jane Gant, he was born June 26, 1890, in this county and lived here all his life. At the time of his death he owned and successfully operated the farm on which he was reared. He was also operator of the Transfer and Service Company, and was former owner of the Transfor Company Milk Route and for 30 owned the Motor years Transfer Co. On February, 12, 1912, he was married to former Miss Corrie Thomas, who survives. Other survivors include two sisters, Mrs.

G. Nash, of Statesville 3, Mrs. E. R. Green, of Statesville; three brothers, Mr.

R. Gant, of High Point; Mr. Gant, of Durham, and Mr. Ray Gant, of Statesville. He was a member of the Patriotice Order Sons of America.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from Western Avenue Baptist church, of which he was a ber, conducted by Rev. Wendell Davis, pastor. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Messrs. P.

R. Poole, Mott Rumple, Guy Waugh, Lonnie Joyner, Milton Clary and Marshall Goforth. Honorary pallbearers will include neighbors and business associates. Mrs. J.

H. Thomas and Mrs. Fleet Brown will receive flowers. Miss Rash Will Accept Call To Shreveport, La, Miss Geraldine Rash, director of religious education at Broad Street Methodist church, has received a call to become director of Christian Education in the First Methodist church of Shreveport, La. This is the fifth largest Methodist church in America with a membership of more than 5,000 and an active staff of 20.

As director of religious education in this church Miss Rash will have one of the leading positions in the field of Christian education in the entire Methodist church. Rev. R. G. Tuttle, pastor of Broad Street Methodist church, in announcing Miss Rash's call to the Shreveport church and the tendering of her resignation to the Broad Street church, said that the entire church, the pastor, board of stewards and board of education of the church, regret very much the loss I of Miss Rash's guidance in the church's educational program, but feel they cannot stand between her and the opportunity for wider service that she is given.

Her resignation is therefore accepted by the church, to become effective November 1 when she will go to the Shreveport church. Miss Rash is presently attending a national conference of directors of religious education in Colorado. She will return to her duties at the Broad Street church at the conclusion of the conference. Miller's Market Robbed Of Candy And Merchandise Miller's market on North Meeting street was entered some time Friday night, the robbers getting some candy, cigarettes and $7 or $8 in cashAccording to police report, the store was entered through window on south side. The total value of stolen merchandise and money was estimated at $21-65.

Firemen Answer Two Calls Friday The firemen answered two calla Friday afternoon. The first, call at 12:45 o'clock was from the home of W. W. Layton, near the State Farm. The fire caught in a stubble field, but did no damage.

The second Friday afternoon call was at 2:50 o'clock from the Statesville Veneer Company, the alarm coming in automatically from Box 17. There was some trouble in the mechanism of the alarm system, but there was no fire, New Sterling To Hold Its Annual Homecoming Day Sabbath Day, July 29th, will be Homecoming Day at New Sterling A. R. P. church according to the announcement made by Rev.

W. F. Mitchell, pastor. Sabbath school, under the direction of Mr. Leroy Johnson, the superintendent, will be held at 10 a.m.

to begin the day's activities. The morning worship service wll be conducted by Rev. W. F. Mitchell and Rev.

W. H. Blair, a former pastor of New Sterling, will preach the sermon. Dinner will be served at 12:30 and an old fashioned singing program will be presented in the early afternoon. Mr.

Mitchell said that this announcement is being made early so that the members, former members, and friends of New Sterling church could begin now to make their plans to be present for this special ocasion. Lovitt Roseboro Is Arrested For Assault On Wife Lovitt Roseboro, colored, 40, of North Race street, was arrested by the Police Department Saturday morning at 6:35 o'clock on a warrant signed by his wife, Amie Roseboro, charging him with assault on her with a deadIly weapon, towit, a knife. He is to have a hearing in the police court tonight. Iredell Is Above State Average In Infant Deaths Iredell county with an average of 46.2 per thousand, is slightly above the State average of 34.7 per thousand in the death rate of babies who do not live to be one year old. A table of statistics carried in the current issue of "We The People" shows that Iredell ranks 77th in the counties with its average of 46.2 per 1,000.

The statistics are based on 1950 reports. The highest percentage of infant deaths is Duplin county with 61.3 and the lowest is Yancey with 15.1. For 1950 there were 104,248 live births in North Carolina and of that number 3,622 died in the first year. Justice Hears Four Cases Justice of the Peace H. S.

Douglass heard four cases of traffic law violations Saturday. Dwight Moody Windsor, for driving on the wrong side of the road, Ralph Lee White, for operating a motor vehicle with improper brakes, and John Esther Rankin, for driving a car with bad brakes, each paid a fine of $5 and the costs. All three defendants were cited by State Highway Patrolman T. G. Roberts.

Earl William Carney, cited by Constable D. E. Owens for speeding, paid a fine of $15 and the costs. The Union Grove Class Of 1939 To Hold Reunion The Union Grove High School Class of 1939 will have a reunion, in the school lunch room, at 12 noon on Sunday July 15th. All members and their families are requested to come and bring a pienic lunch.

Firemen Put Out Auto Fire At 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Statesville firemen were called to put out an automobile fire on the Monroe street extension, outside the city limits. The car, belonging to Conner Jordan, caught fire among the wiring, doing some damage to motor, as well as the wiring. PAYS $10 FINE James Paul Winters, cited by State Highway Patrolman T. G. Roberts for using dealer's tag on service truck, appeared before Justice of the Peace H.

S. Douglass Friday morning and paid a fine of $10 and the costs. FUNERAL RITES TODAY AT 5 FOR MRS. BARRINGER Funeral services for Mrs. Frances Wagner Barringer will be held this afternoon at 5.

o'clock from her home in Brookdale and interment will be in the family plot in Oakwood. Mrs. Barringer was the former Miss Frances Wagner and she had lived in Statesville since she was three and a half years old. She was born in Newton in June, 1913, a daughter of Mrs. Catherine Deal Wagner and the late Mr.

John M. Wagner. She came to Statesville to be with her uncle and aunt, the late Mr. and Mrs. C.

H. Turner, and she grew up as a daughter in their home. Mrs. Turner was a sister of her mother. She attended the city schools of Statesville and went to Chatham Hall, where she graduated in 1929.

Later she attended Mitchell College. After she had completed her education she took a position in the office of the Turner Manufacturing Company and worked there for a number of years. At the time of her death she was vice president of the Turner Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Barringer's husband was Mr.

Ardrey W. Barringer of Statesville. He was drowned in 1946 while on a hunting trip near Charleston, S. C. She is survived by three child.

ren, Sue Betty, Margaret Deal and Ardrey W. Barringer, all of the home in Brookdale. Her mother, Mrs. John M. Wagner of Statesville survives, one brother, Mr.

Jack M. Wagner of Statesville and two sisters, Mrs. Herbert J. Woods, of Greensboro, Mrs. John Sherrill of Maiden.

Mrs. Barringer. died Sunday morning about 7:30 o'clock in the Conway, S. C. hospital, after a brief illness.

Death was attributed to cerebral hemorrhage. She was at Myrtle Beach, S. C. when she was taken sick and was removed to the Conway hospital. Her brother, Mr.

Jack Wagner, left for Conway a as soon as he learned of her illness and he was with her when she died. The body was brought to Statesville Sunday afternoon and will be taken to the residence this afternoon from the Nicholson Funeral Home. Mrs. Barringer was reared in the Methodist church and joined the First Presbyterian church of Statesville after her marriage to Mr. Barringer.

Rev. Robert G. Tuttle of the Broad Street Methodist church will conduct the services this afternoon. Her pastor, Rev. N.

R. McGeachy, is out of town. Pastor Of Sharon Mount Hermon Parish Ordained Ernest Winford Ridenhour, of Albemarle, who to be pastor of the Sharon- Mount Hermon Parish in Iredell county, was one of nine young North Carolinians ordained to the Lutheran ministry Sunday afternoon in a service at St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church at Dallas. Mr. Ridenhour is a graduate of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.

C. Dr. John Hall, of Newton, preached the ordinat on sermon. The Act of Ordination was by the president of the United Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, Dr. F.

L. Conrad, and Rev. J. Linn, one of the ordinands, adArthur Linn, father of Hubert C. ministered the Lord's Supper.

a Lawrence G. Sides Here For A Visit From San Diego Lawrence G. Sides, Engineman Fireman apprentice, and Mrs. Sides, arrived from San Diego, California, today to visit Mr. Sides' parents, Mr.

and Mrs. G. Sides, at 121 Salisbury RoadThe visit is delay route for Mr. Lawrence Sides who graduated from Diesel School in San Diego, California, on July 2nd and will report in San Francisco on July 14 for transportation to Subic Bay, Philippine Islands, for further assignment. Mrs.

Lawrence Sides, the former Miss Marlene Reavis, will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Reavis in Troutman when her husband leaves for San Francisco. SUSAN KATHY SCOTT Born at Davis hospital July 7 to Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Scott, of 239 North Race street, a daughter, SuKathy. Mrs. Scott is the forsan mer Miss Mildred Weber. Says The Reds Must Prove Good Faith By Their Performance Allied Commander Declares Agreement On An Armistice Must Precede Cessation Of Hostilities TOKYO, July 9- General Ridgway has warned that it's no sure thing peace will come from the armistice negotiations which get underway in Korea in a few hours. Ridgway told correspondents: "Whether there is to be good faith or not is only to be judged by performance, and we haven't come to the performance stage.

Agreement on an armistice must precede a cessation of hostilities." Ridgway flew to Korea from his Tokyo headquarters. He went first to Seoul, and shortly after traveled by light plane with three of his truce negotiators to the advanced "peace camp" near Munsan. The two other members of the five-man U. N. negotiating team were already there.

Ridgway gave the envoys their final instructions, then returned to Seoul. The Allied commander disclosed that he selected the five negotiators himself and that he reserves the right to change the delegates at any time. The peace camp is only a few minutes flying time from Kaesong, the ancient Korean capital where the armistice talks will be held. R. C.

Bryson Named To City School Board R. C. Bryson, of 210 East End venue. an executive of the Statesville Flour Mills, was FriGay evening named to the ville City School Board by the City Council to fill the vacancy created by the retirement from the board of J. M.

Wagner, who has moved "his residence outside the city. Mr. Bryson was named to the post upon recommendation of the school board. He will serve only until the next city general election at which time he must come up for regular election to the board. In presenting the recommendation for Mr.

Bryson's membership, the school board was represented before the council by Fred Bunch, Jr. Meantime, it was announced that the board's earlier recommendation that Dr. Paul Deaton be appointed to the vacancy had been withdrawn at the request of Dr. Deaton due to the Continued On Page Three Two Arrested For Driving Drunk The Police Department reports, the apprehension of two defendants charged with driving under the influence of an intoxicant, one having the additional charge of carrying 8 pistol concealed. At 1:55 Thursday afternoon the police arrested John Calvin Turner, 47, of Route 7, charged with driving drunk and carrying a concealed weapon, to-wit, 8 pistol.

Lynn T. Watts, 22, of Taylorsville, apprehended Thursday 'night on Washington street, charged with driving, drunk, Turner was released under $400 bond, but Watts had not filed bond this morning. Klutz Moves Here From Charlotte Mr. H. V.

Klutz, who is with Klutz-Schafer Furniture Company of this city, has bought the former home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Lazenby in Brookdale.

He and his family are moved there from Charlotte Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lazenby and their daughter, Miss Mary Lazenby, have taken an apartment in the recently completed duplex house on East Broad extension. Meeting To Begin At Rock Hill Ch.

The protracted meeting will begin at Rock Hill church, route 2, Statesville, on the second Sunday in July, July 15. The public is invited to attend. Rev. Mr. Lucks and Rev.

Lester will conduct the services, preaching each throughout the week. LEAVE FOR TWO WEEKS VACATION IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Robbins, Mr. and Mrs, John Lewis, Mr.

and Mrs. B. M. Garrison left Saturday for a two weeks vacation at Daytona Beach, Florida. Mr.

and Mrs. Hugh King of Florence, S. C. joined them at the beach and will be there for two weeks also, County Board Holds A Special Session Friday The Board of Commissioners met in special session on Frday night, July 6, in the Commissioners Room of the Court House, wth the following members present: John F. Long, chairman; J.

L. McLain, and R. C. Millsaps. "Sealed bids on the roof.

of the living quarter of the jail were opened. On motion by R. C. Millsaps, seconded by J. L.

McLain, the low bid submitted by contractor Alex Ross of Statesville in the amount $1,020.00 was accepted. A 25-ft. electric refrigerator was ordered purchased for the County Home. The County Manager was authorized to place an order with the Statesville Fabricating Company for the installation of Jail screen windows in the amount of $708.96. Mr.

Durham and Mr. Shaw, UL the Forestry Serve, appeared and discussed their contract for 1951-52. Final action was deferred. Lt. S.

L. Willard and Sgt. B. L. Walker of the newly organized Highway Patrol Division were introduced to the board and made a request for office space Action on this was deferred until a later, date so that necessary ments can be made.

The board continued their work on the 1951-52 budget, after which the meeting was adjourned. Lynne T. Watts Fined $105 For Driving Drunk A special session of Iredell Recorder's court was convened Satarday to hear the case of Lynne T. Watts, Taylorsville, Route 2, charged with driving while cated. The defendant entered plea of guilty to the charge and was sentenced to four months 011 the roads, suspended upon payment of a fine of $105 and the costs.

He had no operators license, but was ordered not to operate motor vehicle for one year. Chas. P. Galliher's Will Is Probated The will of Charles Patrick Galliher, which has been probated in the office of Clerk of Superior Court C. G.

Smith, leaves $20 in cash to his wife, and all of his estate, real and personal property, to his children, James Kerr Galliher, Nettie Miller, Ola Suther, Glenn Galliher, Guy Alexander Galliher, Jettie Owens, share and share alike. The will dated May 15, 1944, names a son, Guy Alexander Galliher, now deceased. as ecutor. Blowing Rocket To Start Current Season Today The Blowing Rocket, widely known summer weekly newspaper of Blowing Rock will start the current season with the issue of Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Rankin are the new owners and publishers of the paper. Mrs. Rankin, the former Miss "Sandy" Spilman. of Statesville, is a niece of Mr.

C. V. Henkel, Jr. who established the Blowing Rocket in 1932. Talks Begin Tuesday The talks probably will begin about 10 A.

M. Tuesday, Korean time, which is eight o'clock tonight, Eastern daylight time. General Ridgway will keep himself available during the talks. At the end of each day's session, the Allied commander plans to confer with his chief delegate, Vice Ad. miral C.

Turner Joy. The U. N. delegation probably will fly to Kaesong by helicopter about one hour before the talks are due to get underway. There has been no announcement of when the Red delegation will arrive, or how it will travel.

But it's assumed the Reds will travel by road, and that U. N. war. planes will steer clear of the designated highway under security plans probably worked out at yesterday's preliminary conference. There's been no guesswork on how long the talks may last.

One Continued On Page Three- Miss Stribling Home From China Miss Frances Stribling reached her home in Walhalla, C. on April 22. She left Chins, where she had been doing mission work, on 25, had passage on the "President Wilson" and arrived at San Francisco 01L April 11. In a letter written after her arrival home she said: "It has been only four years since I left the U. S.

but during these four years much has happened in the world. the world is looking to us for leadership." Speaking of the Christian Chinese among whom she worked she said. from prayer there is nothing concrete we can do to help them but we can believe in them, can pray constantly for them that they may be kept firm in their faith and may be given grace and wisdom. It is a dark hour, but with God nothing is impossible. of herself she said "I really think I should attach photo of myself to this so you could see for yourselves how well I am.

Most people who have seen me bave looked me over incredulously and then remarked in relief, "Why, you look Rev. John Oakley Will Assist In Midway Revival in the Statesville charge. The meeting will begin July 25 and will continue through August 5. There will be services each evening at 8 o'clock and each Sunday morning at 11. Everyone is invited to attend and to take a part in the revival services.

Rev. John Oakley will assist Rev. Mr. Folger in a revival meet. ing at Midway Methodist church' S-Sgt.

Ray Salmons Arrives Home For A 20-Day Leave Staff Sergeant Ray Salmons atrived here Saturday, just a few hours after the funeral of Bin brother, Mr. Eugene Salmons, wha was drowned in the Catawba river on June 27. Sergeant Salmons is stationed in Spokane, Washington. He will have a 20-day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. w. Salmons on Lackey street. The third son of the family, Sergeant J. W.

Salmons, U. 9. Army, la stationed in Mores..

Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.