Transcript Explanation (2024)

Grade and Credit Point System

The following grades are considered in computing semester or cumulative grade averages. Plus and minus grades are computed in cumulative averages effective First Semester 1977-78. Repeated courses or hours with a grade of "F" are counted when computing grade averages but do not count toward the earned hours required for degrees.

A+(4.0 Pts.)B+(3.3 Pts.)C+(2.3 Pts.)D+(1.3 Pts.)
A(4.0 Pts.)B(3.0 Pts.)C(2.0 Pts.)D(1.0 Pts.)
A‑(3.7 Pts.)B-(2.7 Pts.)C-(1.7 Pts.)D-(0.7 Pts.)
WFWithdrawn--Failing (0 Pts.) (Discontinued First Semester 1977-78)
FFailing (0 Pts.)

The following grades are not considered in computing IU semester or cumulative university grade point averages:

AUAudit--No credit (Discontinued 1965)
AXthroughDX (Including plus and minus grades) Denotes a graded course subsequently retaken under the Extended-X Policy (effective Fall 1994) (See Undergraduate GPA exception below).
CF Credited on Certificate (Discontinued 1965)
DF Deferred (Discontinued 1965; Treated as Incomplete)
E Conditional (Discontinued 1965; Treated as Incomplete)
EX Exemption (Discontinued 1965)
FX Denotes a course originally failed and subsequently retaken during or after First Semester 1976-77 under the FX or Extended-X Policy (See Undergraduate GPA exception below).
I Incomplete (Effective First Semester 1977-78, automatically changed to F after one calendar year; See also grade of R.)
NC No Credit (Established 1971); replaced AUDIT (AU)
NR No Report Submitted by Instructor (Used for unreported grades for prior semesters or coursework that has not been graded for the current semester)
NY Used to signify enrollment in a special program for which credit when earned will be shown as an ADDITIONAL entry on the permanent academic record.
O Denotes an Incomplete in a course taught through Purdue University.
P Passed (Pass/Fail Option) (The Pass/Fail Option permits graduate and undergraduate students to enroll in a course and receive a grade of P or F. Pass/Fail Option courses are normally limited to electives. The responsibility of approval, as well as special regulations affecting the Option, rests with the dean of the student's school or division under procedures which the school or division establishes. Instructors are not notified of undergraduate students registering for this Option. A grade of P cannot subsequently be changed to a grade of A, B, C, or D.)1
R Deferred (Effective First Semester 1977-78, used for course work which can be evaluated only after two or more semesters such course work was previously graded with I.)
S Satisfactory (entire class graded S or F) 2
TDenotes credits transferred from another institution.
W Withdrawn--Passing (Prior to Second Semester 1974-75, used to indicate withdrawal while passing. Effective Second Semester 1974-75, used to reflect students who withdraw while passing after the official Drop and Add Period.)
X Pre-1965, denotes Passed Without Grade (Treated as Satisfactory)
Beginning Fall 2021, denotes a retaken/replaced letter grade (See Retaken/Replaced Explanation Below).

Repeated Courses:

Repeated courses may be counted in the student's primary program GPA (Student Program GPA), depending on the policies of the student's program. Repeated courses do not count toward the earned hours required for degrees unless the course is defined as repeatable for credit.

Retaken/Replaced Explanation

Beginning Fall 2021, per the ACA-66 Grades and Grading Policy, the historical FX and Extended-X policies were succeeded by an X (retaken/replaced) policy. Under the revised policy, both enrollments in the course remain on the record, but only an "X" is recorded on the transcript for the original course.

Courses that were retaken under the conditions of the "FX Policy" (effective First Semester 1976-77 through Fall 2021) or the "Extended-X" (effective 1994 through Fall 2021 Retaken Course/GPA Exclusion) Policy are noted with an "X" following the letter grade. Under these policies, both enrollments in the course and their grades remain on the transcript. These letter plus "X" grades may or may not be excluded from academic program credit hours and grade point averages depending on the policy of the student's primary program. Historically, only some Indiana University programs have honored the Extended-X Policy.

1In accordance with the Indiana University Grades and Grading policy, during a state of emergency, the closing of a campus, or other extraordinary circ*mstances for a prolonged period that affects an entire campus, a student may elect to change a regular letter grade (of D- or higher) to P (Pass) with the approval of the student’s dean under the procedures established by the student’s school or division.

Spring 2020
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, this exception was authorized for all campuses of Indiana University.

2In accordance with the Indiana University Grades and Grading policy, during a state of emergency, the closing of a campus, or other extraordinary circ*mstances for a prolonged period that affects an entire campus, an instructor may award an S grade to some or all students in a course who had enrolled in the course for letter grades. Permission of the Dean of the unit that is offering the course is required, with documented notification to the student(s), based on the determination that awarding an S rather than a letter grade will not adversely affect a student’s academic progress, status or eligibility for benefits. Each campus faculty governance organization, in consultation with the provost/chancellor and the campus registrar, shall develop procedures to implement this exception on their campus.

Spring 2020
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, this exception was authorized for all campuses of Indiana University because instructional modalities and pedagogies for nearly all courses were altered in mid semester and continued for the remainder of the term. In response to the unique circ*mstance, changes to instruction and academic policies occurred.

On the Bloomington campus “S” grades awarded this semester will satisfy requirements at graduate and undergraduate levels for major, program, school, and campus requirements. This includes campus general education requirements for undergraduates.

On the Columbus, East, Fort Wayne, IUPUI, Northwest, Kokomo, South Bend and Southeast campuses “S” grades are defined as equivalent to grades of C or better. “S” grades awarded this semester will satisfy requirements ag graduate and undergraduate levels for major, program, school, and campus requirements. This includes campus general education requirements for undergraduates.

Record Format

The “Official Transcript” standard format lists course history, grades and GPA information in chronological order sorted by the student's academic level. The "Official Transcript with Enrollment" provides the same information as the standard transcript but also includes all courses in which a student is currently enrolled. "Official Transcript" or "Official Transcript with Enrollment" (without an academic level designation) indicates that the document contains all work completed at Indiana University. A student may also request a transcript of only those courses taken at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional (Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry) level. In these cases, the title of the document will reflect which academic level is represented. (Note: The graduate academic level may be subdivided into more than one “Graduate” grouping due to academic calendar differences.)

The Student Program GPA is calculated according to the rules determined by the student's academic program at the time of printing. This GPA is subject to change whenever the student changes programs. The cumulative Student Program GPA statistics are reflected at the end of each student career level and are based on the student's last active primary program at that level.

Transfer, Test, and Special Credit

Courses accepted in transfer from other institutions are listed under a Transfer Credit heading. Generally, a grade of "T" (transfer grade) is assigned and the course numbers, titles, and credit hours assigned reflect Indiana University equivalents. Transfer hours with a grade of "T" are not reflected in the cumulative grade averages, however the hours are included in the "Hrs Earned" field.

A course suitable for credit which does not parallel an Indiana University course at the campus of evaluation may be designated by a course subject followed by "-UN" (undistributed credit) and a number indicating an equivalent Indiana University course (class) level. For example, HIST-UN 200 represents a 200 (sophom*ore) level History course. Applicability of accepted transfer credit toward a particular degree is determined by the Indiana University school or division offering the degree program.

Credit awarded as a result of placement tests, credit by examination, or successful completion of a higher level course may be reflected as Special Credit with a transcript note or may appear as separately designated "Test or Special Credit." The total number of transfer and test hours on the record appears in a separate Transfer/Test Hours Passed category in the Student Program Summary.

Note that there are exceptions to these general transfer credit policies related to transfer work from Purdue University campuses and Purdue State Wide Technology programs located on Indiana University campuses. For further details, see the Transfer Credit Exceptions section below..

Transfer Credit Exceptions

There are exceptions to the general transfer credit policies related to transfer work from Purdue University campuses and Purdue University State Wide Technology programs located on Indiana University campuses. One major category of this type of exception is Purdue University coursework taken at an Indiana University/Purdue University campus and coursework taken via the Purdue University State Wide Technology Programs on Indiana University campuses. This course work is displayed with course hours and grades and, in addition, this work will be included in the Student Program GPA statistics.

Other types of Purdue University coursework with grades are accepted by Indiana University.


Indiana University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( (312-263-0456). Accreditation covers all courses and programs offered at all campuses of Indiana University. See the appropriate school bulletins for other accreditations.


A transcript issued by Indiana University reflects course work completed at any campus: Bloomington, Columbus (IUPUC), Fort Wayne (IPFW), Gary (Northwest), Indianapolis (IUPUI), Kokomo, New Albany (Southeast), Richmond (East), South Bend. A transcript issued by Indiana University is official when it displays the Registrar’s signature and the university seal and is printed on Indiana University paper. This official university transcript is printed on SCRIP-SAFE® paper and does not require a raised seal.

Course Numbering System

Prior to 1950: Courses numbered 200 and above are upper division.

Since 1950:

Undergraduate Courses
Lower Division100 through 299
Freshman100 through 199
Sophom*ore200 through 299
Upper Division300 through 499
Junior300 through 399
Senior400 through 499
Graduate Courses
Graduate Division
300 through 999 (The University Graduate School)
500 through 999 (Other graduate division except for certain ensemble courses in Music)

Credit hours for courses numbered 000 through 099 do not apply to the total hours required for an Indiana University degree. However, enrollment in and satisfactory completion of such courses may be required for completion of a degree program.

Purdue Course Numbering
The numbering system designates the level of the course with 00100-09900 pre-college, remedial, deficiency and non-degree courses; 10000-29999 lower division; 30000-49999 upper division; 50000-59999 graduate courses open to upper-division undergraduates; 60000-69999 graduate courses and 80000-89999 professional courses.
Note: Prior to Fall 2008, three-digit course numbers were used, (e.g. ENGR 195). As of Fall 2008, five-digit course numbers were implemented, (e.g. ENGR 19500).

Credit System and Calendar

The Indiana University calendar is based on the semester system. A standard semester contains at least 15 weeks of instruction, including final exams. Summer sessions vary in length. In all cases, the usual 3 credit lecture class meets for a minimum of approximately 2000 minutes, excluding the final examination period.

Good Academic Standing

With the exception of Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne (IPFW), for University certification purposes, an undergraduate student with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or above or a graduate student with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above is considered to be in good academic standing. For IPFW, for purposes of reports and communications to other institutions, and in the absence of any further qualifications of the term, a student is considered in good standing unless the student has been dismissed, suspended or dropped from IPFW and not readmitted.

Plus and Minus Grade History

Plus (+) and minus (-) grades prior to First Semester 1977-78 were not available to undergraduate students. Although plus and minus grades for graduate students enrolled in certain schools maybe printed on the record, they are not calculated as plus and minus grades in the cumulative averages prior to First Semester 1977-78. Effective First Semester 1977-78, plus and minus grades printed on the record are included in both graduate and undergraduate cumulative averages. Two levels of cumulative averages may be calculated on the record: the undergraduate summary reflects all courses taken by the student while enrolled as an undergraduate; the graduate summary reflects all courses taken by the student while enrolled as a graduate.

Inter-institutional Records

The Eastern Indiana Center was established by Earlham College and Indiana University in 1946. Indiana University maintained these academic records. In 1967, the organization of the Center was modified to include Ball State University and Purdue University; and, from September 1967 to August 1971, records were maintained at the Center. In September 1970, Indiana University approved a plan to accept the Center as a regional campus (Indiana University East). As a result, the records of students beginning First Semester 1971-72 are maintained by Indiana University. In addition, Indiana University assimilated all the records maintained by the Center from First Semester 1967 68 through Summer 1971. The records of students enrolled at the Center are identified as Eastern Indiana Center. Courses taught by Indiana University are computed in the student's grade point average; courses taught by Ball State University, Purdue University, and Earlham College are not. Duplication of work resulting from the assimilation of the Eastern Indiana Center records is noted.

Beginning the First Semester 1970 71, the Indianapolis Extension of Purdue University and Indianapolis Regional Campus of Indiana University were combined into one institution to be known as Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI). Indiana University was directed to maintain all academic records including the complete academic records of all Purdue students who were enrolled at IUPUI during the Summer 1971 or First Semester 1971-72. The Purdue University records were transferred from Purdue University and recorded by Indiana University without evaluation except that the courses were not calculated in the grade averages. Duplication of credit resulting from the assimilation of these Purdue records is noted.

Indiana University Bloomington also maintains records from the following institutions: Fort Wayne Art Institute (1922-1976), Frankfort High School Freshman College Work Program (1936-1937), Gary College (1932-1948), Kokomo Junior College (1934-1945), Martinsville High School Freshman College Work Program (1933-1934), Normal College of the American Gymnastics Union (1886-1941), and Winona Lake Summer School (1895-1925). IUPUI maintains records from Herron School of Art (1902-1967).

IUPUI RISE Challenge Notations

As of Fall 2009, students graduating from the IUPUI campus may have a designation showing completion of the IUPUI RISE Challenge. The RISE to the IUPUI Challenge encourages undergraduate students to include into their Bachelor’s degree program at least two RISE experiences in Research, International Study, Experiential or Service Learning. After successful completion of at least two of the four possible experiences, a notation is placed on the student’s official transcript recognizing this milestone. For more information about the RISE Challenge, please visit the RISE Challenge website.

Non-Course Milestones - INDIANA STGEC Completion

At Indiana University the official transcript will carry the designation, "Indiana STGEC - <campus of completion>; Milestone Status: Completed" when the student has completed the statewide transfer general education core at one of IU’s campuses.

As of Fall 2013, the General Assembly of the State of Indiana charged each state educational institution, in collaboration with the commission for higher education, with establishing statewide standards for use by all state educational institutions to document an individual’s completion of the statewide transfer general education core. The statewide transfer general education core must be based upon a set of core competencies, translated into at least thirty (30) semester credit hours in areas agreed upon by the state educational institutions. An individual who has satisfactorily completed the statewide transfer general education core at a state educational institution, as indicated on the individual’s official transcript, may not be required to complete additional courses in the statewide transfer general education core at the state educational institution to which the individual transfers, regardless of whether the individual has received an associate degree or the delivery method of the statewide transfer general education core the individual completed.

For more information about the Indiana Statewide Transfer General Education Core, please visit the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.

Transcript Request Procedures

A student may obtain a copy of his/her own academic record in person by completing a transcript request form or by writing the Office of the Registrar at any campus of Indiana University. Requests must either be signed by the student or former student or accompanied by a release signed by the individual whose transcript is being requested. Students may also request a transcript using the online eTranscript Request Service from Indiana University. To access this service, log in with your username and password or select the Signature Option from

For the most complete information on requesting a transcript, visit the Registrar website of the campus to which you plan to submit your request. Indiana University Office of the Registrar contact information is listed below.

Registrar Contacts

IU Bloomington
Office of the Registrar
408 N. Union Street
Bloomington, IN 47405-3800
(812) 855-0121
Federal School Code: 001809

IU East
Office of the Registrar
2325 Chester Blvd.
Richmond, IN 47374-1289
(800) 959-3278
Federal School Code: 001811
IPFW Fort Wayne
Office of the Registrar
2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499
(260) 481-6100
Federal School Code: 001828
IUPUI Indianapolis
Office of the Registrar
Campus Center 250
420 University Boulevard
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-5144
(317) 274-1519
Federal School Code: 001813
IU Kokomo
Office of the Registrar
2300 South Washington St.
P.O. Box 9003
Kokomo, IN 46904-9003
(765) 455-9391
Federal School Code: 001814
IU Northwest
Office of the Registrar
3400 Broadway
Gary, IN 46408-1197
(219) 980-6815
Federal School Code: 001815
IU South Bend
Office of the Registrar
Administration Building 148
1700 Mishawaka Avenue
P.O. Box 7111
South Bend, IN 46634-7111
(574) 520-4451
Federal School Code: 001816
IU Southeast
Office of the Registrar
Library Building 100
4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150-6405
(812) 941-2240
Federal School Code: 001817
Transcript Explanation (2024)


Transcript Explanation? ›

The “Official Transcript” standard format lists course history, grades and GPA information in chronological order sorted by the student's academic level.

What information is shown on a transcript? ›

It includes your enrollment history, grades that you got, credits earned and attempted and average of grade-point. The classes would be arranged in chronological format by the enrollment semester or the quarter. The grade-point average may be given individually for each quarter, but total cumulative average is given.

What does it mean when you get a transcript? ›

Official Academic Transcripts are legal documents that record all study you have completed. A complimentary digital copy is provided when you graduate and you can order another one (for a fee).

What does "I" mean in a transcript? ›

An "I" on your transcript means "Incomplete due to illness or other unavoidable circ*mstances." It means you haven't completed the coursework for the class, but for a legitimate reason, such as illness. You must contact your professor about the coursework that needs to be finished.

What does a transcript say? ›

Usually at the top of the transcript, personal details are listed, such as full name, address, and birth date, along with the total credits earned, grade point average, and class rank. Then the transcript lists all the classes taken by the student starting from the most recent, and the grade and credits earned.

What do points mean on a transcript? ›

Grade Points: numeric value assigned to a letter grade (e.g., A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) Credit: numeric value assigned for successful completion of a course.

What does transcript mean for dummies? ›

a written, typewritten, or printed copy; something transcribed or made by transcribing. an exact copy or reproduction, especially one having an official status.

What is recorded on your transcript? ›

Most transcripts include a number and letter grade. A list of dates attended and majors. The transcript will also list the dates during which you took certain classes. Grade point average.

Do transcripts only show grades? ›

An official transcript includes a record of all credit and non-credit courses you completed within LACCD from 1974 to present, including earned grades, certificates, degrees, and academic honors.

What goes on my transcript? ›

Your transcript is evidence of the coursework and exams you completed, your grades and academic achievements, and your graduation from high school. How can I get a copy of my transcript? Your school should give you an unofficial transcript regularly.

What are the flags on a transcript? ›

There are some positive flags, like “Good Work!” But most flags address negative performance—e.g., “Low Grades,” “Attendance/Participation Concern,” and “In “Danger of Failing.” The flag's name serves as a subject line for the email, and your comments are your message to the student—i.e., your comments define the issue ...

What does f mean on transcript? ›

If the student fails a course for which he or she is registered on the credit/fail basis, the grade of F is assigned. | A graduate student who registers for a course on the credit/no credit basis and earns a grade of C or better is awarded a CR for the course.

How do I read my tax transcript for a refund date? ›

Which IRS transcript shows refund date? The cycle code on your tax transcript signifies that the IRS has received your return and is currently reviewing it. It consists of six digits, with the first four indicating the year of processing and the fifth and sixth representing the week.

Will my transcript say I graduated? ›

For official verification of your degree, you may request an official transcript. Once your requirements are completed and your degree is posted, your transcript will show your Degree conferment date.

What do letters on transcript mean? ›

“W” means withdrawn from program. “I” followed by any rating indicates In-progress- no credit awarded. “P” followed by a rating of 3 or 4 indicates credit awarded from prior learning or experience. “IC” means incomplete and is only used for academic classes. “S” means satisfactory.

What is the GPA on a transcript? ›

GPA: Grade Point Average which are calculated by dividing your quality points by the total credits you've taken. Included in GPA computation are grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.